Warranty Deed 5727-725,726 l~1 I 5....72...7 " . '7'5 hLL I.'GL '- WARRANTY DEED STATUTORY FOR M 5 ,.~._,~_..._.......-.._,,,,,,,,. 0- t Lj;:~':L,~l. y j BARNETT'S-MIAMI- . ACH __Ie.. This Indenture, ~ Made this ';JC 7 If day of ''Jovember , A. D. 19 67 . Jdwttn SOPHIE HASSMAN, a widow, individually, and as legatee, devisee, under the Last Will and Testament of MAX HASSMAN, Deceased. of the County of Dade , in the State of Florida part y of the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida Municipal corporation, of the County of Dade "Jart y of the second part, , in the State of Florida Uitntsstlft: That the said part y of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars, and other valuable consideration E~ to her in hand paid by the said part y of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, granted, bargained and sold to the said part y of the I second part, heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in the County of Dade ,State of Florida to-wit.. South Twenty-five feet of Lot Eight and North Thirty-seven and one-half feet of Lot Seven in Block Twenty-two of the Alton Beach Realty Company's Amended Plat of GOLF COURSE SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 6, at page 26 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; also That portion of a strip of land Thirty feet wide, known as the "BRIDLE PATH", lying East of the North Thirty- seven and one-half feet of Lot Seven and the South Half of Lot Eight of Block Twenty-two of GOLF COURSE SUBDIVISION of the Alton Beach Realty Company as the same is shown, marked and designated on an amended Plat of said Subdivision recorded in Plat Book 6 at page 26 in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Dade County, Florida, and together with the improvements therein excepting the furniture, furnishings and personal property, contained therein. Subject to the restrictions and limitations of record common to the neighborhood, and subject to any easements for public utilities, which may be of record. This Deed by the parties of the first part have been executed pursuant to the authorization granted to them by order of sale duly entered by the County Judge of Dade County, Florida, in the estate of MAX HASSMAN, Deceased, Probate No. 69261 B, on the 9th day of November, 1967. And the said part y of the first part do es hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. In Uilness Uhereof, The said part y of the fir.~t part does hereunto set her hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed. sftjJund deliv~TJ iljPrs/nce of us \ ,', . u )nui(j;-k1-J/f{Iffjf~mmuu mUU(~a~()w: Individual ._______mnU_um___________Un . ___m__'n' nn___'mm_.m.._ -.-ofnMa'X-lla-s&man,.--Dec-ea-sed-.----nn- ~, c.::' ....tot J"'"" en -..... ".,.~ ~ I ,-., r. It: 0 C': .-i \I- " , t;::. '-<-...' 'J ...,..".' t-..,.. _..~ > .L.. t~ .- -.' j ~:.) ----- \.) '~ J'x(j ~' '0:> AllensE!) 'S OJ1~ UQ~,J()\IJV ^13 pepuog OL6l '\ll 'It!aS SOlllh:l In!\S~WWO) I.W i/f)JI!l11! I!P~jOI:l lO "ll!lS 'l:lq"d Ml!lON saol!dxa UO!SS!WWO;J AW ';JUqnd AolV10N '/~~,'e,. ~1tI .>",/ '. .;. ~,"'. -.1 r~ u ,.' . \ ,~ ~, , . .. ,.-::...:'f I::.. == Q ,- ..... Q.. ,- ~ ~ ~ ~ ff ~~l t- 'I -- ... :i :::> ~! "" I C J .J~; :z: ~' ! u - 0( '>.c-'''","" '. -0 ,,~ i' -, . ....\ <U :.;:j f"'l i 1: ::..~ 0( !ai 1.0 t'Q ""1.1 i C;1) o' r.... ~ i ........-. '".. f:l 0( :7:,1 ('. ,,~~ 0 i ~~ \ """.1' .~ I :aJ"1 ~ III ~- .. .~ E I- '...~~ OJ ~j iii Z ,.;::::.; ~" .S C:~ E 1\ 'T.:i ~ fI: 0( 0 '"' 8 ~' ~ ' i lD :<< 'Z .::> '~~ ~ C'..) Il.l /.... E-4 ~ ~S H .,j 3" : '01 .i::: ~If!)., i ~g'2 '~,~ t> ~ Jerf j-~ Q4 II = = (') CJ1 00 <=1> ...., ZO -1m -< en '. J ) ..{ '-J '~..J ~ ~ Q I A~^ ZZSOI == lOt .0 0 ;:: r I~:; ':it~ ~ 19,9ZAON == 'Bil ~ I, '":~.; 113110111;WO) == I xv 1 dWV1S ~ A~VIN:JWn::>Oa I '\I 0 1,C:t O-'.:::i ~o 3J.. '\I..LS . L9 6l 'U 'V ' .IaqUIaAoN /0 AVP ~< .' :.U ..... ~ <"= ~ ........ ~ ...c. = (;'.".,;) ,;',' S!,l(1 p!VSaolO/V 1SVl a1V1S pUV A1unO:J a1f1 U? lvas lV?;J'!1Io puv PUV1f AW SS3Ul1Bl 'awvs a1J1 pa]n;Jaxa a1J IV1J1 aw aolojaq paiJpapwmpv ~ ....... ~ ~ pUV luaWnol1SU! iJU?o1JaolO/ a1f1 pa]n;Jaxa o1fm pUV U! paq!ol;JSap uosolad a1f1 aq 01 umou~ atu 01 'paSBaJaa 'UBUISSBH XBW JO lUaUIB:).sa.L pUB 1HM. :).SB'1 aLl:). .xapun 'aaS1Aap 'aa:).B~a1 SB pUB 'AHBnp1AWU1 '.M.OP1.M. B 'NVWSSVH ::3:IHdOS paolvaddv Allvuosolad 's1uaw1Jpal(twU~;JV a~Vl 01 p!VSaolO/V A1unO:J a1f1 U! pUV P!VS J. _ ~ _. '. -aolO/V cJ1VlS a1f1 u~ paZ!olO1f1nv Alnp olCJ;J'!1IO UD 'atu aolo/aq 'AVP S~1f1 uo 1V1{.L 'fiJllJ3J fiq3J3}1. I :SS ::3: a va JO filun") vaIHO'1d JO 3lVlf gZl. l1Vd L2L9;'l]';'r