001-1998 DM CITY OF MIAMI BEACH m Department Memorandum No. 1-1998 - -- -- -- All Department Directors Sergio Rodriguez L City Manager ~~ Subject: Fiscal Year 1998/99 Budget Development Process To: Date: January 13, 1998 From: To ensure continued public participation and improved communications during the budget process, we are once again asking that you confer with your advisory board/com m ittl3e to solicit service priorities for consideration in the upcoming budget. To that end, since City boards/committees are required to meet at least once monthly we need for you to place on your January or February committee agenda, a discussion 011 the FY 1998/99 budget. In particular, we would like you to obtain input on perceived needs and priorities for service levels within the committee's purview. These suggestions should then be forwarded to OMB, with the approval of your Assistant City Manager/Executive Assistant, in your budget submission due on February 23rd. A copy of the proposed FY 1998/99 Budget Development Calendar is attached for your reference. You will note that this assignment is the first item on the calendar. In order to provide you with time to plan, we have advised you of this request now, so you may confer with the Committee Chairman and place this item on the next agenda. If you have any questions regarding this matter, kindly advise. Thank you for your assistance in this regard. SR~:JC cc: Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager Harry S. Mavrogenes, Assistant City Manager Janet Gavarrete, Assistant City Manager Richard Bender, Executive Assistant to the City Manager Ronnie Singer, Executive Assistant to the City Manager OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET (OMB) WORK PLAN FY 1998/99 BUDGET DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Month of January/February Week of January 26 January 26-30 Week of February 2 February 23 February 24-April 3 April 6-May 1 Week of May 11 May 19 June 1 June 5 June 24 July 1 July 7 July 10 July 15 July 17 BY OR BEFORE August 24 Month of September WITHIN 15 DAYS OF FIRST PUBLIC HEARING WITHIN 3 DAYS FOLLOWING ADVERTISEMENT WITHIN 3 DAYS FOLLOWING SECOND PUBLI C HEARl NG WITHIN 30 DAYS FOLLOWING SECOND PUBLIC HEARING Departmental Board/Committee Liaisons schedule FY 199B/99 Proposed Budget for discussion at meeting to solicit riorities, OMB announces Performance-Based Budgeting Plan for select departments and advises Budget Advisory Committee (BAC) at its regular bi-monthly meeting~ Budget planning workshops and distribution of budget development packets to de artments. Department Directors confer with ACM. and/or Exec Asst during budget development for appvls; ensure input received from Bd./Cmte is addressed in their budget submission due on February 23. Last day to submit budget proposals for FY 199B/99 to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Departmental reviews with OMB and Finance Director; recommends funding level. City Manager schedules reviews with Department Directors and OMB to review budget submissions, OMB advises De artment Directors, then BAC of ro osed funding levels. BAC hosts Public Forum; invite Audit Committee, boards/committees, community grou s; review reliminary funding levels, Draft of Pro osed Budget Document to the Print Sho Draft of Proposed Budget document forwarded to the Mayor and Members of the City Commission. City Commission Workshop; obtain input on preliminary funding levels, City receives "199B CertificatlOn of Taxable Value," FORM DR-420 from the County Property Appraiser. City Manager sets final adjustments to Proposed Budget document, Pro osed Budget to Print Sho Pro osed Budget forwarded to the Mayor and Members of the City Commission. City Commission meets to set tentative ro erty millage rates. Proposed property millage, FORM DR-420, sent to County Property Appraiser and Tax Collector by 5;00 P. M. County Property Appraiser's Office mails notice of proposed property tax rates to ro erty owners. First and second public hearings; tentative and final millage rates and o erating budgets ado ted, Advertise tentative budget and millage, and date for second public hearing in N i h r H r 1 Second public hearing held to adopt final millage and budget. Final adopted millage to County Property Appraiser and Tax Collector by 5:00 p, M. Ci ty submi ts 'Terti fi cate of Comp 1 i ance," FORM DR-4B7 to Flori da Department of Revenue in Tallahassee. 1