67-12248 RESO ~ rm ~ w Lt )- -,- I " J 'v/ I RESOLUTION NO. ~8, WHEREAS, JOSEPH J. HASSMAN and RUBIN HASSMAN, as Ancillary Co-Executor. of the Estate of Max Hassman, Deceased, have offereO to sell to the Cit.y for t.he t:um of $ 7 G1 6 c.;-(.' L L- , cash, that certain parcel of land situat.e, lying and being in the City of Miami Beach, Count.y of Dade and State of Florida, described as follows, to wita I I The South 25 feet of Lot. a and t.he North 37-1/2 feet. of Lot 7, Block 22, AMDmBJ) PLAT OF GOLF COUasE SUBDlVISIOR, accordin9 t.o the plat tbereof, recorded in Plat Book 6, at page 2f: of the public records of Dade County" Florida. ,>>- \ ~1\ with t.hat portion of a strip of land thirty (30) feet. wide, known 88 the "Bridle Path", abutting on and east.erly of the above described South 25 feet of Lot 8 and the Borth 37-1/2 feet of Lot 7, Block 22, AMBRDBD PLAT 01' GOLF COUUB SUBDIVISIOIl, aecordinq to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 6, at page 26 of t.he public records of Dade Count.y, Florida: and 'lfBEItBAS, the Ci t.y Council of the C.i t.y of Miami Beaeh de_ it. t.o he in t.he beat interest of said Cit:y tOo acquire said property at. said price and cn the t...... and cond! t.ion.. set. foz.1:h in said offer, fOor off the atr..t park.lng of aut.OIBObil.a: and W.BUM, there ia presently pendinq in t.he Circuit court of Dade Couuty, Florida, prOCeedill98 for the con- demnat.ion of various piU'cela cf land, of which the above d.scribed parcel i. a part, beinq Circuit court ea.e 110. 67 _ 13631, entitled .City of Miami Beach, a Flozoida -..nJ.cipal carporat.:lon, va" William G. Mechanic and IU.lda Jlecbanic, hi. wife, et al", which suit will be diemi..ed as to the s-a1d ".mana, the owner. of the property herein- above de.cJ:'ibed, and ae to the pzooperty hereinabove described, upon coneulllRation of the t.J:anaaction hereinabove set. forth, lfOW, DlBltD'OU, BE I1' DSOLVED BY '1HE CIn COUNCIL OF 'l'BE C%n OF MIMI BBACB, PLOJUDA" t.bat the City At.torney be and he i8 hereby autho..ized and directed t.o prepare an agreemeDt: embodying t.he t.e.... and condit.iona of t.he offer hereinabove .et forth" and that. the Mayor and the City - 1 - ~ ~ ~ w Clerk and Finance Director be and t.hey are hereby autbor1Hd and directed to execut.e t.he said a9reement in the name of and on behalf of said City, and t.hat the proper financial and di.burBing officers of said City be and they are hereby aut~ized and direct.ed to di.burae the monies required by the termll of .aid aqreement. frcm funds of the City available for auch purpose. U I!' FUa'.l'BEJl DSOLVBD BY ~ eI'l'Y COUHCIL OF '.l'HB Cln OF MIAMI BEACH, I'LOIllDA, t.hat SAUL Z. _ft, the City's neqotiator in connect-ion wi'th this tranaaction. be paid a f.. for his senice. .a such negotiator upon c0n8U1l1Dation of sa1d proposed transaction in the sum of $ /~'Jt!~, t~ . and that the p.roper financial and diSbursing officers of the City be and they are hereby authorized and dire<*ed to disburse said Bum as afos-8.aid frClll funds of the City available for such purpoae. PUSBD and ADOPI!a;, t.his 4th day of October I 1967. L (Signed) Jay Dermer Mayor AftII8!'. (Signed) Ruth Bo Rouleau .. . City C181:k and Pinance J)ire~OI' (SEAL) - 2 -