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Request 591 - Internal Audit
NO, SCf I RECORDS DISPOSITION DOCUMENT PAGE 1 OF 2 PAGES 1. AGENCY NAME and ADDRESS 2. AGENCY CONTACT (Name and Telephone Number) CITY OF MIAMI BEACH JAMES J.SUTTER 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139 (305) 673 - 7020 Ext. 6174 3. NOTICE OF INTENTION: The scheduled records listed in Item 5 are to be disposed of in the manner checked below (specify only one). IZI a. Destruction D b, Microfilming and Destruction D c. Other - 4. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby certify that the records to be disposed of are correctly represented below, that any audit requirements for the recor~ ~that further ~ention is not required~ any litigation pending or imminen;/y.l /~ .~ Jt'ub 5011TM :.J".U J,.tJ-"". -r rJof..( SignaturV /'" Name and Title fDite /' I' 5. LIST OF RECORD SERIES f. g. a. b. c. d. e. Volume Disposition Schedule Item Title Retention Inclusive In Action and No. No. Dates Cubic Date Feet Completed After Authorization GSl 57 AUDITS,SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS 3 YRS f'l: \,U"I - \""1 5.0 INTERNAL AUDIT WORKPAPERS (.s!-~ - ().-\t~<4) - > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6, DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION: Disposal for the above listed records 7. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE: The above listed records have been is authorized. Any deletions or modifications are indicated. disposed o~a~he date shown ;hC:I/~n g. ~f~ --::/'.- ~ 7 h. <l'i t/~6/0Y ~. -4 lOX /~ T 1,lm&:5 Sv T7)" /J J1..1vt 1I.f ~ I 10""- Custodian/Records Management Liaison Officer Date Nam~tie}~ AJ/ 11 J ~ . L~ 1 " [/ ' I V' "- OfJ/h-l e lOa (t I ) Witness \J \01 ~~ u :J ~tlM t\ AM,^, 0\;'"--0 . Continuation Page dated 6/8/2004 a. b. c. e. I. g. Schedule Item Title Inclusive Dates Volume Dispostion No. No. in cubic Action and leet Date FY TODic ReDort Date GS1 57 94/95 Beach Parking System 06/14/1995 4/1/94-3/31/95 5.0 in 95/96 BFI Tipping (Disposal) Fees 09/19/1996 2/1/93-2/29/96 90/91 Building Permits 1012 02/13/1992 10/1/90-9/30/91 total 90/91 Building Permits 2012 02/13/1992 10/1/90-9/30/91 90/92 Building_Via Other Permits 06/12/1992 10/1/90-5/31/92 95/96 Central Services Operational 05/06/1996 10/1/94-1/31/96 96/97 City Related Mgl. District 96-97 94/95 City's Garage/Parking 1012 06/05/1995 4/1/94-3/31/95 94/95 City's Garage/Parking 2012 06/05/1995 4/1/94-3/31/95 96/97 Design Review 1012 10/15/1996 10/1/94-9/30/96 96/97 Design Review 2012 10/15/1996 10/1/94-9/30/96 96/97 Design Review Fee (Follow,Up) 05/09/1997 10/1/96-4/30/97 96/97 District-Insurance (MBDC) 96-97 94/95 Electric Franchise Fees (FPL) 05/09/1994 10/190-2/28/94 95/96 Fire Rescue Fee Revenue 11/08/1995 10/1/94-9/30/95 95/96 Fleet Mgml.Gasoline Usage & Disl.Review 05/06/1996 12/1/95-3/31/96 95/96 Fleet Mgml.Operations Review 1013 01/31/1996 5/1/95-12/31/95 95/96 Fleet Mgml.Operations Review 2013 01/31/1996 5/1/95-12/31/95 95/96 Fleet Mgml.Operations Review 3013 01/31/1996 5/1/95-12/31/95 96/97 Garbage Roll Off 96/97 93/94 Gold Star Inc Valet&Follow-Up 08/18/1995 10/1/93-12/31/94 89-90 Miami-Metro Vending Corp 2014 06/08/1993 10/1/91,3/3/1/93 89-90 Miami-Metro Vending Corp 3014 06/08/1993 10/1/91-3/3/1/93 89-90 Miami-Metro Vending Corp 4014 06/08/1993 10/1/91-3/3/1/93 89-96 Ocean Drive-Misc. 89-96 93/95 Ocean Drive-Landscape 93-95 94/95 Ocean Drive-Check 94-95 94/96 Ocean Drive-G/L 94-96 94/96 Ocean Drive-Sanitation 94-96 94/97 Ocean Drive-Bid 94-97 95/96 Ocean Drive-Security 95-96 93/94 Parking Meter Collection Service (Wells Fargo Inc.) 1012 02/02/1994 11/18/91-9/30/93 93/94 Parking Meter Collection Service (Wells Fargo Inc.) 2012 02/02/1994 11/18/91-9/30/93 94/95 Parking Violation Tickets 3014 09/01/1995 8/1/94-7/31/95 94/95 Parking Violation Tickets 4014 09/01/1995 8/1/94-7/31/95 93/94 Parking/13th Garage 2012 04/09/1994 4/93-3/94 95/97 Resort Tax - Finance Depl. 1013 06/05/1997 10/1/95-4/30/97 95/97 Resort Tax - Finance Depl. 2013 06/05/1997 10/1/95-4/30/97 95/97 Resort Tax - Finance Depl. 3013 06/05/1997 10/1/95-4/30/97 93/94 Stormwater Utility Interlocal Agreement 10/28/1992 93-94 91/94 Telecommunications Tax Survey 91-94 95/96 Telephone Revenue-Emergency 911 10/25/1995 10/1/93-8/31/95 92/94 Towing Fees 1016 08/17/1994 7/1/92-6/30/94 92/94 Towing Fees 2016 08/1711994 7/1/92-6/30/94 92/94 Towing Fees 3016 08/17/1994 7/1/92-6/30/94 92/94 Towing Fees 4016 08/17/1994 7/1/92-6/30/94 92/94 Towing Fees 5016 08/17/1994 7/1/92-6/30/94 92/94 Towing Fees 6016 08/17/1994 7/1/92-6/30/94 93/94 Vending Machine Concession 95/96 Waste Contract Franchise Fee-Corres. 95/96 93/95 Waste Contractors Franchise Fee Revenues 1013 07/07/1995 10/1/93-5/30/95 93/95 Waste Contractors Franchise Fee Revenues 3013 07/07/1995 10/1193,5/30/95 96/97 Waste Franchise Comoliance Audit 02/24/1997 10/1/95-12/30/96