Affidavit 3412-597STa-P;i OF FLOSIDA: SS C 0UNTY 0 F DADE: .0a.3412 ,E597 State of Florida, Coun. ty of Dade. BOOk E, B, LEATHERMAN, On this day ],ersonally appeared 'before the undersigned authority, Ida ?,'iller who bein~ by me first duly s~orn, on oath deposes and says: 1. That she is the Ida ~..!ilier who is the grantee named in that certain Deed dated august 16, 1939, filed August 16, 1~L39, recorded in Deed ~ook 1993, page 162 of the Public t~ecords of Dade County, ,'riotida, by which said ~eed the gran- tor therein di~ grant, bargain and sell an undivided one-half interest in Lots Eight (S) and Nine (9) of ~lock ffive (5) of Harding Townsite, of the C~ty of iv'iami ~ieach, .baiie County, ~;lorida. 2. That the said ~]rantor in the above-described Deed was Alex ~:lil!er, also ~{nown as A. L"iiller, and that on ~ugust 16, 1939 the said grantor was the husband of the said grantee, ida. ~.~ille r. 3. That the above-described Oeed was not made for the purpose of, nor did nit operate to defraud any creditor, or to avoid payment of any legal debt or claim. 4. L'hat the property above-described and conveyed was not, at an~ time, occupied by the parties to s~id Deed as homestead property under the laws of the State oi' i,"lorida. Subscribed and s'~orn to before me this , a. D. 1951. Notary Public day of Notary Public, State of Florida et large My commission expires Morch 31, 1953. Bonded by American Surety Co. of N. Y. OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY -- CITY HALL -- MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA