Agreement 10/4/62 THIS AGREEM.1iSNT, made anc3 enterea into 1;hJ.. .e... day of ()C'r/2tp~ 1962, by and bet:ween DAVID SINGER, a single man, par~ of the first part, hereinafter referree to as the nSeller" ant! the Clft OF .MIAMI BEACH, II Florida lIUI1icipa1 cQJ:'po.r:a'tion, party of the eec0D.C3 part, hereinaft.er referreCi to a. the "C1~y", WIT N E S 8 ETa I ibat for aati, inconaideratJ.o.n of t:.he aum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars and ot:.bu' valuable consideration, in b.Iu\d paid 'by the "City" to the "seller", the receipt. whereof is hereby aclcnowleClgeCl l>y aa1~ "Seller", and 11'1 COIlsideJ:'atJ.on of the mu1:ual covenan1:a bea:-e1nafter set. foa:th, it is agreeCl be1:Wllen the partie. here'to a. follow.. 1. The "leller I~ agr... to 8811 anCt the "Clt.y" a_M. to pur:chaae, at the price anCi upon the teJ:'1D8 hereinafter ..t. for~ that ceraaln parcel oflaDd .it:uate in the City of Miami Beach, tlaCle CouIlty, PloricSa, deaCl."ibeC! .a followe, to wit. Lou 8:Lx (6), Eight. (8) aDd 'ten (10) of Block 0Ile (1) of the OCI'AII I'ROIf1' PaOPBltft' OF TUB HIAHI JIBACtI DlPROVBND1T CCJOtAHY, accorc.'!ing to the plat thereof, recorded in I'l.~ Book S, .,t pagea 7 ana 8 of 'the, public reCOJ:ds of tJatle County, Plorida. 2. 'fbe purcbaae price for aait! land aball be on. :HundzeCi !bJJ:'ty '1'boQNACi anti 00/100 ($130, 000.00) Dollars, payable .a follows. cash at the t.ime of the clo.d.ng of thIt transaction. con'tesaplated hereby :i.D the IJUID of Thix'ty ~d and 00/100 ($30, 000.00) Dollars ana a purcha.. IDGIleY IDOZ'tP98 feD: 'the bal8Dce of t.he purcha_ price, aeauriD9 ten Dotes of eyeD Cla1:e ~.wi..th, each i.D the sum of Ten TbowIaDd ~ 00/100 (fl0,000.00) Dollars, ma't\U:'1ng in one, two, thre., four, five, six, H'YeIl, eight, niM alU!l 'ten year. iran date, r.spec:'tiwly, with int:er..t at 'tlw rata of five (5~.) percent. per annum, payable quarterly. - 1 - 3. The "Seller II agre.. to furnish to the "ct ty ", wi thin thirty days from the <late hereOf, an abtIt:rac't of t.itle show1nV the fee simple ti t1e to Hid land 1:.0 be in the "Seller" and 1:0 be a good and marketable title aDd ~ tranaac:t:ion oGlltempiatad hereby 1_ to l:Mt cl0MC.5. DOt: .OOD.I' thaD Bcmtaber 5th, 1962 IlOC la1:er tbaA Bcmtaber 9th, 1962. 4. The ....ller.. will confty the said pcopu'ty to tlw "Cit.y" by groOf3 and sufficient: warran_ deed, subject. GIlly to nauict.i__ ~ to the neiqhborhood, soning OI:dlraaDCes of the City of .M1-.i Beach, Plcwida and taxes fGc' the yeU' 1962, which bxe. are to be p.'I'o-rate4 a. of the date of oloaiAV of the aan.act.ion eon-.plated hereby. 5. CerUfied muici.pa1 .i.DapcovllMllt. 1Lea. ue to be paid by the "Beller It and pen.c!liD9 lNDiaipal 1apr.-owa.nt 11.... ue to be a......., by the"ei qr" . Dt WI'Dm88 WIIBRBO" the pu'ty of the first: put baa hereunto ..t. his baDC.'i anc3. ..a1 and the plU:'1:.y of the ..GODd part bas ca.Nd the.. pre8eDU to be si,ped :I.n ita n_ by 1 t.a duly autha- ized offiaers Ulc1t ita OOI'pcx-at.e ...1 to be hue_to affixed, as of the day aDd year fir.t. above wi tteo. .G' "J')' C: ,"?(/77 ~ /~'"d.-'4 Aa to David .bpr ,~.~~~----- p' (_1) / Clift 01' .MIAIU BD.CH BY. Mayor ........,.... ' - 2 - STAB OFrA'''<>k ) ) 88.' COUftY OF .'~ ) 1 HB1U3BY CBRTIn that on this Clay per80ftally appeared before me. an officer tiuly authorized to a4miniater oatha and take ac:Jmowl,edgmea"ta, DAV'm SDGER, a single.n, to.. _11 'knoWn to be the person d..cribec5 in and 'Who ex.cu~ the fOZ'e- going agreement anc3 aclcnowledged before,. that be' exeouteti the .... freely ant1 voluntarily for the pul."poa8 therein expre..ed. Wl'l'l1BSS my baDe anCl official ..al in the eounty and state a fore sald, t.hi8 q ~ C!ay of G-r..-C-iv:. ~ _1962. /c~ \.1..1') ("'/~1'-<'-' / ~-d./V IlotuY Jubl1c, ltate of f-.~ At ~ge My C*IIIl..1on expue.. No~ary Pu~Ii?, State of Flor'da at large My Commission Expires Dee 28 1964- Bonded by American Surety Co, of N. V.