67-12247 RESO ms ill] ~ w .. it \ ~---,.""" .~-",.". JU;SOW'lION 1\10. 12247 WlIEREAS" JOSEPH BURNS and ~ BUIUiIS" his wife, have offered to sell to the City for the Bum of $60" Of>O. rL) cash (of which amount the SWift of $500.00 shall be payable to th4:+ law firm of FJtAlOCJU., AvaACH" OGAL" attorneys for the owner" as attorneys' fees) that certain parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City of Miami Beacb, County of Dade and State of Florida, d..cribed as follows, to wit: Lot 4, Block. 22, AMBJl1>aJ:) PLAT OF GOLF COUIUJE SUBDIVISIOB. according' to the plat theZ'eof, recorded in Plat Book 6. at page 2€ of the public recorda of Dade County, Florida. TOGE'ftDUl lf1 t.h t.hat port.ion of a st.r ip of land tlurty (30) teet wide, known .e the .'8riol. Path"" abuttin9' on and easterly of the a~ de.c~ibed Lot. 4, eloc:k 22" AMDID&O PLid' 01' GQLP' COUUB SUBDIVI&IOB, aCeocdinq to thll plat t.hereof" ~ecord.d in Plat Book 6, at P&ge 2~ of the public recorda of Dade County, Florida: a Jl('~ W1I1tJUtAB. tlM C.ity Council of the City of Miaaat Beacb de._ it t.o be t.o the be.~ int..rest. of .aid Cit.y ~ acquire said property at .aid price and on the te.... aDd condit.J.oDII set forth in said offer, for oft t.he st.reet parking of ..t.GMObile.t and WBEJUIAB, tbere i6 pz-eflently pending in the Circuit. Court of DilCle County, Florida, proceeiS1ntJ. ffX the cona.......t.ioJ:. of ~ariou& pare.'.l., of whicb the above d.scl.'i.bed pucel i. a part, in the Circuit Court of Dade Cou.nty, 1'10ridA, be1n9 Case No. E7;;:-;'~631, entitled ltCit.y of JUaJd. Beec:h, a )'I.rid. IllUn1clpaI (:'OZ"pOJ:"a't..t.an,cj va. William G. Meeban1c and Hilda Mechanic, hi. vife, et. al~, -bien .uit will .be di"aU.&aed u 'to tlM .aid JOaPH 8UMS aoo ~ ....., 1U.8 wife. and .. to the property hereinabove described, upon eonauIIBationof the transaction laereinabove described, BOW" 'lJIEDlI'OU, BE 1'.l' RESOl,,.D BY 'l'IIB C.tft COUIICIL 01' DIE eln or MIAIU BJUt.CH, noaua, that tIle City Attorney be and be 1. hereby aut.bori-o and directed to p.I'epltte an agre_nt embodying t.he terma and condition. of the of fer lM..einabove Nt fortb, and the Mayor and t.he City Clen aM I'inance D.irector be and t:hey are hereby au'tboz'iaed aDC! directed to exec.."Ute aaid &<Jr..ment in the name of and on behalf of .aid C.ity, and that tbe diaburaing - 1 - rrn (ffi ~ w officers of 6aio City })f!> and t.hey are~ Mreby authorized and directed to disbura. the moni.. requireo by the t.erms of s.a.ic ap:..ment. from funds of t.he Cit:.y available for such ptll'pO&$.. BE 1'i' FURTlmIl USOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'lII& ClfJ.'Y OF JaUAMI UACH, rWJUDA, that SAUL Z.. UliNEft, tne City's .negotiat.or in (';.onnec:t.ion with this tral'dlact.ion, J;.e paid a fee for hit; ..%Vicea .. auch Mgotiator upon cona~~ion of said propose.., tranaact.ion in t.he sum of $1200.0'), and that t.he proper disburaing and financial offic:er& of t.he Cit.ybe and tlMy are hereby aut.horta.a and direct.ed t.o diaburae said sum .. afore.aid from fund&. of the Cit.y available for .uch puzpoae. PABOD and A..DOPftJ) tJu.. 4th day of nC!tnb~r. l':it7.. (Signed) Jay Dermer Mayac AftB6t'. (Signed) Ruth B. Rouleau I City ClerK and Finance Dir.ct:.~ (SEAL) - 2 -