Dedication 1241-537,538 .. .(f). iJI. ~ () ~ / for street purposes, the above described land, reserving to ourselves, our successors, and assigns, the reversion or reversions thereof, or any part thereof, whenever discontinued by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said -- Owner____ and the said City have hereunto set their hands n IN THE PRESENCE OF: C-~ 1- ~' ~~~~~~~7P:~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~ eal) t ... .It -==-~=} SS: COUNTY OF______ _ I, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, do hereby certify that on this day personallyappe!U"Od before ma~~_ ~--t--~~------------------------------------------------------------------------------- to me ~ll known and known to me to oe the person__.5:____described in and who executed the foregoing in- strument, and L-he-.L;/--- acknowledged before me that -t.:-he--'(t-- executed the same freely and voluntarily for the uses and pur~oses therein expressed. '. . . And I further certify that the said_____________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ ___________~___________________________________________________________________________________known to me to be the wL________ of the said ,,.. . --------------------------~------------------------------------------------------------------.---------------------------------------------iA"-----------------------------------------, respectively, on an examination taken and made by me, separately and apart from ____he________ respective hus- band____, acknowledged that ____he____ executed said instrument freely and voluntarily and without compul. sion, restraint, apprehension or fear of or from ____he________ respective husband______. _ "of" WITNESS MY HAND AND NOTARIAL SEAL, thiL-L___day OL~~ ~~-; r State Of____~~-------------- My Commission Expires :-~-4'L~~ ~ mil " 1111111" ss: aOUlTY OF DADE ~ I, an officer duly authorized to administer oatheand take acknow- ledgment., do hereby certify that on this day personally appeared before me Garfield W. Danenhower, to me well known and known to me to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and he acknowledged before me that he executed the same freely and vOluntarily for ,the uses and purposes therein expressed. ;;tg.,;t>I'i'_ .~..... ~"".\~...::'......;" , '-., "",~r~N'ESS MY HAND AND NOTARIAL SEAL, this sixteenth day of July, A.. D., -!;.~ ~ ':.....-.... 4'~.- ~ '" .0 ,T il '. "",; , !~A~... ..ljJ~"\~ ~~ - -',f:: ",-,::'i~',.:-,..,~". ! c' :: .,.;-- "to; ..... . \ :: tn rei' .' ",' :, \?4~.t'::~/norlda. '~'~'<(F L () f\ \ v Ky"eommission expires Feb. 10, 1929. I } I ."...,. I ~ I I \ I I I I 'ZJ~ S' &t s ~ ~ ~.... C':l I:1l EO F '<l .... tl:,j Q.. ~ ~ 0 >-3. &.1 5'z g ~ ::nM Z >-3 I = too!": 0: ~ .... I Q.. ~ <l;::" ~ >-< L~" ~ i... ~ ::3 ~.... F .... f" ~ 0 ~.~~ ~I~; ~ I ~,~ 0 ; I ~1:1l ~ S!! C~ 0 I ~. I:1l = ,. i ""'> . I /D &t/D~ I t:l~ I t-<~i Q..~ /D :;l Q.. Q.. trj S .l.~':'l:.... &tl:I:l 'tl g EO ~ 1\;n. d/Dtz:.!d"'= '''''! &.g;~g:g:,p. :r ,. eo ~ n' .... 0' · , :'I", -0 "%j ~ ::r ~. k . ....~ /D /D = !;j, q C"t-..... g rn (JQ ~~ t.'df go g. ~ g. ~ II:!!' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .... ....di6;'i:I~ I ~ rl=al P.: EO = w P.:~aC':l~~ C':l ~ ~S" ~ ~[ l;" EO ~ ~ I ,oq ~ $' ~ ~ ':'l ~~ '" ~ F :Ii; ~ f1 "d.... t-' ti ~:; Po t:I' a g ~ l't l>> .f='t:S Po "dO ~.g CD CD till o 1-:1 c+ tt > Ul &3 - t-3 ~ o > t; 0 1:"4 t-3 o 0 c+ ~ t-' tj t%j rn o ~ ~ ~ ~ o Z ..( " ,. .j, .. ~mt:l' ,:",g.6 Po Q ..,. l't ~ ..... I\) m .. ..... ~I y~~ ~.', ry ublic. N.tuy p.~nc fer tile State of Floridl It Larp .., C..IIJa.,.. EX,1re1l Pell. 10, ltZ9 LesPd It:)- 1?'1J tj ll' <"l- t'D , , , , , !~ 1J:: I....... :'< i ,I\) 1-'0 ~ t\:l Ie>>. I ~,~ . o t-I t-3 ~ o ~ == t-I > ~ t-I C::l t:f.l > o ~= ~ ~ o == t-I t::' > .. ':..,. ~ o -"'. ---......-,_... - Mt:::J &10- ~.. >41>> ~ " fJ CDt:S .... ~ .. 0 i OCD 0 J::t:l CD c+tT ~ ~~ t 00 as:: ..,. . 00 · mCl) t:::J ti CD ~ ~ ... ::s ~ ~ I ~ , Qtj CD P'O ::s ~ey " .,1 ..,t:S t:J'''%j ~ ;:;.. HaP' O~ .... ~ .0 1-3;Q w roPo <Dr=:: ~.. ~ .., ~s: Po tj .. ~ ail~ ~ ~ 0 ~= . Cl) b' ~ 00 t:Jt:S ::s Sbb' 2: ~z DoO .. l-I CD~ . 2: =:SCD P'ti ~ 0... . <D ti fILI<:n..,," "u ;?/.'./c:JI!.$.A. T /a.;6'/O'CLOCKQt,M. ,A, I~, ~)!~PED 1:\ THS" BOOK NOTED Ai"OVE: E. 1~. 1.E.\,~.~:t::~.\~.\:\, CLERK C1RCUIT CUL;l\..&: VAlli:: COl'~n.''{, FLORiDA -. "'0 \l\\ .....,.. ~~" \ \ .J ", \'1 ',,1 ...' ;:>. l I.i "11.