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Warranty Deed 20-2.2
""--~' ~~~, ~ <ld\~( ""' ~.- ....- ......... FA~ .2.0 -.-? J w"..,,"TY .... 1111" 1.;Ilr....TI IIr., ... Ihl. '~ .~ .., ., ~" .-bu: A 11 J' .40 ....._ A~.n J... Llu&\Ca\u. .111011 at J.. L Ll1l1....t.on. 4____, ! 'I", 1""",\ fI( ;";ha~ .nol ",.Ip 41 .;-.rgla part X .f II~ ,'.., ",". .... Cl~7 at ~1~~ ~"Qb. a ~AO~ Qorpoza\lQO ,1.1, .., Jade ilQrlASa ~f1 :I {'If ttuo ....4'IIJ"d ,.rt. ",141 f:tatt' of I': I I ',f' I '" .j". ,of Pl'- :J 'It t~'t' ',r'~ I " 1", Ii-' ' "dl "\...,.1,,.- ('.f '.', ".lOTI ,,, I.OILAR. 'r d 1'\ d. ,I, f' 1" '" h. tt..( ,. ~.,.r..h) 10. '1".1. .tlC' ,I. h.ll h.""JtltHd, .,H .n..t h,..,,,,..,,,.,,.. .rwt '" .I, flJ:l1'1' I,ll, .'lIi 'r.HI~I, r. untlJ lhr HI PM' Y r,r 'h,. ~ft"'tI pAM a.." .1*,-. .auoeh.e.Gl". fir "an,I, I,,"-' H'lIt I" 1ft. In th.. <<'Junt)' "f~ .nti ll'lflll r"r ll, ,] ",'d 1't.l.. . lLtlrl JJArr" ",LI " j '" i"" ji III, !' " I"" II I,dl".., Lot J1x (F,) of :~:o",{ ;.qJ '.Jr.":-.'j ....1'1. (:12), <.: "'Ln J8fl~ AddltiJ~1 .,0. rl~.Jr (4), C1~... of ..1'u1 .-)9'."", j C' J'l. . ~..' ,".. -. . . la' ...",.. -,~. ' t' - " " , ,i . ",' : ~ , ~l, , - '" ' ..::. ~ '. .. -r: ; , /~ ; ~ " , J.Q~ I ... I) , ~ h" f, "'II '- f,,~'.'h, r "11:1 illl th,- {I ~1'lJlf'nt.... h'~Tf'ditntll"nt'l and appurtrn,'nc,',,;, with rVfry pri\'ilrlf(', ri<<ht, till,', intere:it and t':'Itate. .;..", rand rielll l,f dl,"'.r, n.ver..ion. rf'lnnint1('r and I'R.;eOlI'nt lh,'rt'to b,.lonltina- or in .nywi~e appertaininr. Tf) J i;\ \' L \ 'I' TO 1ft II,J' th" ,"am,.. in 'f'f' !'IimpJ.. Inr"v",', A nil 1h" "Hitt JlArt. y. _ _ of the fi"t pArt tto .ea._ . "H'lan! wilh thl' ,,,"id vartJC _ _ _of the l'Ieeond part lhat_ _ _ohe_ .1e_ _ _ _ ~ _lawfully 8t~iaed of laid pN'mid<<!'f'; thllt th{>)' an fro'" o( all IOculllbrnn('f', and thaL _ ...aha_..ba.a _ _ _ _ 1('001'1 rillfht and lawful authority to ..U the ~Jt"lf'; and tllllt. __ _ _~_!]~__H_p_will warrant and df'fend th,' lIIame apin:;l the lawful ('Iaime of all penon.: I~ WIT~t:ss WIJEHEOF, Th. .ald part-y.u_of the first part h..Sphereunto let __.....~___h.___ hand__ and '''''.1_ _ _. the dn)' and year above- written. S~IPI ed, s...led and Delivered in our 1'reHft..: he:._' , .- --~......- _~ /<.. ,;R----...:.r:~-" -------------------- ---------.------.-. .__.~.~.~.._...__................. ~-. -/)t/.. d _~~-.SL~~~.(DAL) i/ ..............__._.._....__.__...._......_.(DAJ.) . eo _ _ __ _ _.. _ _ _ _. ___ - - _.... - eo __ eo _.._ - ....~) "f