Request 601 - Finance/Occupational License RECORDS DISPOSITION DOCUMENT NO. &;01 1. AGENCY NAME and ADDRESS CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FL 33139 PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES 2. AGENCY CONTACT (Name and Telephone Number) LIDIA CRISTOBAL FINANCIAL ANALYST I (305) 673 - 7000 Ext. 6679 3. NOTICE OF INTENTION: The scheduled records listed in Item 5 are to be disposed of in the manner checked below (specify only one). [8J a. Destruction 0 b. Microfilming and Destruction 0 c. Other 4. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby certify that the records to be disposed of are correctly represented below, that any audit requirements for the records ha~e been fully justified, and that further retentio~not required for any litigation pending or immine t. ~ / c ~ ~ ~'lV Sufv J 9 O~ "l ;LroJ .If,c;4J- /f.(.d. Name and Title ate LIST OF RECORD SERIES a. Schedule No. b. Item No. c. Title d. Retention e. Inclusive Dates f. Volume In Cubic Feet g. Disposition Action and Date Completed After Authorization GS1-L 221 LICENSE: OCCUPATIONAL 1 CY 2000-2001 16.8 6. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION: Disposal for the above listed records is authorized. Any deletions or modifications are indicated. 7. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE: The above listed records have been disposed of in the manner and on the date shown in column g. a ruri>>-- Signature d Bcq Name nd ~ cw- -h /} cak 6r1. a .; /4ched Date Witness ------ --\ IFON MOUNTAIN FINAL Destruction Listtng 228D C.M.B. F[NANCE DEPARTMENT 066268 Address: FeDort DAte~age04/01/200! Report Time: 10:18 1700 CONV~NTION CENTER DF LICENS!!: SECTION MIAMI B!!:ACH FL 33139 Rec. Cd F1le Cu. Ft Seq Stat ) 1'1 ---I , From Dt rt To DI'l.t e nce #1 Order Description Order Description Reference #2 SKP BOK Nbr Recpt Dt CURt BOK IIlbr DeRt Dt !..I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- -.._--..--' 10/0112000 944 WASHINGTON A V!!: 1434 WASH.A 166421588 11l116/21l01 UNDW,FINED 1l01l1l1l 1. 21l DST 1111361 119130/2001 OCCUPATIONAL LICENSI!: 1664?1588 ____.J' i 11l/0117.000 282 PALM AVI!: 943 WASHINGTON AV 166421589 10116/2001 UNDEFINED 001l01l 1. 21l DST I'! 1111361 09130/20111 OCCUPATIONAL LICI!:NSE 1664?l589 !.: 1", 1 1l/1l1l21100 941l LINCOLN RD 1680 MICHIGAN A 166421590 10/16/2001 UNDEFINED 00000 1. 20 - DST -""'1! 110361 0913012001 OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE 166421590 I;' 11l116/21l01 .--~-"I 10/01/2001l 1650JAMES AVE - 940 LINCOLN FD 166421591 UNDEFINED 00000 1. 20 DST 110361 09/30/2001 OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE 166421591 , ) IlST "~.--1, .! 11l/1l1/21l1l1l 6fi9 COLLINS AVE - 2 ISLAND AVE 166421592 10/16/2001 UNDI!:FIN!!JD 00000 1. 20 ;."i 110361 09/30/2001 OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE 166421592 I ~' i.j ~__~,~~'ul 10/01/21l1l1l 2311l COT,L INS AVE 6984 COLLINS 166421593 10116/2001 UNDEFINED 1l1l000 1. 21l DST.:! 110361 1l9/31l/2001 OCUPATIONAL LICENSI!: 166421593 1'1 11l/01/21l1l0 1745 CALAIS DR -231l2 COLLINS A 166421594 11l116/21l1l1 UNDEF[NED 1l01l01l 1.20 baT--~,:r llOl361 09/31l/2001 OCCUPATIONAL LICENSI!: 166421594 II 11l/1l1/21l1l1l 301l ARTHUF GODFR!!:Y RD 8500 HAR 166421595 10116/2001 UNDEF[N!!:D 00000 1. 21l DST~---- ;'1 l10361 09130/2001 OCCUPATIONAL LICfilNSE 166421595 ", 'I " !w, 10/01/2000 ALTON ROAD 166421596 11l/16/21l1l1 UNDEFINED IlIl IlIl 0 1. 20 DST---i::1 l10361 09/30/2001 OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE 166421596 .1"1 10/01/201l1l ZERO STR!!:ET - 1410 20TH STR!!:!!:T 166421597 10 116 121l1l1 UNDW,F (NED 1l1l01l1l 1. 20 . DST' '+:. 11 1l"!61 09131l/2001 OCUPATIONAL LIC!!:NSE 166421597 rl I 11l/01/201l1l 11l1l 21ST STRE!!:T - 8111 86TH ST. 166421598 10/16/2001 lJNDI!:FINED 011000 1. 20 DaT -/::1 .10361 09/30/2001 OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE 166421598 :,,1 10/01/2000 1700 MICHIGAN AV -7430 OCEAN T 166421599 10116/2001 UNDEFINED 110000 1. 20 .10361 09130/2001 OCCUPATIONAl, LICfilNSE 166421599 IRON MOUNTAIN FINAL Destruction Listing Page. 2 Report Date. 04/01/2005 Report Time. 10.18 Address, 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DR LICENSE SECTION MIAMI BEACH FL 33139 2280 C.M.B. FTNANCE OEPARTMENT 066268 From Dt d To Dntp Dce #1 Order Description Orner Description Reference #2 SKP Box Nbr Recpt Ot Cust Box Nbr Rec. Cd File Cu. Ft Seg --------------------------------------------------------------------.--------------------------------------------------- l Dest Dt 09/12/200l CASI-! STUBS 166421600 10/11';/2001 UNDEFINED 110361 02/28/2002 UTILITY BILLING 166421600 09/0112000 CBRTH' . OF USE DAILY FJ;)E SUMMAR 166421601 10/11';/2001 UNDEFINED 1103n1 0413012001 FTNANCI'] IREVR1NUF, ILICENSE 166421601 00000 1.20 00000 1.20 Total Records Listed, Total Cubic Feet. 14 16.80 ._.*1ft*_.*__._ End Of Report *****.....,;.**..... certifies that the records listed above have been destroyed as authorized by RSONI. ing, 1d disposal of identified items via supervised shredding, rendering those materials beyond reconstruction. Upon ~ertiflcnte of finn1 disposition is provided. l Stat l ) DST DST J ) .> J ) ) )