Warranty Deed 8006-595,596 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: ,{1 \J ~i . CITY OF MIAMI BEACH) (.J\,~rrl ") J WIW~ JIr. Ruth B. Rouleau, City Cl.rk Joseph A. Wanick, City Attorney DATE: D,acembar 6, 1972 Lo1:e 14 and 15, Block 45, of ALTOJI 8&ACH RML'fY COIIPUY'S SUBDIVISIc-. - A1IH~~ . Loan ".ooiation of P10ri4a ~Ul!-y De.~) I tranalli t tc you herewith for your recorda, recorded Warranty 1)..<1 of .e.rican Saving. " LoaD Aaaociation of Plorlda to th. City of ~.i "ach conyeylDg title to Lota 14 an4 15 in 8lock 45 of ALTaI BIIACJt RD.Lft' CONPAIIY'S SUBDIVISIOlll of Lot 10, aloek 45, AL~ B.lACH, accor4iD9 to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 6, Pa98 165 of the Public Reoord. of Dade Coun ty , .r lor 14& . Kindly aCknowled,e receipt of ..... JAW/rcp Bncloaure lee.lv_ 12/6/72. I. Rouleau 0. 'ii. \~ Ij, (\ /v _/ / / // f f vI -L :' i;'; f{ 266393 112 NOV Z9 At~ II = 4lfAMCO ~~~ 8006~c ,595 tPJ IN D k7 T WARRANTY DEED (FROM CORPORATION FORM " ~ .arrant!, l\ttb J/ ) ) t i ,. c-. /'- '.J ,/, ..-/ ) '. V mqis ~1t~entltrl', Made, this 25th day of July , A. D. 19 72 . ~ettueett AMERICAN SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION OF FLORIDA } a corporation exis/lft,1j wider the laws oj Ihe Stale oj F lor ida , havt'lg tis principal place 0/ business I'n ,he Coullty of Dade and State of F lor ida and lawfully authorized 10 /rallSact business In tlte State of F/onda, party of the first pari., and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation, its successors and assigns, of the County of Dade and State of F lor ida party of the second part .itnessdlF That the said party of the first part. for and ill consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration x~ to it in hand paId by the said part yof the second part. the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged has granteti bargained and sold to the said party of the second part. its heirs and assigns forever, the following descn'bed land situate, lying and heill,1.! In the County of Dade and State of F/onda} to~wti: Lots 14 and 15 in Block 45 of ALTON BEACH REALTY COMPANY1S SUBDIVISION of Lot la, Block 45, ALTON BEACH, according to the plat thereof recorded in plat Book 6, page 165 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. SUBJECT CO: 1. Conditions, restrictions and limitations of record,.if an . \ 2. Zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach. \\, 3. Taxes for the year 1972. u., \~:.~..-..;~, \ DOCU;,~Ej~ fflkY :.:: 'II v 'it \ 'lt~C~(:;~TAX= ~. F! C)I?i H~ \ ~,' 1I.J)i.:~. ":= 1/ I- - I, '"f'1-\ , ' , _ .----1 '. \.. ~ U~~T. I NOV2 9'721 P.:'\ ) I ~ 0 O. 5 5\ ::.: REVENUE I /10832 \J I . _ u.> ST A:rr::: C;JF.J::LO R,\ [J'~: 80 DOCUMEN IAR ("~(;;<,,,;.~Sl AM I ! t~ ,< J c'~ U') ')f'PT or -R--VENLj'E~~'c ;"{~'~--- I 7.(") ~.:.' c (,,:!r~' 'd"~\, j ~fT1 If) ~ PB ~ NOV;,~'72 \2~'f;,tJ.~:: 0 O. 3 0 i ::':11027 ~_ I = co "el ("0 t\x."~ \ 1'0 ;';.5 .;I,......;-;Atll!/tbe Said party of the jlrs/ part does herehy lufly warrant the tide /0 said fond. and will defend the . ..~ tfme<.~~J;s(!he lawful claims of all persOtlS wllOmsoaer. ~,'C . \ ~ -h ::~ ;;' c3Ju )IDHtlless ;mt1qereof, the saId party of the first '.f! l" "L; ~:,: ,:, (Corporale part has caused these presents to be signed in its name by .:::.~' f'~..../ Seal), its proper officers. and its corporale seal to be affixed, attest~ , )f:.....~ \,.r' "",\ ._' . I /ji .---ed hy lis secretary, lhe day 'tltuI year above writ/en. ',~~~~", (j "-"'/....~.""'......<-<:JC.I::''-i..L -~/AMERICAJSl SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION , . Assl.stant Secretary. <::::I OF FLoRIDA . 1 ~igne~, sealeb anb beliberrb in presence of us: }(l' " 'I ( . ' ) I - . '---- ~, C - (,- ( l l.- cI- [... t" .~ ( ,-(.' . ,(tei A,II! ,...- . .. ~r-~~--- .. . .- .--.-- PresIdent , /' / "', l i / I {. , / ---'-'~~' , I This IIlS/nllllC1/t pnpared Iry: Shepard Broad Addms 420 Lincoln Road Miami Beach, Florida 33139 ~~, I " ,I ~a 8006 PC 596 ~tate of Jtfloriba, crrountl;! of DADE } cl ~erehtl (lIertif~ tltat 011 tltis 24th day of Ju ly , A.D. 1972 ,hefore me personally appeared MORRIS N. BROAD and Aq~stant . I .1 and Presrdent ana ~cLrerary respec/rvery oJ American Savings & Loan Association of Florida ,a corporation under the laws of tlie State of F lor ida to me known /0 be the persons who signed the foregoing instrument as such officers and severally (/cknowlf{~!;ed the execution thereof to be their free ael and deed as such officers for tire uses and purposes therein fflmtiolled am! that tlrey affixed thereto the official seal of sard corpora- tion, and iha/ the sard il15/rument is the (lC/ and deed of sard corporation. ,IHtncs5 my Sr~~llflture and o/FC/tll seal at in tlte County of Dade /he day and year last aforesard My commission expires: ,.v i t"\... i rv....".,...... ...:,'..... _ _'~' '-h. J\ I LJ\I(LoliiL MY COMMISSION EXt'IFo_.:i ",Af{. 14, 1975 G~NERAL INSURANCE UNDERWRITERS, INC Miami Beach, and State of F lor ida '--Pz/:I iJ. VII(..<-~L4L Notary Puhlic, State of Florida. \ ....,:,<, , . ~ "'. '..' ."- c... l.... .... ." - _..j '", L '" ":'...~ .", ~ .' - ... . C:) .:. i f.~-~:; .~ :. r- ~. _. ,......0 l:i (0. ",:,,;0,,:1, .~.. ,,,.~ ~ t. ~ 0 :J:>' II H :J:>'~ ~ ;R 8 ~ ... t-<: tn~ C/) .... tnH f:f 0 R~ ~ ""-3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ c.., :s: a f"1 C) c ~ 8tn ~ f"1 :u ""-3 t-' H:J:>' )- I<: :s: 0<: ~ 3: a C) 0 H ~H 0 ~ ""'30~ a = tp ~ ... b ~ al':rjtn ""V ...... 0 ~ a :u C/) 0 I':rjl('> ~ "= 3: C) ::r: 81:"1 )- ~ I ~ c.> ~g >-..;: W ....... .....; "'i:I t-' ~z a ""-3 ~ <-: ....... -...J " a rv '-' <-: " f:f