NOTICE IS'HER.~Y given that'a public bearing w be held bythe ~ and
C~t~ Commission of the C~ of Miami Beach, Rorida, in the Com[nlasion
~a.m. bers, 3..r.d fi)or, .City ~11, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach,
iorlaa, on w,eeneeoay, January 12, 2005, at 5:10 p.m., to consider a
proposed DeveJopment Agreement between the City of Miami Beach and
SOBE, .LLC (a/k/a Potamkin/Berkowitz) for the development of the.
present? r. efe. rre.d .to as '5~ and Alton", containing approximately~l~
square Tee[ oT relai~ area aha a supermarket and an approximate 1070 ~
parking garage and park-n-ride transit facility, including an ~
transportation component, an intergrated parking garage, 'val~
transportation, ramps ventilation, etc., and surrounding ~eetscape and
infrastructure to serve tim project, bounded by Lenox Avenue on the eaSt,=AII
Road on the west, 6th Street on the north and 5th Street on the south.
Inquiries may be directed to the City Manager's office at (305) 673-7010...
iNTERESTED PARTIES are invited to appear at this m~ting, or be
by an agent, or to express their views n wriUng addressed
Commission, c/o the City clerk, 1700 CoflverlUan Center Drive, lst.Flo~,'~
Hail, Miami Beach, FforkJa 33139. 'lllis meeUng may bo opened and ~
and, under such circumstances,addi~onal legal nOtice would riot be pro~lded,~.
.Robert E. Parcher,
' City of Miami Beacll ;,... '.
ursuant fo Section 286.0105, Fla. Stat, the City hereby edvissst!~e'~I
that: if a person decides to appsa arly decision made by the City ~
with respect to any matter considered at its .meeting or its ~juch
~em~o? .m ,ust.ens.u. re .tha!. a verbaU .m record of the proceedings is
!ecor.a i_n~uo~ me.msumo, ny ann evidence 'upon which the appeal:is.lo I~
oasea...In!S onll. ce .aces.riot cor'~lllute, consent by the Cily for Ute i~
~r..aa .miss?rt..or omem:;se in. admissible or irrelevant evidence, nOr~tloeaif
umonze cnallangea or appeals not otherwise allowed by law. '
To request this material in' accessible format, sign language i~te~
information on access for persona with disabilRiea~ and/or any acco~j
to review any document or participate n any city-spensored p~J
please contact (305) 604-2489 (voice), (305) 673-7218 (TTYj five
to in ate ou.r re,u m ussrs alas 7. (.orca