LaserFiche InstructionsCITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY CLERK'S OFFICE T,ASERFICHE INSTRUCTIONS Release 1.0 LASERFICHE. Version4.3.0042 © 1993-1999 ComlmlA~ Center, I~. All ~J~hts Re~istexed to: City o£ Mi~ B~a~h VGLIC-I,IG&S-BBKC-K~IN Databa~e~: N~wI E._xitI 2 Sign on to the Network as usual. Double click on the LaserFiche Icon. The Imaging Database "MIAMIBEACHLFDB" will be displayed on the open window. (See above). Click on "Open" on this screen. P_a~wo~d: [ .... I OK C__ancel I I 1) Enter Name and password (Name: City-Password: City) 2) Click "Ok". ~' Fi{e View _Retrieve Too{:~ iec~it..u "~/indows H_elp ~ MiamiBeachLFDB { Name ! Ch Agendas I I~ Agreements !i"~ City Property i CR Code Violations Elections LT.C. Maps Ordinances 1979 Ordinances 1986 Ordinances 1990 Ordinances 1991 Ordinances 1992 Ordinances 1993 Ordinances 1994 Ordinances 1995 Ordinances 1996 Ordinances 1997 Ordinances 1998 Ordinances 1999 RDA Resolutions 1982 RDA Resolutions 1983 Department Memorandum Doc for Res 98-22891/99-23220 _lelxl Volume Name Ready Click on "City Clerk" to see all the files under City Clerk. A list of folders will be displayed. The folders are named to indicate the documents that are contained in them. File View Retrieve Teds Secu~it..v ~indows MiamiBeachLFDB  City Clerk ~ Clippings Name IVolumeName ~ Agendas Agreements City Property Code Violations Department Memorandum Doc for Res 98-22891,99-23220 Elections ] ¢-I L.T.C. j I':'q Maps Ordinances 1979 Ordinances 1986 Ordinances 1990 Ordinances 1991 Ordinances 1992 Ordinances 1993 Ordinances 1994 Ordinances 1995 Ordinances 1996 Ordinances 1997 Ordinances 1998 RDA Resolutions 1982 RDA Resolutions 1983 Re a dy For example: Double click on the folder for Ordinances 1999 list of files for all the commission meeting dates will be displayed. and a ~ Re View Fl~tri~v~ Too~ S~c:u,it.u "~indo~s Held -I~1xl - ~ Ordinances 1986 ~ Name J Volume Name - ~ Ordinances 1990 ~.. - ~ Ordinances 1991 ~ 01~6/1999 - ~ Ordinances 1992 ~ 01~0/1999 - ~ Ordinances 1993 ~ 02~3/1999 ~ 02/17/1999 - ~ Ordinances 1994 ~i -~ Ordinances 1995 I 03~3/1999 - ~ Ordinances 1996 ~ 03/17/1999 - ~ Ordinances 1997 ~ ~ 0~/1~/1999 - ~ Ordinances 1998 j ~ 05/12/1999 -~ Ordinances 1999 ~ 05~6/1999 - ~ 01~6/1999 ~ 06~9/1999 - ~ 01~0/1999 ~ 06~3/1999 - ~ 02~3/1999 ~ 07~7/1999 - ~ 03~3/1999 ~ 09/17/1999 - ~ 03/17/1999 i~ 09~2/1999 - ~ 04/14/1999 ~ 10~6/1999 -- ~ 06~9/1999 -- ~ 06~3/1999 ~. ~ --~07~7/1999 999 Double click on the meeting date and a list of documents will come up. These documents are Ordinances passed on that meeting. If you had clicked on Resolutions, you will see the Resolutions passed on that spepcific commission meeting date. File View Re~ieve _Tools Secu6[~ ~indows Help -I~lxl ---i'~-[~-rd-]~ances 199~ ~1 Name t Volume Nome - ~ Ordinances 1995 '~,, - ~ Ordinances 1996 ~ 99-3196 ORD VOL3 -i~ Ordinances 1997 iD 99-3197 ORD VOL3 -¢'~ Ordinances 1998 [~ 99-3198 ORD V0£3 - ¢"-~ Ordinances 1999 !~.~ 99-3199 ORD VOL3 - ~01~6/1999 ~O~~ 99-3200 ORD VOL3 - ~ 01~0/1999 "' - ~ 02~3/1999 - ~ 02/17/1999 - ~ 03~3/1999 - ~ 03/17/1999 I - ~ 0~/14/1999 - ~ 05/12/1999 - ~ 05~6/1999 - ~ 06~9/1999, I - ~ 06~3/1999 - ~ 07~7/1999 - ~ o7~o~ ~9 - ~ osz~ ~ ~9 - ~ 09~2/1999 ~ ~ 10~6/1999 ,,. -- ~ 10~0/1999 ' ~ RDA ~esolutions 1982 -- ~ ~DA Resolutions 1983 Double click on the document, and the document will be displayed. ..... : I::3 Resolutions 1990 -'~2.~ I Name -i'~ Resolutions 1991 !i~ 99-23246 RESO VOL4 -~ Resolutions 1992 i~ 99-23247 RESO vor4 -i'~ Resolutions 1993 i~ 99-23248 RESO VOL4 -1~3 Resolutions 1994 ~l~ 99-23249 RESO -¢q Resolutions 1995 I I~ 99-23250 RESO VOL4 - ~ Resolutions 1996 I ~ 99-23251 RESO VOL4 -¢'~ Resolutions 1997~ 99-23252 RESO VOIL4 -~3 Resolutions 1998 99-23253 RESO VOL5 '~ ~.. I'~ Resolutions 1999 i@ 99-23254 RESO VOIL4 ~' -E301,06/1999 ~ 99-23256 RESO VOL4 -r~ 01/20/1999 I'¢1 99-23257 RESO VO.[.4 -¢'~ 02,03/1999 i~ 99-23258 RESO VOL4 - f~ 02/17/1999 i'~ 99-23259 RESO VOL4 - [~3 03,03/1999 i I~1 99-23260 RESO VOL4 - ¢~ 03/17/1999 ~ 99-23261 RESO VOL4 -i'~04/14/1999 I~ 99-23262 R incomplete VOL4 -¢q 04/28/1999 ~ 99-23263 RESO VOL4 - ¢'~ 05/12/1999 I~1 99-23264 RESO VOL4 - ¢'q 05/26/'~999 _J ~ 99-23265 RESO VOL4 - ~ 06,O9/1999 ! ~ 99-23266 RESO VOL4 - E3 06/23/1999 ~, .. ~ 99-23269 RESO VOL4 -¢"q 07/07/1999 ~ 99-23270 RESO VOL4 ,,,,~, -~.07/21/1999 I~ 99-23271 RESO VOL4 - ~ 09/13/1999 ~.~.J I i'~ 99-23273 RESO VOL4 Ready ~ Eile _V~ _Ret6eve _Tods Security ~indo~ I-le~p ORDINANCE :"d()~ 99-3~o! AN ORDINANCE OF THE; MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF' TIlE CITY OF MIAMI BEACtt, FI.ORIDA, AMENDING THE FLITURE USE MAP OF TIlE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PI,AN FOR THE AREA BOL.iNDED BY THE ATLANTIC OCE:LN ON THE EAST, 77TH STREET ON TILE. NORTH, COLLINS AVENUE ON THE WEST. AND 76T1l STREET ON THE SOUTH, EXCLUDING LOT 6, BLOCK 10 OF CORRECTED PI.AT OF ALTOS DEl, MAR NO. I [Plat Book .TI, Page 40], FROM TIlE CURREN~r FUTURE I.AND USE CATEGORY RS SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, TO TIlE PROPOSED FIfl~ITRE I.AND USE CATEGORY ROS RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE; DIRECTING TRANSMITTALS OF TIllS OR. DINANCE AND ALL APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS TO Alr'EECTED AGENCIES; PROVIDINU FOR REPEALER, SEVERABII, ITY, INCLUSION IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ?Ready ~ ~ tl Page 1 selected Click on the down arrow next to the box "page 1 of 21" and the pages will advance, one page at a time until the end of the document. Click on the left up arrow and the pages will decrease until the beginning of the document. Close the active window by clicking on the "X" on the menu bar. ~ Die View _Retrieve Tods _Security Windows _Help .l~l:xl AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF TIlE CITY OF MIA.X'II BEACtl, FI,()RIDA, AMENDING THE FLFI'URE LAND USE MAP OF Tile CITY OF MIAMI BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PI,AN FOR THE .~A BOL~ED BY THE ATLANTIC OCEAN ON THE EAS'I', 7~H STREET ON T~ NORTH, COLLINS A~NUE ON THE WEST. AND 76T!1 STREET ON THE SOL'TH, EXCLUDING LOT 6, BLOCK 10 OF CORRECTED PI.AT OF ALTOS I)EI. MAR NO. I [Plat Book 31, Pa~e ~0], FROM TIlE CU~ENT FUTURE I.AND USE CATEGORY RS SINGLE FAMILY RESII)ENTIAL TO TliE PROPOSED FL~URE I,AND USE CATEGORY ROil RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE; DII~ING TRANSMI~ALS OF TtlIS OI~INANCE ~ND ALL APPLICABLE DOCUMENTSTO.~'FECTEDAGENCIES; PROVID[N(; FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, INCLUSION IN THE CON'~RE~NSI~ PI,~N .&N'D AN EFFE(~IVE DATE. Ready ~ Page 1 sele~ed To print the document in the active window, click on "File" on the menu bar and then click on "Print" The Print Screen will be displayed. You can print an entire document or portions of it. You can print single pages and or a group of pages. ~Printer Default Printer [HP Laser Jet 4blV LPT1 on Properties... I ~MIAMI_BEA£H~.Q-cler-hp-4m¥.AD MIN.COI~PUIERS-~I, -- {LPT1 :Il - Print Range (~ A_ll ~' Paaes: 1- Enter page numbers and/or page ranges separated by commas. For example. 1.3.5-1 2 Print ~upe: 1 Image P~int Oualitg: 1600 dpi Copies: I1 To print an entire document click "OK" on the Print Screen. To print portions of a document; highlight "Pages", type in the box the pages needed, and click "OK". If printing a consecutive group of pages put a hyphen between the first and the last page number needed. Separate group of pages or single pages with a (,) . On this example you will print pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, and 12. i~ File View Retrieve Tool~ Secu~it..u _Windows Help -I~1~ L ¢q Clippings , I=q Clippings I Ready You can do search by documents or by text. To do a search click on "Retrieve" on the menu bar. If doing a document search click on "Search", and the "Basic Search" screen will be displayed. If doing a text search click on "Retreive" and click on "Advanced Search", and the "Advanced Search" screen will be displayed. Select type of search- Phrase Ph._rase And Of Not Within [-- F._uzzy word search $_..earch J Cancel Help Basic Search: Click on "Template". The search screen will be displayed. Selec! tgpe of ~eafch: Template: :-- - ~'1 D°c Type Date Rcso or Ord Number Comments Miami Dade Record No LTC NO Department Memo Bid No. I S__ea,ch I Cance"I HelpI On this screen you may search for a specific document. Click on the down arrow in the "Doc Type" box to find the different types of documents. Click on the type of document needed. If you click "Search" before you enter a document number, you will see a list of all the documents in the files. If a document is either a Resolution or an Ordinance, enter the number in the box "Reso or Ord Number", and click on "Search", and the document will be displayed. Enter the documnet number in the corresponding box. If searching for a Deparment Memo, or LTC No., enter the document number in the box named "Department Memo", or "LTC No." Select tgpe of ~earch' Phrase And Or Not Template Template:l I~1 CityClerk "~ Doc Type Resolution Date I i Rcso orOrdNumbcr 99-233761 Comments Miami Dadc Record No LTC NO Department Memo Bid No. [ S_earch ~ CancelI Help 9/ord Sea[ch: Budged Use these symbols lot word search operators. and: & (ampersandJ or: I (vertical bar) not: - {minus] within: '"# {caret lollowed by a number, e.g. '5] Fuzzy word sea[ch Fuzzy _~ption=... I Name Search: J~ Document I-' Batch J-- F_older IS--earch I C_ancel I Help [-- Search with _template: !Template: ~ General I Document Type Category Addressee Date I J Abstract Subject Priority Author Exhibit Source Advanced Search: To do an Advanced Search enter the word, phrase or subject matter in the box on the Advanced Search Screen, and click on "Search" File Vie~ _Retrieve Tools Securit.~ 'w'indo~s _He~p Name Count ~ ~ 183-1999 LTC 8 ¢3 ~ 97-22585 RESO 8 ~ ~ 086-1998 LTC 7 ~; ~ 96-22028 RESO 7 #6 ~ 98-22960 RESO 7 #7 ~ 001-1998 DM 6 ~ ~ 96-22133 RESO 6 ~ ~ 96-22213 RESO 6 #10 ~ 97-22256 RESO 6 ~1 ~ 97-22279 RESO 6 · ' ~ p.49 proposed operating budgets for each program: Independent Living Skills Train ~ #2 p.49 ~ #3 p.51 ~ ~ p.68 '~ ~J p.68 ¢ ~ p.69 · ' ¢ p.69 '~ ~ p.70 ',~ ¢J p.71 ~ ~0 p.80 '~1 p.89 Center's operating budget with the remainder to be funded by the City. 4 ty will prepare the budget in accordance with the applicable grant period an ELOPMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET REQUEST BUDGET REQUEST-COVER PAGE AGENCY PR S BUDGET REQUEST BUDGET REQUEST-COVER PAGE AGENCY PROFILE: Executiv Information Page: BUDGET REQUEST WHAT tS THE COST ALLOCATION METHODOLOGY D. A'Iq'ACH TO THE BUDGET REQUEST YOUR AGENCY'S PAYROLL MASTER CONTROL REPOR S Proposal Form A: BUDGET REQUEST Agency Name: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH'S - LO ELOPMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET REQUEST PROGRAMS, LOCATION ELOPMENTA~_.SERVICES BUDGET REQUEST PROGRAMS, LOCATION ELOPMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET REQUEST PROGRAMS, LOCATIONS, LEA Ready '~ Found: 327' document{s], 7'39 hit{s] This is a list of documents where the word "budget" was found. This includes all document types. The upper half of the screen will list all the documents. You can scroll up and down, to see the list, by clicking on the arrows on the right side of the page. The bottom half of the screen will list the specific hits that are on the document highlighted on the top half of the screen. ilT'~ File Vie~ Fle~rieYe _Tools _Secu6t~ ~ndo~ _Help I Csunl ¢¢316 ~ Mount Sinai Medi.. 1 ¢¢317 ~ NOBDevl. Corp.. 1 ~18 ~ No Beach Devep... 1 ~319 ~ Shelbourne Apt... 1 ~20 ~ So Beach Aids Pr.. 1 ~21 ~ So Fla. Arts Center 1 ~322 ~ So. Fla. Art Center I ~323 ~ So. Shore Hospit.. 1 ~324 ~ Stanley Myers He.. 1 ~26 ~ Stanley Myers He.. 1 ~'326 ~ Unidad of Miami .. 1 proposed operating budgets for each program: Independent Living Skills Train Center's operating budget with the remainder to be funded by the City. 4 ty will prepare the budget in accordance with the applicable grant period an ELOPMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET REQUEST BUDGET REQUEST-COVER PAGE AGENCY PR S BUDGET REQUEST BUDGET REQUEST-COVER PAGE AGENCY PROFILE: Executi¥ Information Page: BUDGET REQUEST WHAT IS THE COST ALLOCATION METHODOLOGY D. AFl'ACH TO THE BUDGET REQUEST YOUR AGENCY'S PAYROLL MASTER CONTROL REPOR S Proposal Form A: BUDGET REQUEST Agency Name: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH'S - LO ELOPMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET REQUEST PROGRAMS, LOCATION ELOPMENTA'LSERVICES BUDGET REQUEST PROGRAMS, LOCATION ELOPMENTAL SER¥1CES BUDGET REQUEST PROGRAMS, LOCATIONS, LEA Ready Found: 326 document{s}. 738 hit{s] This search found 326 documents with the word "Budget" File Vi~ Beb~ve Toob S~i~y ~do~ He]p .[~9) x_~j Name Count ¢2 ~ 183-1999 LTC 8 ~3 ~ 97-22585 RESO 8 #4 ~ 086-1998 LTC 7 #6 ~ 96-22028 RESO 7 #6 ~ 98-22960 RESO 7 ~7 ~ 001-1998 DM 6 ~ ~ 96-22133 RESO 6 ~ ~ 96-22213 RESO 6 #10 ~ 97-22256 RESO 6 ~1 ~ 97-22279 RESO 6 '~ ~ p.49 proposed operating budgets for each program: Independent Living Skills Train Center's operating budget with the remainder to be funded by the City. 4 ty will prepare the budget in accordance with the applicable grant period an ELOPMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET REQUEST BUDGET REQUEST-COVER PAGE AGENCY PR S BUOGET REQUEST BUDGET REQUEST-COVER PAGE AGENCY PROFILE: Executiv Information Page: BUDGET REQUEST WHAT IS THE COST ALLOCATION METHODOLOGY O. A'FFACH TO THE BUDGET REQUEST YOUR AGENCY'S PAYROLL MASTER CONTROL REPOR S Proposal Form A: BUDGET REQUEST Agency Name: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH'S - LO ELOPMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET REQUEST PROGRAMS, LOCATION ELOPMENTA~_,SERV1CES BUDGET REQUEST PROGRAMS, LOCATION ELOPMENTAL SERVICES BUDGET REQUEST PROGRAMS, LOCATIONS, LEA Rcady i) Found: 327 document(s). 7'39 hit(s) Double click on the document needed, and the document will be displayed. Always click on the "X" on the top right hand corner of the menu bar to go back to the previous screen. File Edit yew Insert Layout _~ools _Graphics T_~ble V/indow Help I ~ I~1~. I~ll?d~q ~ Ioll[~?l-~_~ I ;I,d "-I · L I "= I ---, I~L I ~ I~*-,11~1~1~1~ ~'.__ofd ~ catch: IFinal B udgel~ ~ U~e the~e ~mbol~: Ior word ~eafch opefato[~. and: & [amp~'sa nd] or. I [v~tical bar] no~ - [minus] with~: *~ [cruet followed by a number, e.~ ~ [UZZ~ word search Fuzz~ ~tion=... ~ N_ame Search: r~ ~ocument ~- B_alch I-- Folder ~i.earch ] Cancel j Help [- 5 ~m~h with _t~mplete; Tcmplatc:[~ General Document Type Category Addressee Date I / Ab stra ct Subject Priority Author Exhibit Source '11 Tt i~ a good idea to narrow the search as much as possible, iC you know wha~ you are lookin~ for. [~O,~-i-~--R-eg~]-~ p~t (~rief~2 p~' ..................... IIn:~ert iS~'.: t?.~J%¥ Pg 1 Ln 5.3::7' Pos 4.4" It is a good idea to narrow the search as much as possible, if you know what you are looking for. ~ Ei~e 'v'ie~ Retrieve _Tool~ Security 'w'indows HeJp Name Count ~2 ~ 99-23324 RESO 2 ~ ~ gG-22128 RESO 1 ~ ~ 97-22376 RESO 1 ~E; ¢~= 97-22541 RE~O 1 ~ ~ g8-22902 RE~O 1 #7 ~ 99-23326 RESO 1 ~ ~ p.1 , FLORIDA, ADOPTING FINAL BUDGETS FOR THE GENERAL, ENTERPRISE, AND INTERNA Beach hereby adopts final budgets for the General, Enterprise, and Internal Ready Found: 7 document[s], 9 hit[s) There are only 7 documents on this search as compared to 326 on the previous one. ~ F~e View _Ret6eve Tod~ Secu~ibu ~Vindo~s Help ~ MiamiBeachLFDB 6X/'r" Name IVolumeName Agendas Agreements City Property Code Violations Department Memorandum Boc for Res 98-22891/99-23220 Elections L.T.C. Maps Ordinances 1979 Ordinances 1986 Ordinances 1990 Ordinances 1991 Ordinances 1992 Ordinances 1993 Ordinances 1994 Ordinances 1995 Ordinances 1996 Ordinances 1997 Ordinances 1998 Ordinances 1999 RDA ' 1983 -I¢lxl _1~'1 xl To exit LaserFiche click on the red box to the right on the menu bar. IMPORTANT MESSAGE: YOU MUST EXIT LASERFICHE AS SOON AS YOU FINISH. THIS IS A SHARED SYSTEM WITH 25 VIEWERS AT ONE TIME. IF YOU FORGET TO EXIT,YOU MAY STOP SOMEBODY ELSE FROM USING IT.