Warranty Deed 586-562,563 586 if.' 562 WARRANTY DEED (FROM CORPORATION TO CORPORATION) PAPCO'S FORM 3SY. PAPCO PUBLISHING CORPORATION MIAMI 36. FLORIDA IIttrrttutll mrt~ ID4ili 1Ju~tuturtf Made, this 11j.~ day of December BETWEEN RAILEY-MILAM STORES, INC. , A. D. lcJ57 . ,a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida , having its principal place of business in the County of Dade and State of Florida and lawfully authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, party of the first part, and CrTY OF MIAMI BEACH, a municipal corporation lI'~ existing under the laws of the State of Florida , having its principal place of business in the County of Dade and State of Florida and lawfully authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, party of the second part, WITNESSETH: That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of en Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations ~ to it in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, the following described land situate, lying and being in the County of Dade and State of Florida, to-wit: Lot Sixteen (16), Block Forty (40) of THE ALTON BEACH REALTY COMPANY'S Plat or SUBDIVISION OF WEST HALF or Blocks 17, 40 and 45, accordi~ to Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 6 at page 165 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; Subject to restrictions, conditions, limitations of recordj zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beachj and County of Dade and City of Miami Beach taxes for the year 1957. , 1 '."" And the said party of the first part do(!s hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will d.'fend th.! same again.~, the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. 586 fN: 563 Jtt lIttttrss lI~'r'nf. the said party of the first part has caused these presents to be signed in its name by its proper officers, and its corporate seal to be affixed, attested by its Secretary, the day and year above writte,!/::.-.J . .. Au.." /;://f ~. By .' /)"" laty. \~1ed' sealed and ,delrere; -irt..Jhe pres%1fe oj us () t:t~~.JAL- ~ ~ta: . }"'" arountl1 of D ~ d e..- J lII,rrhy (!!,rtify. that on this A. D. ]957. before me personally appeared and 11.11. /1 ,'I/e r If 0{ , Ie 7 - (VI I j i?!.~ ~ fe; V t:: S ~ I '}-\. <'- the State of r I () Y I J a... . tt) me known to be the persons who signed the fore- going instrument as such officers and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers for the uses and Rurposes therein mentioned and that they affixed thereto the offi- cial seal of said corporation, and that the said instru.ment is the act and deed of said corporation. HA ILE Y -:J:.LAl-: ~:r~l '):~t u.) TNG -~~-J'~-- \. i J 'V'Jc ~.. ..... . .. . t .. . . 1 ., : l\[l1f-4!lnl. -:. '. ~.~ .. . ..~,"" ..,,,, "-',J t. ; I" 'CLl \. (J, II IS r, &, day of Dee: e'WI 6 e y If lX", ley President and Secretary respectively of . a corporation under the laws of ....,:.< fVl , iK."'VVt , an4~tate of 1:::-/ 0 Y I C-)61~ hi / J / lIittt'liS my hand and official seal at in the County ofD c::t (/ e the day and year last aforesaid. " )> " o o " c .. r iii x Z " o o :II " o :II )> -t o Z o ~ ~ -0 ....... e. S := < Q.o'-<~ (1)- ::r-.... ~ ~ i~ :., !:l ~ ;:s R.~ c:l l ~~ '0' ~. ~ ~ Q.~ c:l ...~ 5.: ir C ~ '" ~~ o ~.... ;:: .... - ;; ~ o::r- ~ ~-~ (') ... ~ ... ::r- !:..~::r- ~ ~~ ~. :;. ~ 5. ~ ~ ... ;::'-Q 3C l> 3C .. N ." r o :!! D )> !=' ~ ~ ~ ... ;r:o. \~~h J- I ~ '. '--..-.\-. \ \ , ~ " " t~- L ~ i d; , , ,i..... 'r :-.1. 'i.. ' cia 5' ~ ... := ::r-~ ~ 0 ~;:s ;:: ~ g:c:l ;:;.~ :::l::l ~ (') o '"; e- o - .~ 5.:.s. ~~ o 0 ;:: c ;:s ;>:- ~ ~ 5'~ !f~ r;:, C ~ ;:. ;:s _;:J ~ ~ a.~ '" CJl:l ... a.8- c:l '" c:l ;:S';::h'" Q.~ "l:lQ. '";- Q. o 0 c:l e '"; '-< ~ ... o~ 0 .?~Il.- ....~~ ::r-Q.;>:- c:l ~. e c:l ~l ~ ~ B go ~S'~ Q. CJl:l ~ ...~... ::r-_::r- ~ '< 1:' a~ o - = a = ~ - u:: 0 o t-oI\ t-oI\~ - o +1 -. ~ p: aJ ~ .... .., t:Y ,.. ......, ;;~ ~G ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ :j= ~.... ;:5= ~ C ~ ~ C :::l::l ~ :j ~ '- ~ ~ (I) ""3 :::l::l ;:... ~ ""3 C ~ e;, e3 ~ :::l::l .... ~ ""3 .... C < 11 )> 11 n ~ (/l "II o :u 3: c.> UI ;;;:: C5 ~ ~ C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ---- I: '''" , .~ ~~." X,.:"t ,. I -, , ~) \ ~ . ' t..) \ \ '. ....., .'.V' C'~ ~; t .; '-.! (;~ .,\; :) j ',1 ..~ ;.1..) y..... (; ... .. Y..' -. '&~ l\; ~'~: c: C,' ) . . ~ r;.,' I' I V\ \.0 6} :.~\ \' l\> (, ., ....~;;,