Warranty Deed 10554-222, 224 'Ie -v I r r') . /' . . /l LW D -;).'-f~ L '(r( I {? / I~I #.oj : A.OQ/, / ~V' t\ 10 ]';~I.d ... Lawy."- Title Guaranty Fund, Orlando, Florida ~~~ ~ '0554 ;~ 222 1979 OCT 25 PH 4: 42 79R3032t79 This instrument was prepared by: Matthew B. Gorson, Esq., Uarranty jfleed (STATUTORY FORM-SECTION 689,02 F,S,) GREENBERG, TRAURIG, HOFFMAN, L1POFF, QUENTEL, 2WII6IIC & WOLFF, P.A. 1401 BIickell Avenue MIAMI, FLORIDA 33131 ml1t.a lInbpnturP. Made this 24th day of October 19 79 , ilrtwppn . BELCHER OIL COMPANY, a Florida corporation of the County of Dade , State of Florida , grantor"", and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation /}Yv'.//I1Njp./'V'{,,- (;;;;;j/~/( ~f,r'/v{ltr'... (f.:;~~1'(/1?1'/~ whose post office adddss is of the County of Dade , State of Florida , grantee", BlUnrBBrtl1. That said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN & No/lOO---------------- ------------------------ ($10.00) ------------------------------------ Dollars, and other good and valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in Dade County, Florida, to-wit: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Subject to: a. The lien of all taxes and assessments for the year 1979 and subsequent years. b. Applicable zoning ordinances and regulations. c. Conditions, restrictions, easements and covenants of record, if any. DEPr r;r i~f'.,'. , 1'-\ "V. .,; , , i...f -- :.::: I'B. . OGll.:;'!J ::: j:4~1~' .-..-.- ::: ~e. ::' (j(;j i~i'19 ' "'.:::' 1[.: 0"; ----~-, and said grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, * "Grantor" and "grantee" are used for singular or plural, as context requires, 1Jn mUnrB!l Bl1rrrof. Grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand and seal the day and year first above written, Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence: 1 ! 1/ I' /1 ' 1./ BELC~~R . OIL . COMJ?AIY>,;r~ ... '" ' By: i..(~1 4,'/''': "" t'. ; I ~~(;....-;I"I.,',,,,,,,..-O:? ~eal) , < / V, (e- h~S iOE,tIJ r.~.." ~, -_.2 .. . /.. .."".. (Seal) Attesti2/.~} C'/~::.0~(:;~eal) fl J C I. ~,: IJ...t~ { 1'1~'f-., '(Seal) 'II)tMY fIt&IC SIA. _ ___ AT ... MY COMMISSIQt '- OK. 12 .911 .... ,.., GINIAI. _ . lN8WIflllS '-7 RETURN TO: PIONEER NATIONAL TITlE INSURANCE COMPANY 2600 Douglas Rood, Suite 305 Coral Gobles, Florida 33134 or; ( . '..~' . '"to: ,. ,,<'. (".. 4 ~ ,""Ii"" .'/l r 7) (}.J Com~encing at a point Fifteen Hundred and,Eighty (1580) fe~t North arid Two Thousand Fifteen (2015) feet Hest of the South- east (SE) corner of Section four (4)~ Township fifty-four (54) South~ Range forty-two (42) East. particularly defined as bei.ng at the intersection of the center line of the roadway of the original concrete viaduct of the l1iami County Causeway and the face of the H:st B~i dge abutment; thence run South Si xty-seven degrees and Flve Nlnutes Hest (S.67005IW~) a distance of Fifty- eight and Seven-tenth~ (58.7) feet to a point; thence South Thi rty-one degrees and Forty three minutes East (S. 310431 E.) a distance bf Sixty-four and Seventy-five Hundredths (64.75) feet to'a point on the South wall of the County Causeway; thence run, South Sixty-seven degrees and F,ive minutes West (S.67005I\o1.) along the South wall of the Ni ami County Ca useway a di stance of One Hundred Fifty-eight and T~lenty-one One-hundredths feet (158.21) to the point of curvature of a circular curve; thence run along the arc of said circular curve deflecting to the right and having for its elements a central angle of six degrees fifteen minutes ~nd thirty seconds (60 151 3011) and a radius of THO Hundred Forty- . three and Eighty- six Hundredths (243.86) .feet, a distance of Twenty-six and Si:>...1:y-.four hundredths (26.64) .feet to the point of compound curvature of a circular curve; thence run along the arc of said circular curve deflecting to t~e right and having :for its element,s a central angle of one degree, fifty- eight minutes and twenty-two seconds (1058122") a nd a radius"of one thousand :five hundred sixty- six and nir;.ety-five hundredths (1566.95) :feet, a distance of fifty-three and ninety-five hundredths (53. 95) feet to the point of beginning of the tract of land herein de scribed; Thence South thirty-one degree sand :forty-three minutes East (5. 310431 E.) a distance of Two'Hundred Seventy-four and Fifty-one' Hundredths (274.51) :feet to a point; thence South Twenty-five degrees and twenty-nine minutes 'Vest (S. 250 291 'V.) a distance of two hundred fifty-seven and eighty-s'ix hundredths (2.57.86) feet to a point, said point being fifty (50) feet North of the Northerly bottom edge of the Municipal Channel; theuce. North sixty-four degrees and thirty-one miuute s 'We st (N.' 640 3 If W.) parallel to and fifty (50) :feet equidistant :from the Northerly bottom edge of the Municipal Channel. Two Hundred (200) feet to a point; thence run North Twenty- five de gree s and Twenty-nine minute s East {N. 250 291 E. } a distance of Two Hundred Twenty-three and Twenty-four Hundredths (223.24)' feet to a point; thence :ru~ North Ten degrees Fifty-one minutes 'West (N. 100 5 II 'V.) a di stance of One Hundred Si:>...1:y- two and Fifty-two Hundredths (162. 52) :feet to a point, said point being on the South wall of the original Miami County Causeway; thence run in a Northeasterly direction along the South wall of the Miami County Causeway, along the arc of a cir- cular curve deilecting to the left, said curve having :for its elements a radius of One Thousand Five Hundred Si..:>...-ty-six and Ninety-five Hundredth's (1,566. 95) feet, a central angle of three degrees, .four minutes and eight seconds (30 041 0811), a distance of eighty-three and ninety-two hundredths (83. 92) feet, bearing of chord of said curve being North seventy- six de gree 5, fi.:fty minute sand fiity- six se conds East {N. 760 sot 56" E.} and eighty-three and ninety-two h undredths (83~ 92) feet. to the point of beginning of the f.act he:=cin described, cor.taining one and seven. TRACT A: E;Ji::iJ3TI "A" 2~t.l 0554 p~ 223 J' ' "..:i\",:o. ,i' -./1 ~, {C (( ~, I (~::,~') 1,- iI. ; I.W:' ['r',< 1;:J; ,,: ~ l j... ~ !t.,~ J t'-', " ~ " <:",~ n' .1 F !;., .\ .!,' i i. I"~ , . I,." l ~...~ ~ Ii ~ it! ~~_! ~ j"_L' j ,~ . i,.l.. -:? F . ~~;'~ I) ~ ; 1,<1 ::- c.. !"c l ~.'\~} 2' ~ :i I '~llt)e; ..'-:-. :1" j C,) c.q;;~H!_? (, t: g ". r- "';'--'. , I '~:.~ (~.:, 4::":'; , ,) , . I \.l \ 1 (:t..~ '::~ ~ \\UJ:~; f \.'~- g j"" \~.~. \~ ~ i " cr. ~ , ,~..:: ~. . \ ~ 1.' ~ i i, 2~t , 0554 ~~ 224 TRACT B: Begin~ing at the point which is the point of begin- ning of TRACT A, and from said point of beginning :run So~th thirty-one degrees and forty-three lTlinutes Ea 5t (5. 310 431 E: ) a distance of two hund red seventy- (our ~nd f'ilty-onc: h~ntl.redths (274.51) feet. thence run South twenty-five degrees and twenty-nine minutes VI est (So 250 291 W.) a distance of one hundred fifty-seven and eighty-six hundredths (157.86) feet to a point, said point being on the East pr'operty line and one hundred (100) feet North of the South- east (SE;) corner of Tract A; thence run Sout.h ' siJ..:ty-four degree s thirty-one minute s East (S. 640 311 E.) a distance of one hundred twenty (12.0) :feet to a point; thence run North twenty-five degrees and twenty-nine minutes East (N. 250 291 E.) a distance of ninety- seven and :forty- six hundredths (97.46) feet to a point; then run North thirty-one degrees forty- three minutes West (N. 310 431 W.) a distance of . four hUI;dred three' and eight tenths (403. 8) fe~tto a point 'on the South wall of the lv1.iami County Causeway; thence run in a Southwe sterly direction along the arc of a circular curve deflecting to the right. said curve having for its elements a radius of one thousand five hundred si>..-ty- Slx and ninety- five hundredths (1566.95) feet ~nd a central angle of zero degrees thirty-two minutes and thirty-eight 5 econds (00 321 3811) a distance of fourteen and eighty- seven hundredths (14.87) feet to the point of beginning, cont.aining forty-six hundredths (0.46) acres, lTlore O\Z.. Lt;.sc;. TOGETHER WITH all 'easements and other rights, if any, (including water- front and riparian rights) belonging to or in anywise appertaining to the above described property, including all rights of Grantor established under that certain instrument from the Peninsular Terminal Company to the Texas Company dated December 9, 1932, recorded in Deed Book 1509, Page 81, and in that certain easement from the Peninsular Terminal Com- pany to the Texas Company dated August 7, 1933, recorded in Deed Book 1534, Page 40, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. RtCORDED IN OFFICIAl RECOIl'" _. OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RECORD VERIFIED IUCHARD P. BRIN KBR, CI.ERK CIRCUIT COURl - 1-'; 0; ;;;: '~,1. -2- RECORDERS NOTE: The legibility of Wrttin~, tYP/rlg or prmting unsatis- factory in thiS document when retecvea. -........ ~. .