Warranty Deed 3365-10,11 -..."'-....... l }:~ ;\. .... {~~ ;...,... \'" \ \ ~ 'I'~r' ...' rl.)."/:J ,)...... ,; ..11_; I'. I (,\.. (:' ;;/:,:;~ NEW HAMPSHIRE State of ~ Coun~ of Rockingham 1t } I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this ..3 o::c1- day of October .11. D. 19 50, before me personally appeared MILDRED V. WILSON, wife of Walter E. Wilson to me known to be the person described in and who executed the fore~oin~ conveyance to City of Miami Beach, a municipal corporation of Florida, and severally acknowledted free act and deed for the uses and purposes the execution thereof to be her therein mentioned. WITNESS my sitnature and official seal at New Hampshire, in the County of Rockingham and State ofli!1.OCl!iriK-':' the day and year last aforesaid. :::. 1"'- c- o s: c", ~ "t:l ~ Cl'" .... R:.. c.-J ~ ,"",('\) "".... ('\);:l. 0- c", t:: ~ ~ I:r c; ~ ;;. ~ a = f11 ~ c.: 0 ....., ~ If ., t:::1;:l = 00 . ~ ~ 0 c", ~ c. ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ o:J >-- -"- ('\) ....., .... ~ '- ~ 0 > '-'-I -,.. <:"to g ('\) .,... ('\) <:.c "". ~ t-3 . 8" ~ ~ c ~~~ lI\.c", tI'::l r ~ ~- ~ ~ ~ 0 0 ~ <:"to ~ ~ ~ rr1 ~, ~ R,,,- a c ~ N t:' 0 )> ""., ~ c", ('\) ~ ~ ~ >- ~ -I ~ ...... ~ ~ ~ 0 b::l R, ~ c", <:"to t. tj ~ J: ~ 'tci ~ ~ "- g <:"to ~ ~ fV trjt""l rr1[~R,~~~~(;(;o 0 ::0 o;:.,'~ a.. "". ('\) R, R, c~ R, := ':?~'"" ~~ R,~<%>ItO.............~ 1-1 ;:a..,s..,....,;:l r_v~('\)oo~ 0 )> .,... ~-i R, ...... C'":l ~~ R,., c." 0 > c", Cl '-' 0 ,"r" ~"- ~ Z ~ ..... ~ ~ ~ ~ (.." ('\) ~., ~ I II ~~~~~ ~ 'a ~~ Ii Q,....,~~~~ ;:l~~~ o '-i '-' ~ . "". ., R,' ~ C":l ~ "". "- ~ ~ ;s '"'(::! 0 ~ '. . ~ ~ci ~ ~~~<:"to ., <:"to ~ <:"to <:"to ., <:"to1tO. ~ ;:l ~ . Q ?:' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ R, &;. \. State of.i1t",i~..~U<i.lf @&~_"-kd. pJ) ,-.. /it;. SS €ounty of--/ /(If.t (.'-'f K I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this:3 /5 day of t:l~>e;..t:(i A. D. 1950 , before me personally appeared WALTER E. WILSON, to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing conveyance to City of Miami Beach, a municipal corporation of Florida, and aclmowledged the execution thereof to be his free act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. . "'TITNESS my, signature and official seal atfl/a{}li~pl./IJZ-W in tke--Go ~u D.} '&f A) (;. and S ta te Of--~ My ~l:\j,.;,'ll~ ri::::.\~ !"~l 3<(), 1't52 ,A-fy Comrnission Expires ,.~ the day and year last aforesaid. My comm+ssi~n expires: t1jv7tl1 ~ / ~J.r; /'""~' C-/~ !z-r1-~ Notary Public ~ a > ~ t:I::l 00 t-3 ~ ~ ~ o ~ o tI'::l 00 ~ := ~ ~ 1-1 o ~ ~t~ ~W ~~.. \t..::;>.: :':' ~ ~:; :. ii < _,: -r- ~ :-, ';c ~.,- cr.. '.;i4 '>- , ...... ... "' 0:::: ~ . ;-' , C),-. a ",..I ~"7 ::~. , "J;:U-,' ~""I ,~~~ ~: ~ f.; ::-7 :.". ~~-,,,,"::t - C~.- ~ ~ ~. ~ --;:... :' ~ , '.... ~ .;",~;f' .~ _ 0 ~ ~ \.C.l ~' ~':." ~ .,';'. , . ,r : I' " $ t~'" ,., ~ ..~ , 9~"". !i(~.~ , ~~ , , , Form 34 Florida WARRANTY DEED. (To Corporation.l :J. · 'r.'~- , . "1,.-) rnjl:l( ,\.,,, .....' J" "1> ".... '-~ ~:~.c:. " nW 0 -(o~UTBLANX REGISTEREO U.S PAT OFFICE '1. J Tuttle Law Pnnr,Publlshers,Rutland.1ff .wt!i~i J~ttl ittttttft .Made this 17th day of October .!l.. D. 1950 Itet~een WALTER E. WILSON and MILDRED V. WILSON, his wife, of the County of Dade part ies of the first part, and of Florida, a corporation existin!! under the laws of the State of havinl! its principal place of business in the County of State of Florida pal'ty of the second part, Witnesseth., that the said part ies of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS AND OTHER VALUABLE CONSIDERATION - - J:}f:iH(J,1'"s-, to them in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, ha ve granted, bargained, sold, aliened, remised, released, enfeoffed, conveyed and con- firmed and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, enfeoff, convey and confirm unto the said party of the second part and its succes- sors and assi!!ns forever, all that certain parcel of land lyin!! and beinl! in the County of Dade and State of Florida, more particularly described as follows: and State of Florida CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a municipal corporation Florida Dade , and Lot Ten (10), in Block Five (5), of TffirNSITE OF HARDING, according to the Plat thereof, re- corded in Plat Book 34, at page 4 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. This conveyance is made subject to conditions, restrictions and limitations of record; 1950 taxes; and all certified or pending liens. IOct'ME.VJ'>\. ~.~'.r;~0/..~..:':J'~~\~..~'"... ~?I,~, \~1:'. - (P:: ,~ ~_ !.1 . (;' "11' ".- '-'. ,;-. ~'>,~~"-_d"_ ";;...~~.,_~.;i\ / I',':~'I\'1 S'I\\'ms I I~.,'l\.\. Im"I,~n: f!!!> !'. ,'i,.v .'I~J L"JJ.IH.1.J,,\its L~~ ..=v-_~---.:._~ To~~ether with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances, with every prwilege, right, title, interest and estate, dower and ri~ht of dower, reversion, remaind.'3r and easelnent thereto belon~in~ or in anywise appertaining: To Have and to Hold the same in fee simple forever. .!l.nd the said part iesof the first part do covenant with the said party of the second part thatthey are lawfully seized of the said premises, that they are free of all incumbrance, and that they have tood ri[!ht and lawful authority to sell the same; and that said part ies of the first part doth hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same a!!ainst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. In '~itness Whereof., the said part ies of the first part ha ve hereunto set the ir hands and seal s the day and year above written. Signed, S.ealed and Delivered in Our Presence: { ,J_ :. r,. . ~M~~ /-.1 /' _ .' ~' .. . /, "'" 'I. . I v / / ? . .. ,. f c- (J-;r; .'. <:' / -{' I ~'".' ~ .. i' .' "