007-1999 DMCITY OF PvflAN,'lt BEACH CIT',/ HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIx~E MIAMI BE,-~CH FLGRIC, A 33 139 OFFIC~= OF THE CITY ,~IANAGI=R DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 7-1999 TELE?HONE: (305) 873-7010 FAX: {305) ,~73-7732 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: All Department DirectomlDivision Heads DATE: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager ell G eral Liability and Vehicle Claims Reduction Procedures February 9, 1999 The City of Miami Beach self-insures for general liability and vehicle claims. Risk Management budgets approximately $2,500,000 for payment of these claims. The budgeted amount is based on actuarial recommendations and claim payment history. Frequency of claims, severity of claims (damages), legal liability (negligence/failure to correct hazards), the increased cost of medical treatment, and the current claims/litigation climate are atl elements that establish the value of a claim. The reduction of any one or all of these elements decreases the value of a claim. The City, through accountability of the Departments, Divisions and employees, can reduce those elements of frequency, severity, and legal liability. Effective risk management of liability claims requires high level emphasis on these elements if it is to be considered "important" and not merely "part of the cost of doing business". To that end, the following procedures have been established: a) For any injury claim costing $50,000 or more, or any property damage claim costing $5,000 or more, the Department Head will report to the City Manager precisely what actions will be taken to preclude a repeat of the incident that created the claim. (Risk Management will advise the Manager's Office/Department when this occurs.) b) Performance Based Budgeting Goals are to include criteria for the reduction of claim frequency. Department Heads will be assessed in their merit evaluation on claim frequency, cost, and efforts at proactive claim avoidance. c) Disciplinary action should be taken against employees whose carelessness or neglect is more than 50% responsible for a particular claim loss. Please emphasize to your employees that we all have an important responsibility to perform all aspects of our duties in such a way that exposure to liability claims is curtailed. SR:R~B:C~'~ a:\COMM-MEMO-98/deptmem1.99\GENLIABPRC CC: Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager Janet Gavarrete, Assistant City Manager Christina CueNo, Assistant City Manager Richard Bender, Executive Assistant ~o ~he City Manager/Labor Reiations Ronnie Singer, Executive Assistant to the City Manager