Agreement 01/02/51 , 1" (')' '1 "" ,.,. ,~,t, lJLu A'1'.l Ji"Jld..l, 1-laoe :..ma e.lh81'eC! lnco Crns c...,_-:'::' ( ay of ~_".,._., .__ __ L jJ. 19J7, i')y :1,[1(J lJet11een eJl) "' U J l' 'I(P{ C J'n I I '1" ' . t ", , "'. I. t.',,; ,:II ,-.l. L.J,', 01 G., a L' orlCJ3 Gorpor'}"CJoO~" .rar y OJ: r,,18 ,;.'J.rs'c Part, hereinafter r ::I'er"'eo. to as the 1! ;3eller II 3n(; CI ,JF l.J:.J'iI , a Dunicinal corporation of Florict3, PArty of -> e c 0 nO. P,srt, hereina:fter refe:'Ted to ;l,S t:; e "Purch;:tser11, -1 ,:-1:". ,) .:) .-~~ 1 ... J . -~,_..,,_.'._,._~_.,,_._.,"- For and in consideration of e sum of One C>1. ) Dollar, heretofore paid to the Seller by .he Purchaser, rec i ~ of which is hereby ac1cnoHledr;er1, a,uJ in consideration of e cove~ants }lP~eil'8~~er ~eio 'f'O~~!l ~'t'P .!.. "~""" _ ....._-'".L v d V. ...l. VJ., u._,~ rties hereto i'.l;>;ree (lS follO'Hs: 1. The ;)el]J,:r '>r1.11 sell and con,' ey a:d tl:e F1J,rchaser ':Iill ~urchase ~h t certain Darcel of 1 co i ~u:c' t 1 V" OJ ('1"'"10. ':. e" 1~ (J i) " v',,, , ..L,/ J.L'i,. '.d ,j .L..l"C! ,~ ;'1' ,'If'l' :J p'~ cr' .'J :".:' ,J" c. ,~..l, e (; Olll'l'h,',1, :'i'lorl" "1' e l" cr' l')e 'S" ()' I O'IS to' T1.l- . ,_ v, _ , (',.) 1., I,: d.l' ~,=. ',', -,~'v. Lots Thirteen (13) and Fourteen (V+) of Block li'ive (5) of the 'l'0;;181 OF' , accorcing to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 34, at page ~-, of the Public Hecords of D}de County, l"lorida. 2. 'rhe :3i";11er will, 'dithin 'l\Ienty (20) days from the date hereof, furnish to the Purchaser an ,ibstract of Title shmJinr; Sellerrs title to be good and marketab1e~ 3. 'rhe ,c.>sller \'Iill convey the sD.id land to e P1:1..rchaser by ";000. and sufficient vl.'''1rranty (1 eed, free and cle:u of all encum- brances except restrictions and limitations of record common to the netr:hborhood: zoni:n.p: or6inar~ces of the City of l,iami i3e:1.ch, L,'lorida; penel in" C:L tll of 1::Lar1i 138:1ch LLens;, taxes for t;11e year 1951 'i'lhich ,'3..re to l'8 -:-)ro-r'lterJ as of th,e d .':J.te of closing the t ral1sact:Lon coctem- pln,tecl by is i.l.':renr:ent. J.f-. The hlrchaser agrees to pay to the Seller E),S tlle full 1]ur- c119,se 1::;rice for s)j.6 lrmr:, tIle sur' of '.l'lITenty-fo1J,r i:'llOusand:: no/l()O (p24,OGO. ) 011ars cash at the time of clcsin~ the transaction con- v lated hereby. ). The transaction conterrpL1ted lel'el)Y slialJ be closed within Forty-five (45) days from the dats of tlS agreement. -1- OFFICE OF CITY ATT'ORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA / o. 'll) " ,C! ." t" " '11~' ,. ,', d . 1'; 1 n" , -'-1 "",US abreeLlen SUa. ,)e enn ,l,.b Ui,OJl DO (,,11 ~rties, the :3elle1' and the Purchaser, tLeir successors ,J.nd ::tssiCns. IiI ',fIT'l! , the parties hereto have caused these presents to be Signed in their corporate names, by their duly t' . ::l n....'. ',1 au norlzen OI11cers, anu thc.;ir corporate seals ;;o:)e Cixed, attested by tileir Secretary 3.nd City CJerl~, res<Ject:Lvely, as .p +' 01. ",(10 c1ny "ear first alJO'ie ',fritterl. i'l{ Jj II " l, -.- r f1 , 11.'0. . ;, I ,), , /:(/ ( , , f" ,,( By _,_ /...1 .L:~ ',:.:fc.~IL_J."Ll.~i.!: (, ", ~~=_ '.. .._. Preside' t I ll.ttest: ~~-~.._,..._,. ...-- Secretary I' crey uF lU1\}U il.cn: Gy---lk5~{ - .---. hayor _" . It.. ",\.t ',~e s t ~ 4~l/1' ~J p"r'<,r~~...!"-:--~ ",:"..--.- ../ U~J v _.J .I\.. STAT~ OF !LOHIDA: COUI)'~Y OF D.\.;JE: I 'f Y,' "'Y '11,1;')-" '.7' -!-'"..-,'t' " 0-"11"' "T~" .0 .... ~7- .,'C ,- L,Ll.,~,U .. '-'JI..LL'.1.. v".,.. OJ} vI. S (J duel ,,0.1,,13.- 'J,.'le",,1 t::.Ct lor,,: me _.,_~_r~.._~_...____ :.md --b'-~ _,_.__ _ _ rc;sjJ'c'clvely, Prcosident ancj of l;'OlLCH SHuHE JI~JISH CE-NTI~R ,--rIle .",--aFlorida Corporation;' ton-i"- Vlefj~]rJlQ1,'m to be the persons described in and Vlho executed the foregoj g cl.isreement and duly ack- nO'olledgedbefor~ me th;::t they executed tLF s::w'e for the pur1)oses therein expressed as the :':lct and deed of said corporation. p.,~~T fITII;~3;\_mii~((~;OF,.I have hereun~~ ~(jt rJ'~Y ~~laI:(l",.c''- afE~~:ed my,;' O,f",J..lCldFl seal3.v?H-c:e--.: ~"", ",,' saJ.C<, L:onYlvY J.nu. ":>!Jdt"e, t"LllS ~_ d'li~ of ~ ,',' , 1" 'r-/ 'J -. ,- -"----'-'(J--'-'-- '-'- '. ,j. ).:!:L..L... .,~-~q-- ....-.- , ...-.-.-- '-,'--- Notary PubJic, Scate of Florida at Large .. " "..' C' 3 :t:q "'l comnns Slon exrnres ~ ;, 0 v. ..,:.., L' )"''rl 'J t L "'" ') ~ Noto!')! Public, State of ,.. orll 0 a or",,:, OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY ::CjTY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, F'~l&~~ A~Cfl~:"~,urety CQ,I Qt N':5~