E-54 r- ./ BooK1753 PAGE404 '.r ..:;. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we in consideration of the benefits accruing to us by reason of convenient access and the de sirabili ty of haviIlf; the things hereinafter specified, placed in the 10cRtion noted below, and in conside~ation of One Dollar ($1.00 receipt of which is hereby acknovvledgec., do hereby give and grant - unto the City of Miami Beach,Florida, its successors and assigns, the perpetual right and easement to construct a bridge across that body of water designated as Lake, and bounded within the limits of the northerly line produced westerly and the southerly line produced westerly of Hotel Place, (now 24 Street), as said Lake &~d Hotel Place, (now 24 Street), are shown on the Amended Map of the Ocean ,Front Property of the Miami Beach Improvement Compe.ny, recorOO d in Plat Book 5, Pages 7 and 8 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. IN WITNESS WHEREOF vye have hereunto set our , at - County of Dade, State of Florida, hands and s.yf-s thiSJ.;r~ A.D.1936. .<".~,,~~~" ,;. I I' '" '\'" " '\ J '. ,- n!J '" ~ "" ,................ Ill' -;.~<:, . ~ .":,,."~ ' .......,...t;. ~, f ...'" '. <' \ V,. , ....... 11 ,'1 '1 P ~ II, '\.:;. I." <J' I,. . ., "",. '?~ i ,..,.".<" ..t 4 '\ . 'J {.:;;:,. '4\: (f~; '\("')~ -.' '." fJ "Y't. " L... .~,~. .. ,t::I ''5,' -; "1" .' ..:_~ -.,'l..''''f:~ ~a: >;" ~'> ;;.. .. "1' ""'; ~,. Pj, ,d';~,r' :s 1) - \ r' " ,)"'<"J ,1-<'." ..:; l. \ ,~~'~~)~,::,'j{~:i?~~J-../~~,! " .. ---I III 'I'~ Q"~i'!\~("'~ t' ,. ", \'~' ,U 61;'1'?,',"~" '",., " .1.. '."",l!o\""",~'" .". ;~-' ,,' "'.' ","'" V' ....' ' 'f <, ..... .... Q. :1) . / A '<."":;~""_"V""..."'. tt\ r ',... i',r,.,1 ~i if I: fL '0 t\ '~~<il . ~ k'f lLi>,^~\,""";';""\'~~' ;~ ~ ~_~'_(SF.AL) !!:1 ~ fq~ (SEAL) ~________ (SE:AL) ( SE...\L) '..i; ATTEST: .@. -.:-. - '--'----:-r - ------- --- ~, " ;)'Ito ' . V['. ~ .; "'-, -........~-"-'\,r........v~_"......\.l" ~ ,~ '. .~; (, . I ----T / ......... BOOK1753 PAGE405 5TATE OF=h_l 55: COUNTY OF -. ) I h~REBY CERTIFY, That on this if!' , , ___._ ____day of ___A D 1936, before me personally appeared ~.O~~___8l1d ~ ;?2-~~ . ~~~~~ a corpor'ation under the le..ws:;'~~~~:-:~1 V/--- to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument to the City of Miami Beach,Florida, and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers, for t~e uses and purposes therein men- t1.onedj and that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation, and the said instrwnent is the act and 'deed of said corporation. in th:r::::y m:f,S.igpk:d the day and year last aforesaid. official seal at~ and St:3.te of ~ ---1 My Commission ",'JlltH/lllli ~ .,,1 \1107 ill . ,\~\"~' ~ 0 i 1'/1/ "~.,."~. .....~ ~~.'.~ .,:/" ~~.. SEMJ)'.' '1;(." _~-;.. . -- ~.i~ ....' ..>...~ ..:".:..v,~ .' , 1 ,,:: ~ : "'\' n f} ,.. '. "t:. -:.; , .~ ~j . \ u "..,~.....,:::..... ~ .i ^ . V ~ ~.._ :: l:~ :;r V) .. . J .'> $>9t4'-..... '}" .. _rI = :, ,/, :'rn~ J{j 0''':- _ O!"" ':.": . "'"1 " .. ...~,'~' :; ~.." .,~- '~',j:~'''' , tf J.. .~..,. .,1~{'h.~,~\j~}::~' '...i:.' ~" ':J. ..;- ~"'i~C~.,~ ",,,r,;)ffi~J~4;R .' ,,''),"'\....'" '\"~~'" r,o, ,....'...... '\ > ..':!'.:;,. f;r,~~.1;-.,y:l_.~/ . " ,.,,~ . ,<I~\, ,,J,, I:; \\ ~ "d, , . '\1:-.). '.' . .f-4!A-l"', .bt.UP,l)'~\!>'''''' '.; THIS EASET:TENT ACCEPTED BY THE CITY COUHC1L_OF THE CIT _ OF IEIAlvII BEACE, FLORIDA, THIS ~'4:tL DAY OF ~J...{}t- A.D.1936. A:;i" ~ -= ~ .~- : , \ . .f~,J,~t,!tr 01e rk 1'!>0 ... i .~,..'I.... ~ >tt'> :-' ';:,J"", ',i'" I" #.~.....y "l~ ;11'~' /' " '..' -c. '. ./.~-: .... ?'\\ '~. ~.:. ,,~..- -l~' ..".,-^ ~ 'l"'~ ~ . , t t lro.~ ,. I' .... ...~. -."". . . {,~(;:': ,r.~,...~'--r I'!'~ ..:"~~~'~" t :;::. ~ ;.,~"':h"'I.~~~~~"!;~! ~ '-, t .~:: ~ I .. ,,'V.1~\~:: ~~, J: , ,,1' ~. "'""" "f. ~~^~'" V' CD ,q p , q ~ A.r. ['1i\~:,f ,.'!,. ,""~I';'W~; ''''~'It' "-.. ~:v' :. ,,<:t. ,'I ,.~i:~ .. t..'. 4:..~ . , " '.'...'1,. "", " ~ '.... ' :Sl"'~ ....~ .."" _)'~"-'" '~i' ~. t-t't. ~ '....~ ...... .'il',' ,,_ , .... 'C~ r (l Ii '11.......'., \ C) ,t!t , <, /'" 2 8L~;{ ,,'O.J" ~"~.4J't:~J:t'i~'J.:'#!n,~~ ~-g-~~: esident of City~Gouncil Sr:,te g{ Fk>rlda Coun~, a/Dad: 4A Y1 _..~ ThJJ i}1st~ent was iled for tecord thg~_dav oLL~__ ~;~!!:_dd7~'~~I~~ :~/~Jt~il E, 8, LEAT~HR A . ~I ". . i . r Bd~~___ ________~_'__D, c,