Request 593 - Human Resources NO. RECORDS DISPOSITION DOCUM£NT 1. AGENCY NAME and ADDRESS 2. AGENCY CONTACT (Name and Telephone Number) 3. NOTICE OF INTENTION: The scheduled records listed in Item 5 are to be disposed of in the manner checked below {speci~ only ore). ~a. Destruction ~ b. Microfilming and Destruction ~ c. Other 4. SUBMI~ED BY: I hereby ce~i~ that the records to be disposed of are correctly represented below, that any audit requirements for the records have. been fully justified, ~nd that fu~her retentio~not ~e~uired for any litigation pending or imminent. Signature -- Title ' ~ Date f. g. a. b. c. d. e. Volume Disposition Schedule Item Title Retention Inclusive In Action and No. No. Dates Cubic Date Feet Completed After ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ C ........ ;~ ..................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ~ .................................................... ~: ;"~" -2~ ~" '-"-';~Q ................ :'-' ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... : ............................................................ ~!'--"5 :'"'-'-~ ........................ ~I.1 ..................................................... 6. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION: Disposal for the above listed records 7. DISPOS~ CERTIFICATE: The above listed records have been is authorized. Any deletions or m~ifi~tions are indicted, disposed of in the manner and on the date shown in ~lumn g. Signature ~ . , _~ Date Gustodian/Ro~s Management Uaison Officer~ Date ~ame and Witne~ OEC-]7-2OO~(FRI) ]9:50 (FRX)305 ~77 1841 o~ternab'°na/ P 00~/004 TO: FROM: City of Miami Beach Yarily Sam 1700 Convention Cent:r Dr. ]rd Floor Miami Bemck, FL 33139 International Data D~ository Silvia Calderon 5195 N. W. 77'h .4.venue Miami, FL 33166 APPROVAL FOR RECORDS TO BE DISPOSED OF: TR BOX # Description 1 2 3 4 Worker's Compcrmtton ll. ecord~ (Duplica[¢) Worker's Comp~flon Records Work~'s Compen~i~n Records (Dupli~tc) Worker's Comp~tion Records (Dupll~m~ Worker's Compc~tlon Rcgord$ ~upllmt,) M~c. lnfo~afion ~m Bcncfim Division Misc. ~o~afion ~om B~fim Di~gion Mts;. ~o~ation ~m Beneflm Di~sion Misc. Information fram Be~m Dlvlsion Total # of Boxes: 9 Approved By CSlgnamre) Pr[at Name DaLe Title 5195 NW 77th Avenue - Miami, Florida 33166 ' (305) 477-7388 - Fax (305) 477-1841 ' http://www, intdd.com DEC- 7-~O0~(FRI) ~g:50 [OD (FA×)305 ~?? 18~1 P 003/00~ i[ CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION / T.~. ~so,~ ~co~s W~RE DESTRO~D ON: ~J_I.C~I~ METFIOD OF DESTRUCTION: SI:[REDD~G Title '~ Datc ' ] I 5195 NW 77th Avenue - Miami, Florida 33166 · (305) 477-7388 ' Fax (305) 477-1841 - http:/Iwww, lntdd.com