Opinion of Abstract of Title OPZI~]E()N o~m .,..!,bstract of i'i.B le preparec] 'O.y .~b~ai: ional 'fit insurance Compsny un,qer Certi('icsBe No. 4677n co,r'U~ris:tnF~ en- Bries n~'bered 1 to 17 imclusive. co'vorir~,' t'hat ~eriofq of time exten4inc~ from ~he ~e.'innjn~,' ~o i..b~;v- 22 ].s:~4'.:~ aB ~:::0:) n..:.~4; snc'~ continuation tbereo:[' nrepared b'y the same ~'to~pany' u~nc!er Certifficate 'fro. 46951 com.'r~ris~C: entries~r~berec] 1 to 7 in- clusive, coverin~ the. :,'~r:if~~ o'f t:D.,e exte-adi~.j~ from j'~ay' 1942, at 8:00 ~ ~'."'.. to July 9. 1942 at [?.:00 A.i'.":.: anf~ cont~ ~ation t]n~er~'.:: bF ~]~,~ s~me 'jor~'~nV t.l~j~el'~ Certi~'icate 5369~ com~risin,:,' entri.~s n~.['~er. ed 1 to 5 inclusive. covering that ~eri. oc~ of tirr'e extendinr~ from ju!v o. 1942 at ~.~.:00 to Tu]y 14. 1944. at 8:00 A.F..; anG corttinuatjon thereof ;ore- ~sre~ b', t~-,e same (]omnany unaer (Jertificste Wo. 54142 comorisin.~' one entry only coverimV ~ine r',erio(~ of time ex'aencling i'rom july ].4. ]_~:~44, at ~:00 A V.. to i~ust 21 194z~ at ~':',:00 A.r, ; an~ con- tinuation t]" ,~reo ;:; ~'Ter~ar'~ by :'is.mi ?i~le and Abstract (;o. under Certificate tgo. 109763 comr~risin~ entries numbered 1 to 6 in- c].~s~ve, cove~in~~ the-'~erioc] of ~ime exten,'~n~ from A~o'ust 21, .]._944. at 8:00 A.~., to ,]ar~,~aryl7. 1951. at S:O0 A.?!.; and con- tinuation thereof ~re~ared by the same ~]omnany under Certificate ~qo. ].t472V comorisinp; entries n~mbered 1 to 9 inclusive, covering '~a't :~rjo,-] oi~ time extending: from Jan,.ary 17. 1951, st 8,:00 to June 20, 191~1, st 8:00 .A.~.T.; mtr,~ortin?r to delineate '~be title in an'] to tba'~ certain oarcel oi' lama s:t. te_a~e. l~vin~ an~ ~eim~' in Oade County, ,:,:lori~a, 4escribed as follows. to-wit: Lot Twelve (12) of .:':lock ~;'ive ( 5). of o? :JA~::i.)ING, accordin? to ~be r~lat ~:]mereoJ, re- cor~e~ in )let j ook ~j4, ~t ~cor0s of Dade '~ounty ?lorida. D'rom an examination o:~' saY]d! /[i.~straat off Title (:~!nion soleIv ,-!~,on the same, ]U ar!~ o2.' the o~'>inion that on June 20 1951, at 8:00 ~:k.Y....:., tlne f'ee simF. le tit]_e in an~. to e. be shove- ~.esc..i'Oed land was veste~ in ~?:ENJA]',!.Y.]~[ t(OVNAT snd ~"IOI. L]ZE KCiVi'~AT, his wife. subject to the foliowin.g: 1. Taxes for the year 195]. v,~ich, although not yet ~ue or ~.aBrable, constitute a lien. a.?ainst the lan~. 2. Zonina: or~nances o~ the ~.ity of Y.J~iami ]:-.each. _t?lori~a; q~estions o:i:' survey; ri,-,'bts of oart~es in ~7, ossession. -'ossible mechanics' liens A'or labor ~:~rfor..~med or material f't~r'nished on or ,'-t'oo!.mt ~,]le v~.rel-nises within the I~ast three mortths. 4. ',0ber, e are several jud-'_ments set .,"r~rtb irl .hb.e ai:stract bu'b, more than twenty years i-tas nassed since the entry of the judg"~ents that constituted liens a~ainst the land. ! ~, ully su0mitted, ~~ ~ttorne~ ](.on She~,ard City Attorne " OFFI.& OF CITY ATT'ORNEY -- CITY HALL -- MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA