Warranty Deed 5760-177,178
;:[:: 5760 fr~G~ 177
Marrauty ilrrb
IDl1ts 3lubtUturt,Made the 1111 day of :n ~M ~R.. ,A. D.1967
WlIMf c~~)to~H8~~LA~ABa-9~tM~~~1fffttt.!t.OIfo~1.Jl88kF~lt FtiICE
0/ the County 0/ Dade , and State 0/ Florida ,0/ the fiw pari, and
CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation existing under the laws
of the State of Florida, having its principal place of business at 1130 Washington
~HiifiK.llffl~venue I Miami Beach
Dade , and State of Florida
, of the County 0/
, of the second part,
1lIlIittttssrt4 , That, the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of
Ten ($10.00) Dollars and other good and valuable considerations xBMtMy,x
)(/)a(1<<l)fKj)tX;<x.~H.t.l>mxit.~>>lo4.)U>e~ to it in hand paid by the said part y
of the second part, at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged, ha s granted, bargained, sold, aliened, remised, releCJ$ed, conveyed and confirmed,
and by these presents do es grant, bargain, sell alien, remise, release, convey and confirm unto the said
part y of the second part, and its successors xJ!Jxt{and CJ$signs forever, all the following piece ,
parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Da de , State of
Florida . and more particularly described as follows:
All of Lots 5 and 6, and the Southerly 12-1/2 feet of Lot 7, in Block 22, of
AMENDED GOLF COURSE SUBDIVISION, according to the plat thereof, as recorded
in Plat Book 6, Page 26 of the Public Records of Dade Co~ty, Florida, together
with a 30 foot strip of land to the rear and abutting the rear of the aforesaid lots
or portions of lots, which strip is commonly referred to a~ the" Bddle ~ath. "
Subject.to taxes for the year 1967 and all subsequent years; z"6iling ordinances
of applicable governmental authorities; conditions, restrictions, limitations and
agreements with public utility companies, of record, if any (it not bping the in,.-
tention of the Parties of the First Part to reimpose the same hereby), and ease-
ments for public utilities of record.
The Co-Trustee executes this deed pursuant to authorization given to it in that
certain Trust Agreement dated October 30, 1956, made by and between Ida Sussman,
widow, as Settlor I and William Sussman, as Trustee, for trusts in behalf of Felice
Ronny Sussman and Selwyn Donald Sussman, recorded November 7, 1956 in Deed
BOQ.,k 4358 at Pages 31 and 42, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida.
wngrUltr with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging
or in anytdsp appertaining. and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and
profits ther('of, and also all the e$tate, right, title, interest, dou'('r and right of dower, separate estate, prop-
erty, posseuion, claim and demand whatsoever, a.' u:dl as in equity, of the !laid part Y 0/ the first
part, of, in and to the same, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances.
ijJn )lUUt UU~ IDn 1ijnl~ the above granted, ~argainpd and de$cribed premises, with the appur.
tr>nan('Ps, unto the said part y 0/ the $econd part,lts successO~~nd auigns, to its
own proper rue, benefit and behoof for('t,('r.
And the said part y of thefir!lt part, for itself and for its heirs. executors and
administrators, do e s covenant, promise and agree to and with the !laid part Y of the second part, it
successors if.~(md auign$, that the $aid part y of the first part, at the time of th'~ emealing
and dr/in:>ry of these presents, is lawfully 5(!ized of and in all and singular the abot'e
grr:mfl'd, bnrgained and describt'd prf'mi.,es, with th" npl'urtenanct's, and ha s good right,
full powr>r and la<<:ful authority to grant, bargain, sdl and convey t/"e 3am,' in manni" and form ajoresaid.
And thp said partY of tll!' second part, its successors ~&~and assign', ,hall amI may at all
times hereafter peaceably and quietly have, hold, IUP, occupy; poue" and enjoy the above ~raltted premues
and every part and pared thereof, with the appurtenances, without any let, suit, trouble, molestation, evic-
tion or disturbance of the said partY of the first part, its heirs or assigns, or of any other
pp.rson or pOrions lal('fully claiming or to claim thp samp, by, through and undpr the grantor her('in.
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And the ,aid partY of the fir,t part, for itself and for its heir" warrant, the
above de,cribed and hereby granted and releCJ6ed premi$f", and et'ery part and parcel thereof, with the
appurtenance" unto the ,aid part Y of the ,econd part, its s ucc e S S ors ~YiI and assigns, against
the $aid part Y of the first part, its heirs, and again,t all and every per,on or per,om whom.
sof't,'er lawfull)' claiming or to claim the same, by, through and under thf! grantor herein, shall and will
warrant and by the,e pre,ents forever defend.
.1Ju DUtUtSS Ifl1trrof. The $aid partY of the first part
hand and seal the day and year fir,t above written.
City National Bank of M \
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Cohen nee Felice Ronny S-u:
&t'utt of 1I11ortba b Selwyn Donald-Su sman b
SSpenior nPres....~t . ..' .
Cllllunlg IIf DADE aniel A. C per, Senior Vi resident and (';
On this day personally appeared before me City National Bank of Miami Beach, Florida, a
United States banking corporation as'Co-Trustee for Felice Ronny Cohen nee Felice
Ronny Sussman and Selwyn Donald Sussman, to me well known and known to me to be the indi.
vidual described in and who executed the foregoing deed of conveyance, and acknowledged that
he ex('cuted the same for the purpose therein expressed, whereupon it is prayed that the .ame
may he r(!corded.
.1Ju llitntslI Ifl1trtof. I have hereunto affixed my hand and official .eaJ, t~i.
-I . _.
day oJ !;, '/ ,A. D. 1967 0 ~)" ...' \:, //;' .
. (Seal) / . {Y/1 l1/ ,'V;;;.,4( ---t;. J.--t;.c:-,~<
/ 'V ~ V / Notary PublIC ~ , .:...-:----
My Commission Expires: (Notarial Seal) c' .... ., '.
Silfned, seal('d and deliuered in presence of u.:
&tate of 1J11oriba
ahtuuty of
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in and for said County and Statp, do certify ihat on the
hereunto .et
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de,cribed in and who executed the
"-'-d the ,ame for the purpO'f'!J
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