Notice of Proposed Tax Increase CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE OF PROPOSED TAX INCREASE The City of Miami Beach has tentatively adopted a measure to increase its property tax levy. Last year's property tax levy: A. Initially proposed tax levy .................................. $88,360,010 'B. Less tax reductions due to Value Adjustment' Board and other assessment changes .......... ~....$1,820,958 C. Actual property tax levy ..................................... $86,539,052 This year's proposed tax levy ......................................... :....$104,348,717 All concerned citizens are invited to attend a public hearing on the tax increase to be held on Tuesday, September 28, 2004, 5:01 P.M. at 1700 Convention Center Drive City Hall Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 A FINAL DECISION on the proposed tax Jncrease and the. budget will be made at this hearing. BUDGET SUMMARY CITY OF MIAMI BEACH - FISCAL YEAR 2004-05 THE PROPOSEO OPERATING BUDGET EXPENDITURES OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ARE 7,9% MORE THAN LAST YEAR'S TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES, iNTERNAL CASH BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD ESTIMATED REVENUES: Taxes: Miflage Per $1,000 Ad Valorem 7,425 (OperaUng) $79,380,929 Ad Valorem 1.123 (Norm, Shores) 92,301 Ad Valorem 0.748 (Voted Debt) 10,134,942 Franchise 7.110.000 Util~ 12,458.600 Convention Development 1,440.000 Licenses ane Permits 11.446,631 Intergovernmental Revenues 9.677,000 Charges for Services 6,141,136 Fines an¢ Foffenures 3 404,000 Interest 2.836,880 Rents and Leases 2,679,145 Miscellaneous Revenues 6,409,227 Other Financing Sources 27.094.029 TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES ~178.304,820 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES AND IIALANCF.~ $178,304.820 General Government $27,567,003 Public Safety 105,893,007 Physical Environment 4,44t,587 Transportation 3,202.615 Economic Environment 854,064 Human Services 859,787 Culture & Recreation 23.5t 5,152 Normandy Shores District 136,663 Debt San/ices 10 834,942 Other Financing Us'es O TOTAL EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES $177,304,820 Reserves 1,000.000 TOTAL APPROPRIATED EXPENDITURES AND RESERVES ~17B.304,820 GENERAL RDA ENTERPRISE SERVICE FUND FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS $0 $0 $4,318,000 $4,983,300 $21,223,277 TOTA~ $9,301,300 $21.223.277 $0 $0 $100,604,2ES 92,301 t0,134,942 7,110,580 12,458,600 3,060,000 4,500,000 11,446,631 9,677,580 89.423.281 34,868,085 130,432,502 1,404,000 488,050 305,198 3,630,128 2,679,145 1.536.472 305.000 8~58,6ES $0 21,223,277 $94.507.803 $35.478.283 ~329.514.183 588.825.803 ~40.461.583 ~}38~15.483 S21,223,2T/ $0 $38,921,011 $66,488,014 105,893,007 51.798.163 58,239,758 19,380,584 22,ES3,199 22,077,341 859,787 14.572.374 38~)87,526 136,663 12.318.611 ~.540.572 24,694,125 $88,589,132 $40,481,583 $337,059,412 756.071 0 1,758,071 $98.825.803 ~t,0.481 .ES3 ,~38.815.483 THE TENTATIVE ADOPTED, AND/OR FINAL BUDGETS ARE ON FILE iN TNE OFFICE Or.THE ABOVE MENTIONED TAXING AUTHORITY AS A PUBLIC RECORD