Warranty Deed 8543-2417~bin ~juhenture, Made this ELAINE BROXMEYER, a single woman day of This instrument was prepared by: Donald M. Klein, Esquire ot sae/,.w O~ee, of KLINE, MOORE, KLEIN & HERRON, P.A. Penthouse South 407 Lincoln Road MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 331a9 ~. 197 3 , ~{rllllrl'll .~ the Coutlty Of Dade , State of December RECORDED IN OFFICIAL reECORO g BOOg OF DAOE C0(/NTy, fLORIDA, RECORD VERIFIED RICHARD p. BRI,"v'KEI{, Florida CLERK CIRCUI] COURT , grantor*, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation, its successors assigns 7 '- whose post o~ce address is 1130 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, Fla. 33139 of the County of Dade State of Florida ~ ~ilnesseI~. That said grantor, fin' and in consideration of the sum of RICIIARD P. CLERK CtRC~;~ C;)tIRf ( ~ 10.0 0 ) Dollars, and other good and wtluable considerations to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the fol- lowi,~g described hind, sihmte, lying and being in Dade County, Florida, to-wit: and.l- , grantee*,' Lots 1 & 2, Block 7, and all that certain property described as "BRIDLE PATH" lying East of Lots 1 & 2, in Block 7, of AMENDED .. PLAT OF GOLF COURSE SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof .:" recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 26, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, together with the improvements situate thereon, ~r;~.-,;:,:':. being more commonly known as "Meridian Chateau Apartments," located at 1809 Meridian Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida; -. SUBJECT TO: Conditions, restrictions, limitations add easements of record, provided that nothing herein shall operate to reimpose the same; zoning ordinances; and taxes for the year 1974 and subsequent years. :',. ~'~ [",C~ ',i?...::.-' "~' ~, :-; .,. ,. ~i '-'- ::1': ~': ( ', ',.7",:a ~ ,, ~ !,: ,!:.,.:',2 . ,,-: , , :.: ?i ,' ? "" 4 ~ -, and said granto,' does hereby muy warrant tne hue to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. * "Grantor" and "grantee" are used for singular or plural, as context requires. ]n ~itU~nn ~h~ren[ Grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand and seal the day and year Srst above ~tten. Signed, sealed and delivered in our p. resence: ,4L7 ). " ' ( Seal ) le woman STATE OF FLORIDA C()UNTY OF DADE I IIEBEBY CEI{TIFY that on this day before ,ne, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personally ELAINE BROXEYER, a single woman to mc known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and, mekn~Wt~ed before ,he that s he execnted the same W,TNP~SS my hand and ,,mda, ~,,., th~ Co.n~y a.d St~ ,a~ af,,,'~ ~h~ ~(~"7',fl"5 ..... ~ e~ , My commission expires- ~ ~i ~otar~Pub~c MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOV. 22, 1976 ltONDED THRU GtZI,IEP, AL INSURANCE UNDr'RWRI'TERs