Quit-Claim Deed 5760-179 ;,~U 5760 : I~C~ 179 #/"",1' i .-fT t"......\ ...-; ,lI,. A>.! QUIT.CLAIM DEED RAMCO FORM 8 Ihis 4!luit-4tlaim Jeed, Executed this 5th day of December ,A. D. 19 67 ,by SELWYN DONALD SUSSMAN, a single man . first party, to CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION EXISTING UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, HAVING ITS PRINCIPAL PLACE OF t)Y~f:Id~$rAT 1130 WASHINGTON AVENUE, MIAMI BEACH, COUNTI OF DADE, STATE xWkmX'Jll~~~~KIDc second party: (Wherever used herein the term. Ufirst party" and "second party" shall include singular and plural, heirs, legal reprt':sentatives, and alSigns of individuall, and the successors and .ssigns of corporation., wherever the context so admit. or requires.) ~itnf!ssdh, That the said first party, for and in consideration of the sum of 510.00 in hand paid by thr said second party, the receipt whereof is hereby ac1mowledfled, does hereby remise. re- lease and quit-claim unto the said second party forever, all the right. title. interest. claim and demand which the said first party has in and to the following described lot. piece or parcel of land. situate. lying and being in the County of Dade State of Florida , to-wit: All of Lots 5 and 6, and the Southerly 12-1/2 feet of Lot 7, in Block 22, of AMENDED GOLF COURSE SUBDIVISION, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 26 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, together with a 30 foot str ip of land to the rear and abutting the rear of the aforesaid lots or portions of lots, which strip is commonly referred to as the "Bridle Path. " SJbjec{ to taxes for {lie year 1967 .and all subsequent yeats; :zortlng ordinances of applicable governmental authorities; conditions, restrictions, limitations and agreements witb public utility companies, of record, if any (it not being the in- tention of the Parties of the First Part to reimpose the same hereby), and ease- ments for public utilities of record. .' C'.-' ,"~ U t--:-. ",,' \:'b'i~\;,liN6N~~;;' ;.:;' '::::-COl'J~ \ \ of Florida, County of Dade. " ~/ ~~ Instr mtnt was filed for record theoZ / day of_ 19 ~ ;/.3'LM. and duly recorded in OFFICIAL RECORDS . ~ 0 Page/.7 9: File # 67R /9?(J7/ 80 E. B. LEATHERMAN Clerk Circuit Court 8y... ~,-~~O, .; \ \ ,-" .' ~ t'~. :;;:;. \' \,7? v.' ~: '..... 10 Jlaue and to ltold the same together with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto f,elonging or in anywise appertaining. and all the estate. right. title. interest. lien. equity and claim wltat- sO/'l'er of tll(! said first party. either in law or equity. to the only proper use. benefit and behoof of the said second party forever. lln ~ilness ~hel'lwf, The said first party ha& signed and sealed these presents the day and year first above written, " S;gn · .aled ~nd /:!J:2 .f, ,jl~~,~..'.:':~{'l.4./si~~:::,= {'s r' /0, ~ . ............,.......................................................................... ' .......... . .. .......tJ.J....~.....I.l.L............ ST A TE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE }, I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared SELWYN DONALD SUSSMAN, a single man to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing ins~r~Jlleh'(,al'ld he acknowledged before me that he executed the same. WITNESS my hand and (fficial seal in the December A. D. 19 67. My Commission Expires: County and ~~~ 1;lS$ ',a,f ,resaid' dlis .fl1t~ ~ ........... . (;. ot~~~d~fflrJ.'.L.. " NOTARY PUBLIC. Sif..'j'-: OFllORHlA AT LAltbE MY COMMISSION EXPIRE~ f="EB. ~2, 1971 80NDED THROUGH FRED W. DIIU1TIlLMO".'ll ( . ~". \.,....... <\. .' " ~, , .....-...... ~.:..- -"'- \) -c-'::;'";1.. <:> r-- ~ \,:~~o CIJ ::r C'..J - '\ 0: C-..J .1 ( "'" r_, .,5:; ~ j-- - ' -....... <-:.: "~ ~~ u \"~ ~~ ~ ,~.,...l t ~' , N~~~ "~1 -, r4 r.'i ~d ~,',! l .....~ ''''.. ~~ r':;~i ~",q .;, !ll.I 0 .:~ o IC;1 ~~~ ~i u W-J c:::l " ....1 U ~ ~ l~ \J'\ .. I ';) . ~i ~ ~ )