Administrator's Deed 1680-354
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THIS It'.WENTUrZE, made this 1L!.th day of ;\ugust, 1959, betvJcen
COR/~\ E. VELSOf\, as /\dministratri)~ of the Estate of Gfzi\CE F. DETEI~lvlt.\bl,
decea~;ed, of the County of Surr01 k, State of NevJ York, party of the
fir s t par t , and ED VI ArW S. l~ 0 Y C E , par t y 0 f the s e con cI par t, 0 f the Co u n t y
of 0 a cl e a 11 d S tat e of F lor i cJ a, V\J h 0 5 e a cl d res s is: i.: 1 1\1. E . 3 :J t h S t r e e t ,
ill i alll i, F lor i d a ;
\JIH.JESSETH: That the said party of the first part, for and In
cons i derat i orl of the SUfn of T\IEfHY THOUSAl~D ($20, DOC. 00) DOLLARS, to her
in hand paid by the party of the second part, the rcceipt Ii/hereof is
he reby acl(llowl edged, ha s gran ted, ba rga i ned and so 1 d to the sa i d pa r ty
of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever, the fol10\'iing des-
cribed land, situate, lying and being in the County of Dade, State of
Florida, to-It/it:
Lot TVJel ve (12) of the !-\L TON BEi\CH REAL TY COHPANY
SUBDIVISION of Block Thirteen (13), according to .
Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book ii-, page 121 of .v
the Publ ic l,ecords of Dade COUilty, Florida. Same V {It'/"
as Lot 12, in Block 13, of ISLAND VIEVI f:E-SUBDIVISION,
according to Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 9,'~
page 146, Publ ic Hecords of Dade County, Florida;
A 1 so desc r i bed as res i dence and lot su r round i n9 5aille
at No. lC21 Bay [;oacl, /I\iarni Beach, Florida.
Toge the r \lJ i th a 11 the appu r tenances the reto be long i n9 0 r in any
ItJise appertaining. To have and to hold the same in full and ample manner
as liJhen possessed and enjoyed by the late Gr~/~CE F. DETER/vlAN, deceased,
durin~l her 1 ifetirne.
This Deed is made pursuant to an Order entered by the Honorable
VI. F. BLf..\irrOI~, County Judge of Dade County, Florida, dated July 22,1959,
filed in I-'robate in the County Judges' Court of Dade County, Fl'Jrida,
in re: Estate of Grace F. Determan, Deceased, No. 46358-A.
I N \'1 I TN E S S \'IH E i< E 0 F, the sa i d par t y 0 f the fir s t par t Ii ash ere un to
set he r hand and sea 1 the day and yea r firs t above \llr it ten.
Signed, sealed and del ivered
in the presence of us:
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CORA E. VlLSOR, as Administratrix
of the Estate of Grace F. Deternlan,
H El:EBY CEfn I FY tha t on th i s day per sona I 1 Y appea red befo re rile,
an officer duly autllOrized to adlilinister oatlls and take ack.noItJled9Inents,
CORA E. VELSOR, as Adnlinistratrix of the Estate of Grace F. Determan,
deceasecl, to me we 11 l<.nO\iJll to be the person descr i bed i II and who executed
the forego i ng deed and acknov'J1 edged before ITle that s:1e executed the salile
freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein e)(pres5ed. The said Cora
E. Velsor further ackno\lJledges that she executed the same as i~drrinistratrix
oft h E Est ate 0 f G r ace F. De t e nil an, de c e a sed, p 1I r sua n t toO r d e r 0 f Co u n t y
J u d 9 e s I Co u r t 0 f Dad e Co u n t y, F lor i d a .
i.IITNESS mY.han/JI~ officia.l se.a] at ~ . County and
State aforesaid, thiS -day of August, ~. .
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No. 52-5234550. u 0 .
. i ann Expires March 30, 19bU
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