Quit-Claim Deed 3409-279,280 i;n 340U F'~,Gf 27fJ /'J/ QUIT.CL.A'M OU:O RAMCO'S FORM e (@uit - minim mrtb mitts 3Ittbtttturr. Made, thi, /'f1\ ,\'J - day of 1~-t-.v (r.:- . A. D. 19 62. BETWEEN B. F. DANBAUM, single man, of thp- County of Dade . tJIld State of Florida . party of th(' fir!!t part. and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA. a Municipal corporation. of the County of Dade, ond Stote of Florida ,part y of the 'fO('Ond part. WITNESSETH, That thp .aUl party of the first part, for tJIld in t'on.ideration of the ,um of Ten ($10.00) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -DolZors. in hAnd paid by thf! aaid put y of the .econd part, thf! receipt whfOreof ;" hereby acknowledged, ha s rfOmuM, r.leGlcd and quit.cZoimed, and by the.e pre.ents do e s rpmi.e" relea.e and quit.claim unto the aaid part y of the second part and its JAI!I.I!I.,}AtIlbw,ign. forever, all the right, title, intere,t, claim and demand which the part y of the first part hA s in and to ,h, following dp,t'ribed lot . piece , or parcel of land, situate. lying and being in the Co"n(y of Dad e . State of F lor i d a . to-wit: Lots 6. 8, and 10. in Block 1, of AMENDED MAP OF OCEAN FRONT PROPERTY OF MIAMI BEA CH IMPROVEMENT CO., ac cording to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 5, at Page 7 and 8, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. ~.~ Lu 1_. CJ =:: SlATE: OF FL on .~ [~c UM Ef\j}:~~:Yt ,,~~T ,\ Mh I VA ~ == NO'/15'62l0''ff:~~1/, .__._--~.:"-=.:::: ~~ t:;~~1'~~.i1!11.-- ~~: COr-;7TROLlEr<\ ~~~:j } ::: 0 2 O~ P R. : J '1 ~ ;' ~~'~ :::=",fC:J~}" -- , ~.. - "- - -- .,,~ ~1 o e"J ~(:: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same together with all and .ingulor thp appurh'nmu','s thereunto bf'lrmging or in anyu'i.e appertaining, and all the e.tate, right, title, interest and claim wlwllof'ver of th., /laid part y of thf' firat part eithpr in law or equity, to the only proper w('. benefit and b,'hoof of rhe lI4id party of the sN'ond part, its ~ GI.igru forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The lI4id part y of the first ptJTtlws h.erf"tnto lIer his ha~J and 1I('al th(' day and year first above wriuen. Silln'Yj /l('al.,d and df~li!,-,'.r..d in prf'Sf:ncf' of liS: l:. } IJJ. ~~~all B. F. Danbaum, a single man lSenl) 8taft of Jrlnrtba. aIoutttu of Dade. :Jr i',il: 3409 I)^GE 280 } 31 lllrrrby <!lrrttfy tlrat un this day personally app,.an.d hl'lon' 1m', an offin.r dilly ulltlrllrizpd 10 aeiminis"'r oaths and takl' acknoll'ledgm,.nts, B. F. DANBAUM~ a single man, bpforl' me that to rTW well known tn bl' thl' pprson dl'scribed in and who e:wcutpd the foregoing dpI.d, and acknou'll.dJ{NI he I'.XI'cutt'.d the samp fn".l~' and t'olllntarily for thl' pllrpo.~I' therein expressed ,~ulli 1I1J1urt4rr <!!rrttfll. Thai thl' said . known to nil! to be fh.,- wif(' of thl' said . on a separall'. and private I'.xam;nation taken and made by and before me, separately and apart from her said husband, did acknow- ledge that she made herself a party to said deed for the purpose uf renouncing, relinquishing and cunveying aUllI'r right, title and interest, whether dower, hO:lII'.stead or of separate pruperty, statutory ur equitable, in and to the land.~ described therein, and that she executed the said deed fre('ly and "oluntarily and u'ith. ollt any compulsion, constraint, apprl'hension or fear of or from her said husband. IlIitnrss my hand and official seal at County uf Dade, ..,.~.~ll~!1I1J/~1 ;U~ ..J......:l..,//' I,. ", ~ " ~;\..(.I~~'"[/;,.,'. l~ I,,, 'I, . .JI ......~ "-...'1 V .r,,~ ...... ~ "b 'fom m :sifiur. (!x pires: . " .'1 ~ .~' .. '. ....];,(wi"jv/!, i~II(' ;;,':. ': .' II' .. :\'1, ,"-1 t..., ~.....~I..f ": ~ ...,,~u'il.} '. .,i'l" "11 r ,i}.;{'.:" .~.. U 1\iV ('{lMt.~';>!(')'~' ~\:~~~)' ,~\,; 'J ;~k: .\ '" lJL It)': \'~,? " '" >-...,.. {'....<~.."~/ . 'il; ;~.,';~./ t<\ ...~ ~ . i . ~ := ~ ~ *' ~:"') ~ Q ....... a ~ s ~ a:'" .< r.n~ ;:- ~ Q..Q~ ...;:-;:s.". ~~Q.~ . ~ s' l e:5 l ~~ _ ...::t: ~ l~ a ... ttl s: ;:- 0 ~ : :"l i ~ .... ;:I..... - ~5..~r . ~' ... ~ e: tr ~ Ci~ ::: ;:: Iii l: l:... :::. ~. Q ~.i ~~.~ '..: c.~ ~ ;"4 .~:. r.:;.. ~ ~j- (> ' ~ f'. \ ~ \ '----. 1:;;1~ . 1:1 k'::a ? ;7'" h'\~ ~,., K:.,> :~'" ~,.. , t:l . -, -, ".J;~ :.,~ :0 . ';'0 !'t""l'1 ;....;)Q ~~ -. ~ . ;l l:;'. ;:I ~ I') t: . r~ ~~~~ ~ Q ~ '- ... ";:I _;;:lIC;:- =: " it ~ ;. g:Q~" ;:;.~ lS ~ ~ e e 2 g 5..~ e. "l ~ ~l t ! ~ ~ ~~ .a. S:~....~r ~b::I r~~ ! l ~ l .~ ~ ~ gQ" ... ('ll ~ ... 1J: ~ Sots. ':l'~ ::. :2.: o <:: )...I ':/1 8~ ~~ tj~e ~'O~ -'. '"tj ~ ff r;:j S ,..' ~- d 1""'". t=El s~s ~ > .. '-v- ~ \.I.l ~ ~ ::n 1i" Q, - Q /Of .. ~ 8 a. ""'\ ,_...J. <..0 en r\,.,' 0) r 3: and Staf(' 0 I ,A. D. 19 62. rl = ~ ~~ - c i pa -....- / / , ~ I( , ,his ~ "~~- ........., Notary Public, Statp. of Florida. r-~' ~ ~7 ;::> J " "I:l '=' i 6 = .... . ....... , a ...... = s. at ~ ~ t:Y ,.. 'J ':;) :ll :. i: n o iii '1\ o :a I: CD \ ~:.~- ~.', -- ! \' t- "" (.~ \~--. \" "---.. 1, "