011-1999 DMCITY OF MIAMI BEACH Department Memorandum No. To: From: Subject: All City Employees Sergio Rodrigu City Manager CITY ELECTIONS Date: June 17, 1999 I am writing to remind all City employees of the need to observe the prohibition against engaging in political activities of any kind on City time. While everyone is free to participate in the political process and to exercise his or her ~First Amendment rights in political campaigns, no City employee may do so during his or her City time nor as part of City employment. Nor may anyone purport to speak for the City, the Administration, or any City Board or Committee in connection with any political campaign. Please help us maintain a pristine image in this regard, to the benefit both of the City of Miami Beach and of the political process itself. Thank you. SR:rr cc: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners ~mgr\$ailXdeptmen~99Xelection.mem