Quit Claim Deed 541-350,351 ~,'" ., ~l4:1 'J~O PAPCO'S FORM B PAPCO PUBLISHING CORPORATION MIAMI 36. FLORIDA QUIT.CLAIM DEED (@uit - miuim mrt~ IDl1is 1Jn~tnturt. BETWEEN ISRAEL REIMAN and BLANCHE REIJ1AN, r-0 Made, this I <1 day of November . A. D. 1957 . , his wife of the County of Dade . and State of Florida , part ies of the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida municipal corporati.on of the County of Dade and State of Florida , part y of the second part. WITNESSETH, That the said partieS of the first part, for and in consideration of the ations sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerY8llars, in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, haVe remised, released and quit-claimed, and by these presents do remise, release and quit.claim unto the said part y of the second part and its successors ,heirs, and assigns forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the part ie s of the first part ha ve in and to the following described lot . piece , or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in thf~ County of Dade , State of Florida ., to.wit: The North twenty-six (26) feet of Lot Nine (9), all of Lots Ten (10) and Eleven (11), and Lot Twelve (12), less the North five (5) feet, of Block Two (2), FRIEDMAN & COPE SUBDIVISION OF EDMUND WILSON TRACT, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 4, page 83 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. l' ! '. TO HAVE AND 1'0 HOLD the same together with all and singuldr the' appurtenanCf's tlH'reunto bf'longing or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever of the .~aid part ie s of the first part either in law or equity, to the only proper use. benpfit and behoof of thf' said party of thp second part, i ts successo1t~nd assigns forever. , i I 'I II II II Ii il II I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Thp said parties of thp first part have here,mto set the ir hamS and sf>aL S the day and year first abotJP written. Siwwd. ,~f'aLNl and delin'TI'd in pres/'nef' of ll.~: ( ,(1 )\'J~~ lCv ~ll ('(/ ~ 1A.-1~ M..J-I~ --r . })'(, ~aI{ /,-~ ~ if ;/ 0/ j.:3LC/'j 1 (r).~ l /) ,h:/t /(, , rVi- (/ L "L ' _________i~eall /,1/, ' ~A~/!)..?M'1~- i ~.'al) \\\ rJ STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF f) /)t' 1;1' <, 5'A, 1 If il 3bl 11 )lrr.rby C!1rrttfy. That on this day personally app(~ared before me, an offker duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, ISRAEL' REIMAN AND BLANCHE REII1AN~ HIS WIFE, to me well known to be the person S ledged before me that The Y expressed. i\nb 11 1J1urtqrr C!1rrttfl1. That the said BLANCHE RErNAN ta be the wife of the said ISRAEL REIMAN , on a separate and private examination taken and made by and before me, separately and apart from her said husband, did acknow. ledge that she made herself a party to said deed for the purpose of renouncing, relinquishing and conveying all her right, title and interest, whether dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands descibed therein, and that she executed the said deed freely and voluntarily and with. out any compulsion, constraint, apprehension, or fear of or from her said husband. ~,"t~tn my hand and official seal at Miami Beach , County of Dade .;:an,a,,\.'Si~i~'of.l.lbrida, this /' { day of N~ger.~~" i A%' D., 1957 .' '., L....;..--" /V-1'~' ~, ,/ /,,1/ , (-, ..... ,~ ':' j' :/f"" .If./( ,1"f.-...J' ..' , '~"4..\"~,,.: /' .' .') v ~'~.. t ;. .7 I" Notary PUb'f/, State of Florida at Large -..; - ... ~ ~ .,.. ,/ ~" My commission expires , '" I.'.............."'" Notarv r"tf>, Stat!' of F'fodcfa atbr6e ~,(j If I L " ~" 1-/,'! U'n1"":'" '1 cp'r's Sep' 271960 6onJ;d ;;;Xi;~~riC~~ Surety .~o: ~f N. Y: II l> II C1 o II C Ql r 1/1 I Z " C1 o :u II o :u .. ... o z ..... ~ ;:s l:l ... ;3 ;:r-'O '0 0 "tI;:s i:: "tI g:l:l ~. 'll:l ~ I'.l ~ <'e ~ C ... ~ '" c ....... '" l:l ~~ ~t:1:l c 0 i:: c a ~ .;< :;:: .. :;:: ~:"") ~ o ....... e. ~ ;3 < ~c '~~ ~....... ;:r-.... l:l "" l:l "'"3 ~;-5.< . ~ s. ~ ffJ l:l ~ ffJ 5. ~~ 'C ~. g; : ;l..~ ~ "" ~ ~ ;:-0 <'e~ ~ ~.. g ;:l..... ;::I..... - ...!: ,,;::l'" '-;< s.: ~ ~ ~ ... ~ S' ;:r- -~;:r- c-o; ~~ -. ~.rb ~ ;:: E" ;: ;:- :::;.. :;. Q t, '" '" ." r o :u o .. ~ r> ~ - ~ "oj ....' ,10- ) ~ S'?-- S'"qt;:,O c i::. ;:s 1; ;3 ..... ... ~<'e\O::' ~;:s '" ~... ~g. ;:l '" ~ ;:s~... ;l..~ ~~ .......... ~ g ~ .~ '0 ... C. c ? ~ ~....... ....~~ ;:-~:r;- ;:l " ~ ;:l ,":l ;::I "'l ~ '0 . ('J Q" C ~ ... ~. ~;:s~ ~ 'll:l ~ ...~... ::.-_;:r- ~.~ <;io T ::f.! ~ ,d:t' 1:: -: . r :' -~.~ ,~ :i ~,;, 'f: ;\.1\ 3 ':/'" .-' , , I -1 .." ;...........,. :l,. :~ ~... ,'", '.'~ ~:: /~ ' ;:j '~i ~:~ ;..: r-, .~ :) :) ~ ~ "t,' ..... .... .... :.-: ;" c .-, ..... \.&) ~S ~:, ~ C'::' (/.1 .... , .. described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknow. executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein a~ c - ::: a. a .., IJ:: C C M\ M\~ - C +-e .... 0- ? aI ~ ..... ~ ~ c:s -..-- l C r'" " ~ ~~ ~ -c. ,,, - ~ ...,"": ~. ...., :::;. ,.... -::"" ;. ~ .~~ ,. 2 - >0 ... ., ., -- - ..:>.' - \~. ""-. -,.,.,. :0 ~ ,.'t ''',..,J ~ I- "" :/, ::-1 ~ ci. r. .... ~ .. , ~ :':l ::i '1 r. .-'-.--.- "';'" '....." ,.~~ ..11'1'.,- , known to me ~ ~ o '.... - ~ = ~. ....... I a ...... ~ ~. := 1J ~ 1J () o Ul '" o :xl :;: lD s ~ ~ ~ ~ , ' \ "'-.', .. ~ ~ . ......... '-, I' ..., ' '.J r-, .... i -... i) :l " " " ,.>