Lease Agreement , !' , j/i . \ R~,~~'~ED ~ . WIJ ~~lfJ , , 1" c . . ~~~ AGREEMENT c~ GLERK'S. DEPT. . Sv. .~~~ . , , ~ ol'~terecl into this I ~~y . i , I' . . " , . ., ,THIS AGREEJI11~NT, .lnada aJ1d , C-4r~~_. · J."% 7.' .jy ',1nn. .bet\.eel\ tho (\~~Wl".. .RO;.l).,Dl:J'^Nl'- of MENT OF r";LORID1\, a component. agency of the state of Florida, . . . ill hereinafter culled the r,essor, and BELCHER OIL COMPANY, a . Florida corporation, of Miami, Florida, hereinafter called . . ' ' " the Lesse~; . . . .., . .. ." . " ..~ WIT N E SSE T H:tL That the LeDsor does hereby lease and le~ unto the ,/,,--~.~. , " , ' , Lessee th~ following described premises, situate, lying and being in ~ade County, Florida, to wit: section 87060-2202, State Road AlA; / That part of Section 4, Township 54 South, Range 42 East, m.ore particularly described as follows: I " . \ ~ommencing at a point 145 feet South 22016'22" ~c..st of station 222+90, more or less, according, to the state noad Department Right of Way Map of Sect~on 87060-2202, said point being a u.s. Coast and Geodetic Marker, thence run North 31004'22" West a distance of 45.54 feet, thence run South 67043'38" West a distance of 221.00 feet, thence run North 22016'22" West a distance of 3.00 feet to the point of beginning, thence run South 77048'14" West 184.37 f~et, thence run North'37007'41" \'lest a distuncc of 22.20 feet, thence. run North 09030'23" East a . distance of 21.37 feet, thence run North 75011' . '. . 41" East a d1stance of 168.39 feet, thence run South 32028'35" East a .distance of 50.81 feet' to the point of beginning, containing 7,934 sq. ft., .moro or less; , I , r ~, ALSO: Commencing at a point 145 feet South 22016'22" East of Station 222+90, Mora or lesl,according I, , ... .' . q ri1 >-:> ~o -~ ~~. (/)~ ~< :r: ~z 0::0 JLL.H ) C> ~ ~_ P-4 C> ~ ; E ~~(\) : A ) \. t' to the stnte Roud Dcpnrtment Right of Way Map of Section 8,8)60-2202, said point ))cing a U. S. COQst und Geodetic Marker, th0nce r4n North 31004122" \vest a distance of 45.54 feet, thence run South 67<'-13'38" West a distance of . 0 400.00 feet, thence run South 88 43' 38" \\'cst a distance of 54.00 feet, thence run North 01 0 16122" \vest a distance of 30 fcet to the point of beginning, ~hence run South '86005'13" West a distance of 65.06 fect, thence North 840.55' 59" West a distance of 36.23 feet, thence North '38009'11" West a distance of 15.01 feet, thence North 25017'19" East a distance of 15.66 feet, thence North 62017'21" East a distance of 8.95 feet, thence South 69054'50" East a distance of 24.69 feet, thence North 79"45'32" East a distance of 76.95 feet, thence South 05026151" West a distance of 34.23 feet to the point of beginning, con- taining 3,113 sq. ft., more or less. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same on ~ month to month basis, beginning on April 1, 1967, paying therefor rent of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS (~100) per month, payable in advance to Lessor. The Lessee does hereby cOvenant and agree with the Lessor that it will: 1. Pay said rent at the time and place and in the manner aforesaid upon receipt of an invoice in triplicate from Lessor for same. 2. Use and occupy said premises in a careful and proper manner, and not commit any waste thereon. 3. Not erect any advertising signs or buildings on the property. 4. Not assign this Leuse, nor underlet said premises, nor any.part thereof, without the written consent of the Lessor. 5. Lessee hereby agrees to indemnify, aefp.nd, save and hold harmless the Lessor from.any claims, demands, or - 2 - . .. J t ~I liabilities of any nature whatsoever arising out of or because of this Lease 1\grecment. This Lease 1\greement may be cancelled by ~ither part~ giving thirty (30) days' written notice to the other of its intention to cancel same. IN lHTNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these WITNESSES: presents to be executed, the day and-year first above written.. STATE~ DEPARTME~F FLORIDA By:r~ ~O-- , Executive Director ATTEST:0-~--C7~~) Secretary ffJau;j~ /' .-' :( (, .<-/L2/t~1 t the BELCHER Pre,Sit1ent .tJ. /,. ATTEST: ~t~ 11.1: d ~~..,:tsEAL). Secretary - APrnOV[[l AS(~ FL(;~ . ()RM I c"AL'-' ,1"" ~Il S:,; j . F. \ ." ': ' , .. :.. ~ 'I" -, I ;' \. STATE OI<' FLORIDA !-........ BY, ~ t~ \ D CEPAE,'I r.-;L.~~\...... . COUNTY OF LEON 'II$~ ('7 ,',": 0...., .(,........-.............. w I,,,, 1 iii /:.JlliU.r \ ~ BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, this day per- sonally appeared RALPH DAVIS and F. K. STRICKLAND, Executive Director and Secretary of the State Road.Department of Florida, respectiyely, to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and they severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such ~fficers for the uses and purposes therein m~ntioned, and that they a~fixed thereto the official seal of said State Road Depart- ment of Florida, and the said instrument is the act and deed of said Department. 'l17M-14/d J; ~1 (I . ~ \ ~(.~. \. C" h..... .."--"" As to the Lessee BY: . "-IL G0 f r7 WITNESS ~y hand and official seal this/lI day of ~ftl<..x_' , 1967. I a{:('_/(~ Q /' .' /:t'r<-, ,jJ ~N~~y Public-fState f Florida at Large nO~~ry P4:~ic. s/./ . Me.. . e of FJOn!4 d Grw y ...~:~'UI:ln EJC;>::cs My 19 N.o:.a r A-.!... ,"" .. ~. " ~ Qr,..- - 3 - . ., (NOTARIAL SEAL) .... --.--~ ~.:.:=--=-~ ..:.:::;:..-y::::::.-:-:-:=:-...- ---:-~~ -- -.. --. "":