79-15897 RESO ~ D CJ-'fr RESOLUTION NO. 79-15897 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, REAFFIRMING THE NECESSITY OF SAID CITY EXERCISING ITS POWER OF EMINENT DOMAIN IN ORDER TO ACQUIRE A CERTAIN PARCEL OF PROPERTY ON TERMINAL ISLAND, MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE EXECU- TION OF CONTRACT TO PURCHASE SAID PROPERTY, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY ATTO~~EY TO INSTITUTE EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS IN THE EVENT THE OWNER OF SAID PARCEL REFUSES TO EXE- CUTE A CONTRACT PURCHASE AND SALE; AND AUTHOR- IZING THE EXPENDITURE OF A SUM NOT TO EXCEED $15,000 IN CONNECTION WITH THE CLOSING OF SAID PROPERTY AND FOR THE INSURANCE OF TITLE THEREON. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida did on the 18th day of January, 1978, by its Resolution No. 78-15528 declare a certain parcel of property located on Terminal Island, Miami Beach, Dade County, Florida, presently owned by the Belcher Oil Company, to be necessary for the proper and efficient operation of said City; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of said City did direct negotiations to be undertaken with the owners thereof prior to the exercise of the City's powers of eminent domain; and WHEREAS, the City's Real Estate consultant, S. Z. Bennett has reported to the City Commission that he has negotiated a con- tract of purchase and sale with the owner of said property; and WHEREAS,the City Commission finds it in the best in- terests of the City to acquire said property at the price and upon the terms negotiated by the City's Real Estate consultant; and WHEREAS, in the event that for any reason Seller should refuse to enter into contract of purchase and sale upon the terms outlined by the City's Real Estate consultant, it will be necessary for said City to acquire the subject property through the exercise of its powers of eminent domain. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are true and correct. OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY. 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE. MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 SECTION 2. That the Mayor and Ci:ty Clerk of said City of Miami Beach be and they are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract providing for the sale by the Belcher Oil Company to the City of Miami Beach of that certain parcel of land described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and in- corporated herein by reference and to purchase all of the right8' title and interest of the Belcher Oil Company in certain easements, on property adjacent to the subject property; said purchase to be for a total price of $1,325,000 for the real estate and removal of certain equipment; said Agreement further providing for Belcher Oil Company to remove certain oil storage tanks presently existing on the subject property and providing for the escrow of a sum of $315,400 be held in escrow until such structures and oil storage tanks are removed, and providing for the rental to Belcher of certain dockage rights. SECTION 3: That in the event for any reason the Seller is unwilling to enter into such contract for purchase and sale, the City Attorney be and he is hereby authorized and directed to commence eminent domain proceedings in order to acquire the property described in Exhibit IIA" together with the easements appurtenant thereto. SECTION 4: There 1S hereby appropriated from the proceeds of the bonds issued to finance the acquisition of said property a sum not to exceed $15,000 for the purpose of paying the various miscellaneous and incidental expenses related to the acquisition of said property including all documentary stamp taxes, surtax stamp taxes, recording fees, the cost of title insurance, any survey cost and other fees customary and incident to the closing of real property as in the opinion of the City Attorney is necessary. SECTION 5: The City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to negotiate such minor matters as may arise during the course of acquisition of said property with respect to date -2- OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY - 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE - MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 of possession, removal of storage tanks and other miscellaneous and sundry items; provided, however; that he shall not have authority to alter the purchase price, except to agree ln con- sultation with the City Attorney to prorations which are customary and incident to real estate closings in Dade County. SECTION 6: That the City Manager, City Clerk and City Attorney be and they are hereby authorized to do all things necessary or convenient to accomplish the acquisition of the subject property as expeditiously as possible upon the terms set forth in this Resolution. PASSED and ADOPTED this 2nd day of May , 1979. ) /f l ;' 'I .--. Mayor // -j . I. " I if / II 'A I~ Attest: ff~~-, 11,,-~ 'l<;le~L..._._~,. !L.t~,I, (I City Clerk ,6.~~_.-:-e:; ~ / -3- A.HM/mcs OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY. 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE - MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 EXHIBIT A The land to be conveyed is that certain property described as tract A and Tract B in that certain indenture between The Peninsula Terminal Company and The Texas Company Recorded at Book 1509, Page 81 and Book 327, Page 256 of the Public Records of Dade County more particularly described as follows: TRACT A: Commencing at a point Fifteen Hundred and-Eighty (1580) feet North and Two Thousand Fi fteen (2015) feet Hest of the South- east (SE) corner of Section four (4), Township fifty-four (54) South:. Range forty-t't'/o (42) East, particularly defined as bei.ng at the intersection of the center line of the roadway of the original concrete viaduct of the Miami County Causeway and the face of the West.Bridge abutment; thence run South Sixty-seven degrees and Five Hinutes Hest (S.6700S1W.) a distance of Fifty- eight. and Seven-tenth~ (58.7) feet to a point; thence South Thirty-one degrees and Forty three minutes East (S.31043IE.) a distance bf Sixty-four and Seventy-five Hundredths (64.75) feet to'a point on the South wall of the County Causeway; thence run South Sixty-seven degrees and Five minutes West (S.670051~1.) along the South \-la11 of the f1iami County Causeway a distance of One Hundred Fifty-eight and T~/enty-one One-hundredths feet (158.21) to the point of curvature of a circular curve; thence run along the arc of said circular curve deflecting to the right and having for its elements a central angle of six deqrees fifteen minutes and thirty seconds (60 151 30") and a radius of Two Hundred Forty- "three and Eighty-six Hundredths (243.. 8b) feet. a distance of Twenty- six and Sixty-four hundredths (26.64) feet to the point of compound curvature of a circular curve; thence run along the arc of said circula.r. curve deflecting to the right and having for its elements a central angle of one degree, fifty- .eight minutes and twenty-two seconds (1058122.") a nd a radius"of one thousand five hundred sixty-six a nd ninety-five hundredths (1566.95) feet. a distance of fifty-three and ninety-five hundredths (53.95) ;feet to the point of beginning of the tract of land herein described; Thence South thirty-one degrees and forty-three minutes Ea.st (5. 310 43' E.) a distance.... of Two'Hundred Seventy-four and Fifty-one Hundredths (274.51) feet to a point; thence South Twenty-five degrees and twenty-nine minutes West (5. 250 29' W.) a distance of two hundred fifty- seven and eighty-six hundredths (257. 86) feet to a point. said point being fifty (50) feet North of the Northerly bottom edge of the Municipal Channel; thence" North sixty-four degree s and thirty-one minutes West (N.' 640 31' W.) parallel to and fifty (50) feet equidistant from the Northerly bottom edge of the Municipal Channel, Two Hundred TRACT B: (200) feet to a point; thence run North Twenty- five degrees and Twenty-nine minutes East (N. 250 29' E.) a distance of Two Hundred Twenty-three and Twenty-four Hundredths (223.24)" feet to a point; thence run North Ten degrees Fifty-one minutes "lest (N. 100 51' W.) a distance of One Hundred Sixty- two and Fifty-two Hundredths (162.52) feet to a point, said point being on the South wall of the original Miami County Causeway; thence run in a Northeasterly direction along the South wall of the Miami County Causeway, along the arc of a cir- cular curve deflecting to the left, said curve having for its elements a radius of One Thousand Five Hundred Sixty-six and Ninety-five Hundredt:4s (1,566.95) feet, a central angle of three degrees, four minutes and eight seconds (30 04' 0811), a distance of eighty-three and ninety-two hundredths {83.92} feet, bearing of chord of said curve being North seventy- six degrees, fifty minutes and fifty-six seconds East (N. 760 50' 56" E.) and eighty-three and ninety-two hundredths (83.92) feet, to the point of be ginning of the tract herein described, containing one and seven tenths (1.7) acres, more or less. Beginning at the point which is the point of begin- ning of TRACT A, and from said point of beginning run South thirty-one degrees and forty-three minutes Easl (S. 3) 0 43' E: ) a distance of two hundred seventy~ {our and filly-one hundredths (2.74.51) feet, thence ;run South twenty-five degrees and twenty-nine minutes 'Vest (So 250 291 W.) a distance of one hundred fifty- seven and eighty- six hundredths (157.86) feet to a point, said point being on the East pr'ope rty line and one hundred (100) feet North of the South- east (SE) corner of Tract A; thence run South sixty-four degrees thirty-one minutes East (S. 640 31' E.) a distance of one hundred twenty (120) feet to a point; thence run North twenty-five degrees and twenty-nine minutes East (N. 250 29' E.) a distance of ninety-seven and forty- six hundredths (97.46) feet to a point; then run North thirty-one degrees forty- three minutes West (N. 310 431 W.) a distance of . four hu~dred three' and eight tenths (403. 8) fee;t to a point 'on the South wall of the Miami County Causeway; thence run in a Southwe 5terly direction along the arc of a circular curve deflecting to the right, said curve having for its elements a radius of one thousand five hundred sixty-six and ninety- five hundredths (1566.95) feet and a central angle of zero degrees thirty-two minutes and thirty-eight seconds (00 32.1 3811) a distance of fourteen and eighty- seven hundredths (14.87) feet to the point of beginning. cont.aining forty-siX hundredths (0.46) acres, more oct.. 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