' · at a ublic hearing wil~ be held by the Mayor and
NOTICE IS BEl~EBY.g!,ven ~aI ?u,~mi Beach, Florida, in the..,Com.~ssk~,
City commissmn et ~..e ~,It_y,, u~,~,~-~nvention Center Drive,
ambers, 3rd?oor,.ul~ ~u",".~ .~ 9tS'0Oom tocansi~er a
Addendum to ~ne uevelopm~u ~ '
m anY, dated January 5, 2004, for the de"
and the .N. ew W. ~d.S,.Y~n~Pche -arking lot, hounded by. 17th S~_eet..t.o
of a poman o~ t.,u .u,.,,:,,.~.~ o., th Wash ngton Avenue tu
Nerth Lincoln Lane to m~ ouu ,
· venue to the West, for construction of an
PennsyNama _A,_., .~.~ tonal pedormance and intemet
with an exterior screen ( Soundspace ), and
ara e facility said Addendum specifically
-~ public parking g g ......~,~?inn the Developer to p.r _ .
nt U. ItU ~uu,u,,~ ~
Ijevelopmant Agre. eme` ,. _~ ,~. Park Pmiect compro, mis!ng, m
design and devetopmem u~ ,,,~
I Avenue between North Lmcom L me a
~mn' inn the Pa~k and Drex. e ....... eed $10,g00,000;
treet, at the C~ty s cos_t.a ~ he pe~ormmg Nts (T~
S~--,~;'eind the Jackie uieason ,h, eater oft __, ,~ -xceed $1,150,000;
landscaping a~ me ~, ,~ o ~w'' ·
....... ~oin~ North Lincoln Lane tmprovements, at me
/one 6, t;UmpHo U
expense, not to exceed $500,000.
directed to the Economic Development at
Inquiries may be (305)673-71~
re invited to appear at this meeting, or be representS..
iNTERESTED.PART!ES ~! ..... ruer' views in writing ad?ssed.?~.the~tY~
' nt or ~o exp~.o~ .- . rudve, lst r~'m,~"'~
b_y an ,~a?~. 'cio the City Clerk 1700 Conv.e. ntion ??~.oned and c0ntlmi~d
and, under suct~ clrcum~ta,,~- -
Robert E. Parcner,
City Clerk
City of Miami Beach
Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Fla. Stat., the City 1
at if a person decides to appeal any decisio~
th .. --. ,~ ~n" matter considered at its meeting or
with respu~ ~u o ·
ensure that a verbatim ·
person. .mu. st~ .... ,estimony and evidence upon .wh?~.
recom mclaneu..u,-) .... ; ~--~itute consent by me [ally ~.u~ u,~
based. This not[ce .one, !¥ :~':~".L~oo~ e or irrelevant evinence, nm
authorize ci~altenges el
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