10/13/2004 CommissionOctober 13 2004 COMMISSION MEETING CONTENTS ~Agenda ,~:.~//Ti m e certain ~ Supplemental Materials ~. ×Speaker's list L?~Jnvocator memo ~.../Presentations & Awards list ~ Addendum v' Second Addendum v' Notice of closed executive .~,.A,sessi°n fteraction · Consent-Originals manilla folder ~egular-Originals ~¢'Y~development Agency Agenda materials ~;Handouts folder ~/.~Lobbyist Log (See Handouts Folder) ~ pUblic Hearing Notice Ads og of Proceedings electronically recorded notes drope files ~ of ,?-- Burned - (See CD File by Commission date) riginal Contents list to City Clerk FOLDER PREPARED BY: Lillian Beauchamp REVIEWED BY~` ~":~, /~/~-~~ DATE: ////ZZ/'/~,,V F:\CLER'd;ALL\LILLY~CONTENTS.FLD~004\ 101304CITYCMDOC