Warranty Deed 5564-410,411 FoI'IL 1125 F10rida WARRANTY DEED. (To CorporatWn.) III ! 55~ ("'4 '10 Hl J. ,i, it ~1 TUTBLANX REGISTERED U.S,PAT,QFFICt-_ Tuttle la w Pnnt, Publtshers, Rutland. Iff I Made this i~ ~n~ttttttttt day of May .11. D. 1967. Between GERTRUDE C. BRADFIELD joined by her husband, E. SHANNON RADFIELD, of the County of Dade and State of Florida part ies of the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Florida, :nx.ml~~nx~YalJUJl8-,:.~j8H11fX~ft:xM1flX.~X~ ' havint its principal place of business in the County of Dade and State of Florida party of the second part, whose mailing address is 1130 Washington Avenue, Miami Beacb, Florida. Witnesseth, that the said part ies of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable considerations ~fiIil.~Jrl% to them in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledted, ha ve tranted, bartained, sold, aliened, remised, released, enfeoffed, conveyed and con- firmed and by these presents do trant, bartain, sell, alien, remise, release, enfeoff, convey and confirm unto the said party of the second part and its succes- sors and assitns forever, all that certain parcel of land lyint and beint in the County of Dade and State of Florida, more particularly described as follows: That portion of a strip of land thirty feet wide, known as the II Bridle Path", lying East of Lot Six of Block Seven of Alton Beach Realty Company's Amended Plat of lIGOLF COURSE SUBDIVISION" according to plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 6, at Page 26, Public Records of Dade County, Florida; and being more particularly described as, that portion of the" Bridle Path" lying between the North and South lines of said Lot Six produced East. Subject to restrictions, conditions and limitations of record; Zoning Ordinance f the City of Miami Beach and any amendments thereto in force and effect; and taxes for the year 1967 and subsequent years. Together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances, with every privilege, right, title, interest and estate, dower and ritht of dower, reversion, remainder and easement thereto belontint or in anywise appertainint: To Have and to Hold the same in fee silnple forever. And the said part ies of the first part do covenant with the said party of the second part that they are lawfully seized of the said premises, that they are free of all incumbrance, and that they have good ritht and lawful authority to sell the same; and that said part ies of the first part doth hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. In Witness Whereof., the said part ies of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seal s the day and year above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Our Presence: /) (' . 1, ,.- " " , .I " i ~,,) ,i' , ,/ ,'.I "I/!. I ,,^ ( , I'" /' ..,' ,J, /, 1/ {! " ,...., '-1 ~ / I ' , ,/ },. ;;.' .__,) , " I / V--L, c,e... :/j le)( \,1 L ,/.... v d ,,-t. I (. ' r- Ge"rtrude C. Bra, !jiilel ,') p' j' (, "<:,<- 4A /,' , " , /' /"/ . - ( ,".1),. J,. t.: ,''''' '-' I .,' E. Shannon Bradfield ? . n ~ 0 )0 ." ~ ~ lD > /11 Z ~ ~ ? )> :r -l 3: " :c - - I.., lD ~ ;;0 111 -l ::0 )> Z 1"11 () )0 r :t :! III . 0 > "II Z rll r )0 C o r f1l :u ~ z o Z Q!) )> ,. ." lD r" c: -l r 1"11 o ::0 Z I.fI to) 0 Z l~.,,, r ~ ~ 1;1 I r:.;t::. 64 411 hllt,)d '.\l,I" State of Florida, } County of DADE. ,- 'It. I HEREBY CERTIFY~ That on this ..5 - day of Ma y A. D. 1967, before me personally appeared GERTRUDE C. BRADFIELD and E. SHANNON BRADFIELD, her husband, to me known to be the person s described in and who executed the foretoint conveyance to CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida, and severally acknowledted the exe:cution thereof to be their free act and deed for the uses and purposes tlp"e.r8i"" ,mentioned. ,""WI~N~SS my sitnature and official seal at ~!b ',the Oq~nty of Dade \yedrlaat 'aforesaid. Miami Beach and State of Florida, the day and .... .~ .. '\ ,,:~, . , , '. .Jfy; ff,a,mrnission Expires'-s' ..c" / ,,:- t:, f '-----(; ~~----. ft5, . '! .. . 1 - ., j~ ,.~ fAv/~J .No ry Public, State of Florida at Large ;, 11'11111 111'11 III 1"111 'l:i:1 II,II! II1111 I!IIIII i.I' ;:11111 II: )1 Illi 1III II" :1 1,'I'III~I"Jli! ilia I !r~ i ~:IIIII !IIIII ~llli I1I1II1 ~I,IIII I11I111 oll,ll!, 11111 Ii ~'I,II,II ,11",1 001111 i',1 ~III'II".II!,II,,'I,,' ~',III' li;1 '"""' ",I 1.,1' o i",:~1 !II!,!I ~IIII III ~',j 8~ (_ fi~ 1= ~~~. ..... 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