Request 564 - City Clerk o' RECORDS DISPOSITION REQUEST NO. / ~ ..... LSSE,Om49~ /3~ Z~?oC~mO PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES 1. AGENCY Z. DIVISION 3. BUREAU City of Miami Beach City Clerk City Clerk 4. ADDRESS (Street. City, and Zip Code) 5. CONTACT (Name & Telephone Number) ~obert Parcher or at 305-673-7411 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach 33139 Dorothy Merante 6. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby certify that the records to be disposed of SUBMIT TO: are correctly represented below, that any audit requirements for the records have been fully justified, and that further retention is not Florida Department of State required for any litigation pending or imminent. Bureau of Archives and Records Management ~/~ The Capitol i-~Signature ~ Date Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 ~t.'~C/~.I- ~/~1)-~ t~/t~ ~_~.~ Name and Tide 7. BUREAU OF ARCHIVES & RECORDS MANAGEMENT REVIEW 8. NOTICE OF INTENTION (FOR D/V/S/ON USE ON/. Y)/~ The scheduled records listed in Item 9 are to be disposed of in the TECHNICIAN REVIEW~,J~ ~/~/~' ~P manner checked below (specify only one): ANALYST REVIEW _'l~ ~ ~//~/~'~ X a. Destruction b. Microfilming and Destruction ARCH,V,ST REV,EW c. Other SUPERVISOR REVIEW ~ 9. LIST OF RECORD SERIES Schedule d. f. g. a. b. c. Retention e. Volume Disposition Item Tide (Division Inclusive in Action and Date No. No. use Only) Dates Cubic Fee~ Completed After Authorization CS3 10 General Election Ballots ~ 1991 7 GS3 10 Special Election Ballots ~ 1997 8 GS3 10 General Election Ballots f~ 1995 2 GS3 ~ ~ Absentee Ballots &?,~s 1997 ~ 2 GS3 6 Absentee Ballots 4,'/~ ~/~¥$ 1991 1 GS3 91 General Election Reg. Sheets ~ 1995 1 GS3 91 Spec Election Reg. Sheets ~ 1997 4 GS3 95 Logic/Accuracy Tests ~?~'~e~"~ 1985 ~-, ~ GS3 95 Logic/Accuracy Tests ~$ 1997 ~ 1 PRIOR DISP()SAL AUTHORIZATI()N. DESTR[ ICTION APPROVED PROVIDED RETENTI()N PERI()[) IS MET.( tt/z/l?$q ) ° NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE Form LSSEI08 * 10. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION (FOR DIVISION USE ON/. Y~ 11. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE: The above listed records .have Disposal for the above listed records is authorized. Any deletions or disposed of in the manner and on the date shown in c.,~Omn modifications are indicated. SEP o 0 t999 S g.a,u,e ,,% k, \'/ ,,'.~ Name and Tide /',~J ~ ,.~j' Director, Division of Library Date 4[ and Information Services Witness NOTE: Upon disposition retain this form for your records.