Ad 0307 ,!,'r'""<~,.,"_,;",~,.,,...,..... '."."'-"'~'!'7"',"'.'.-:'''''''''''3':':'~;:;'_ lQ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ~ NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING . NOTICE IS HEREBY given that a public hearing will be held by the Mayor and'" ~ity Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, in the Commission ~hambers, 3'" floor, City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, . =Iorida, on Wednesday, May 18, 2005, at or no earlier than 5:00 p.m., to ;onsider approving, on second reading, a proposed Development Agreement .>etween the City of Miami Beach and AR&J SOBE, llC (alk/a Potamkinl /, Berkowitz) for the development of the project, presently referred to as "5th and Alton, ø containing approximately 179,000 square feet of retail area and a ~upermarket and an approximate 1081 space parking garage and park-n- 'ide transit facility, including an intermodal/transportation component, art' ,ntegrated parking garage, vertical transportation, ramps ventilation, etc., and . ~urrounding streetscape and pUblic infrastructure to serve the project, bounded by Lenox Avenue on the east, Alton Road on the west, 6"' Street on the north and 5"' Street on the south. Inquiries may be directed to the City Manager's Office at (305) 673-7010. INTERESTED PARTIES are invited to appear at this meeting, or be represented by an agent, or to express their views in writing addressed to the City Commission, c/o the City Clerk, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 1" Floor, City Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Copies of this ordinance are availabfe tor public inspection during normal business hours in the City Clerk's Office, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 1" Floor, City Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. This meeting may be continued and under such circumstances additionallagar notice would not be provided. f .~ ,tþ f t ~. i~ r "- }> 1: Robert E. Parcher, City Clerk ;i~ì¡!t· -t City of Miami Beach -'1" .. ?Ürsuani to·~ctrðh ~m;.fr'fÛ5;-f1a~lat, \tIt: ~Ily 'oereby a¡J.¡I!;f!S 'the iI~' .~ that: if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission~ with respect to any matter considered at its meeting or its hearing, such, ..~ person must ensure that a verbatim record of. the proceedings is made, .\1'\ . which record inclu~es the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is . ..' \ to be based. This notice does not constiMe consent by the City for the introduction or admission of otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nor does it authorize challenges or appeals not otherwise allowed by law. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodation to participate in this proceeding, or to request information on access for persons with disabilities, or to request this publication in accessible format, or to request sign language interpreters, should contact the City Clerk's office at (305) 673-7411, no later than four days prior to the proceeding. If hearing impaired, contact the City Clerk's ¡ office via the Florida Relay Service numbers, (800) 955-8771 (TTY) or (800) 955-8770 (VOICE). Ad No. 307 d 1