Warranty Deed 4349-441 \\ ~ ~ '" () ~ ~ ~ i ~ (, ,... ,'r, \ ~ 0 'V l::l '" "- ..... 0 ''\~ <.e: ~ "i. '" '" ~ '" ..... " ~ ~ ~fj'r1 = ;ll ;Q >- "ti- ,.,;~ 0 ..... ~ ,... = ..... f""I" "" - "'( ~<.e: ..... ~ " 0 "'-3 ~ 0 " rrt '<; "- l::l ~ -'tr; r-.:::t b f::/ ~ C N. <-, ;:::-.,... - III ~.,~ ~ '" '" ;:::-.' 0 r ,... -~ ~ '~i "0 ... ;:::-. ... '" - ' ., VJ '" N. '" r- . J . .",_Vl l::l '" <-, ~ () t' t:1- ~ 1l "'l'1 ()q 0 ~'< -" )> ,... ,/ " r~ ~ ... N. >~ () '" ~ ,;." ~. ~ 1l n ~ ~ '" t1 _. ~ () ~'" 0 "- 't.~ '< '" ~ ~.t eY 0 Vi ,~ '" rrI ;" ~ = X ... ;p.';:::-. ... ~. ,-!,; t.2J.? "'-3 lJl t 0 ;:.;r.. ~~ ~ ~. a a " Ctj ! '" -~ ~ "'- ()f11 ~ 0 >- 0 ",<.e: :;:.. i'J f ::! - 'T' ~ l::l 0 ::u " ..... ::0 'N. ~ ~ 3: 0 c -... ~ ,... ~ r () ;:::-. -J of fT1 l::l ~ ... ~ lJl N. ~ C"') l::l ,... ... ::0 ~' ~ ,... N. >- ( ; '" ~ 0 -... tI ~ 3:~ <-, ~ '< ,... ~ Z J: N. ~ ;:::-. \. - ..... )>-' ":. ... '" l::l ----- ~,f: l::l ',... '" ~ C"') z~ "- - '< '" - ~ " 0 ,... ';.., N. 0 0 - ~ ~ ~c). ~ ... ... 0 " -b ... ~'" ... '" ,... :0 t..,':f b;:, '" ()q '=' 0 (~ k~' ~ s. <-, ti 0 l::l ~" 0 N. ~ N. ",~ ;"... ;:s "'"' !::l...~ f' .,.., s: , e~f~:~ 4;J4H e~G~ 441 WARRANTY DEED (STATUTORY) PAPCO S FORM S ( PHOTOSTAT) PAPCO PUBLISHING CORPORATION MIAMI 36, FLORIDA ~arrantp ~ttb m::big 1Jnbcnturc, Made this Cj7-P day of Avr:,.v..s r , A. D.1956 . 1idlueen DENNIS J. FINN and DOROTHY FINN, his wife of the County of Dade the CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, of the County of Dade , in the State of Florida, part ies of the first part, and a Florida municipal corporation, , in the State of Florida, part y of the second pari. Ditne~~db, That the said part ies of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum ofTen Dollars and other good and valuable considerations EOOH~, to them in hand paid by the party of the st'Cond part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained and sold to the said party of the second part, its succeSsi:rJstsnd assigns, forever, the foLLowing described land, situate, lying and being in the County of Dade and State of Florida, to-wit: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Block Eight-A (8A) of GOLF COURSE SUBDIVISION, according to the amended Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 6 at page 26 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; thence run southerly along the easterly line of said Block a distance of eleven (11) feet to a point; thence run in a northerly direction to a point on the northerly line of said Block; said point being four (4) feet southwesterly of the aforesaid point of beginning measured along said northerly line of saido~X' ( Block; thence run northeasterly along said northerly lin~( \ to point of beginning. v' Subject to restrictions of record,zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, and pending municipal liens, if any there be. And the said parties of the first part 0 ere y /u y warrant tIt e to Sat wiLL defend the same against the lawful claims of aLL persons whomsoever. 3ln Ditne~~ Dbereof, the said part ies of the first part have hereunto set their hand s and seals the day and year above written. ~' ~lita( :~trt i prtlitnct of nli: , ~-~V/ - ---- --~ . .~~~~ C) (". ) State 1 f loriia County 'If Dad~. 0 --..> _(jji oL__f' ThiS II 5tru r,(' '1 y '. j L[I,rd th ..'--- J.Y lQS\ . 14~S..JIt.. " ili.lpF' In - - .. 'I':J"-~.J- V ...LJd-Joll t' . 'f.yf hie No. FLL . ... BO<Ik. ~_.~,I' l fi ll"I,1lRI.'!'1 Clelll Clicud. Coull .~ 31 J'$erebp ((ertifp that on this day' personaLLy ap:~~~ed r:7~-;:' ~;;;'~ o~~er duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, Of'" I'-Llllo/5 ((ountp of CODI' DENNIS J. FINN and DOROTHY FINN, his wife to me weLL known to be the personS described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged before me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the pur- pose therein expressed. f " : . ~itne~g my hand and official seal at ~ 'J L!..fll 0/ C'ounty of C 06 IC. and State ot J- ..... . daYO~.8tJc.. 'f, ,A.D.1956. I , My cqrnntission expires: . , ~ ',.. ' u D \..E~ fti-:.....- , ,;_=-_';:"':,""L'Il"O fJ".(JIr,!:~c':'ltemller-,""19f1 ___ __ . oj,' , this r.,.", ,. ~'" if . ~." ." 7>'" : ~/::{;.~-~-- ~ f THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into thls ~'" da;!' of ~_... ~ /' .- -. , 1956, by and bet~een DENNIS J. FINN and DOROTIN FINN, his wife, parties of the first part, hereinafter refeI'red to as tLc 110,'mersl!, and the CITY OF rUAMI BEACH, &. Florida municipal corporation, party of the second part, here:Lnafter referY'ed to as the tlCl tyll . WIT n E SSE T H That for and in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The 1I0~merslt 'Iill1 sell and IJonvey and the "Cit;y" 1,'1111 purchase that certain parcel of land situate, lyin;~; and be ins in the City of Miami Beach, County of Dade, State of F'lofl:Llla, J.esc"!"i.bccl 23 follCI\\;~), to \'11t: T1pD'J'nr'111C at- ++1'" 1'To~'tllea"+-: !:OY'D"'''' or" nlr,,-,l," 'f<"l[l'>;1' (r>,) ;'" .)--t:J _.~ 1"'4_ C' .' 1I.L t 11 1. . U \. ,... ........1. \,.,o.J. ......... ,-,,-,,1_. ~_~(.:...;'_'" J .J of GOLF COURSE S~mDIVISION, accordin: to the amended Plat tl'1ereofceccr'ded in Plat Bool: G at page ;26 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida: therce :cun souther'ly alone the eastecly line of said Block n distance of eleven (11) feet to a point: thence I'm in a noX":;herly direction to a poLlt on the northerly line of said Block, said point being four (,'I) f,"C"t' '-~O'!lt,h1'fecrc"'lq nf' +-h,., af'ore<e.p.1 d (vy1l'1t, r)f \ .."...... ,,' _ ._.-1..,...L.1.~\1 '"-'...,._....._ c./ __ .../6"'_...... _......._~_ ~,,'v__ ,. ,... beg:Lnninc measured alon~ said northerly line of said blode; thence run northeaster'l;.' alon[~ ~)aid northerl~ line ~o point of beginnin:. r~) c... The "0vme1's" vJill, vl1thin twenty (20) clays fr'om the date hereof, furnish to the "City" an abstract of title showing the "Ovmer's t II titlE to be good and mar~;:etable. 3. The 110'^lnc=:,~:3" vJlll convey tl18 sa1d land"C() 1.~1'1:2' "Ci"-".II h" ,J '..1."1 ~_l.'y 300d and sufficient wapranty deed, fre~ and clear of all encumbrances, except 11estrictions of' recor'd, :.oning ordinances of the City of MIami Beach, Florida, such mu.nicip2l impro'Jement liens as ma;! be pendin,'\ but net certified at t"lC t:Lme of' the closing of i~he tl~ansact~O!l C011templated her~eby, 3fld taxes for~ t118 S'ca.c 1~)~5(;. I'Et~:'Ces Lei l)e OIlOt'c1ted as ()i"\ tl'lC datE: 'Jf cJ.o3it1;'::~:. )!" Tile 11 C1 t,vl1 an'ees to pay to the "()v:nel'~:;" as the f'1.Jl1 f)'"'r-cl'laL1C prllce ()f saicl lar~d i~l.'}e ~"nJlll G,f ~~,eVeYl -f~:_ \T8 dollar's ( 1> '7 r:, on) n ~ v 1." r, Y1 ('1' >:, ',;'Y' ,')'-, c' .;- '" "-'1a' \"1"" p -, a, r[i' '0 +, '; i'. C OTI}i' l: C-\ ,..,'~ '~,,',; :l :', ,':, \ lP j _). \..J \,jC..Jl, (-Ail. I.......')... t;\.JU vV v_ .1.."::> ,",,- ... 'J Cll.. ...... v~J )".1 .... _' '-A.'_U -1- OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39. FLORIDA ej<cperlse 211 e.XlS 111;-); Sl"lflu~bt)eJ1;/ 2l~ltl)"at;e ~)P:)il tl:e r>arcel 01'" .Lano. '/[1"11 C 1"1 .t s .l-":e T'e t;"~/ '. r:::l to be seld and (~onJeye~ in a~cor(:a~ce ~/}i th t; c; dj.I'Ic;ctiollS ar~cl ilL~3tl']1..o':cti()ns of tll.e ~tOhrnel~s'!. :~, . rr1-te" C; 1 t~y 11 a,~s~"ee s t11cl t rLO rTl1.J.ll1 c1.r,l31 in1~)1IO veinellt:. liens ';J111 1)8 cl climed {)r c13sessecl ferx-' arJ.:l' pc., 11 ti. orl elf tI1e G:)st of GonstC'uc a side'/lali= aL\J pa vemen t upon the land to be acql1ired, or tllC lightinG .therI8of. T~~(~ t.ra.nsaet,lor.\. c()nte1npla ted he~.-)el)~ir 311all t)f~ clused nut lat.e thal the :~~;th ()i"' ,-Tu.l~',i, 1(") 7. This agreement shall be bindinG 'pon each of tIle 1"){J.I1ti.es h.e~'eto, tlleir' 11e:Ll'S, :3tlCCesso::-'s and ass~."\~llS. IN ~-JITNESS HHEilEOF, the HOvine st. have hereto executed arId del1\lel'ec1 tr11s a;:;r'eeme'flt., and the "Cit-,y" 1.1aG GEJ.'i.lseJ :i tr;. COL'parlato sea,l to be affixed, and tl1ese presents to be execl1tecl by its dclly authorized officers and attested to h:/ it;] e:LL,) Clerk, all as of the da:," and year first abo'le wl'itten. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of us: f") "-:I ~ ~~ .~~ "",, A .-.~ ~___ '__"."",,"0' ."......... Dennis . ". inr. ~~.~ '. DoI'o '" J Fin~'" (Corporate Seal) CI~I~H CJ Bv 1tJ. .D - VP=t,. ~ D '!Io::l- - v Mayor-- STATE OF FLORIDA) SS: COUNTY OF DADE) I HEHEBY CERTIFY ti'wt on this day personallS appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take aclmovJledgments, DENNIS J. FINN and DOnOTHY FINN, his ~'Jife, to me ,.;ell ~mmm to be the persons {}lLO :3J.;ned the fo.eegoin;; instrl.unent, and acknowledged before me that they executed the same freely and voluntal"11y for the purposes thel'eln expre:3sed. WITNESS n0 hand and official seal at of Dade and state of Florida, this -e- day of I"11am! Beach, ("\ " ~_~_.-.""", ..4(:..--. Count" , 1956. '.....~f;,.;_~~I'i:.'r ~ (! ;"~ ..., ), i ..';.,.. I \"'1'~ :". t? f . ~, .0,' )L. - f'_- -.,...,.... c-_- A. Notary Public. State a t Lar.'~~c tt..:' _ of Florida 1\/I"'{ :'" .1.1,)' corrm11S~3ion expire::;: S(j~ ~df~rj f:i<" ':?~){. -2- OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA