Dedication 1272-241,242,243 j 2' ~:~) ')/~ ~ BOni< _" {t... Pt,SE ~:11- DE~n OF DEDICATION ~) i/lc..... THIS IHDEI'P.0JRE ma.de this J!i.::. (lay of .l.~ovember . A. D., . 19':J . between - ~..:.,..;,.~ ~i. " , ,~l ...... "r~-' Y''o.i ..u.va ' ,'" ..", : . '_, ,,-,, \J I...J . u \Ji.~:;of the Oounty lJade , in the StC'te of J?lorida lS part~ of the:) first pert ana. the OITY OF l:IAlJII B'1:ACH, a If\.lnioipe~ oorporation of the Oounty of Dade and Stnl;e of norlda., party of the second pm~t. YfIT1!ESSITH, That the said pa.rt~ of the first par~. for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00), and other good and valuable oon~JideratioiE to them in hand paid, receipt whereof being hereby acknowledged. have granted, barga..1ned and sold to the said p::"rty of the second part, and h9reby de~icate8 to the perpetual use of the public for sidewalk purpoAes, the following described lend, lying end being in the Oity of Mla.-nl Bc;~,ch, County of Dnde, a."'ld State of florida, to-wi t: .< The i70rth five feet of Lot 12, Block 3, of Friedman &: Gape fNbd1vl~1on, r18 pp.r Pl~tt reoorded in Plat 'Book ~jo. 4, Pal.e g3, of the Publio Records of Dade Oounty, Florid?. f:'H~ IJITY OF iCI~rI B'fI\!JH, in consideration of th1:e dedioation, hereby relieves the above dosoribed property from any as~ese- ment for Sidewalk which shall be canatruoted on the proparty herein ded.1oa.ted. a.t this time. The paI'ti~ of tb.e first pr:,rt her"oy reserve unto themselves. their suooessors and aS81gns the rev~rslon or reverslons thereof t or any pert thereof, whenwvsr dul:,rvacG.tad ",\110 a.bandoned. IN YJIT~mS~3 ':lIE:'l;~OIi', tha sald part~ of the first part ha.ve hel't;unto set their hands and seale the day .!Uld year first chO"!f~ 1-:':ri tten. Bigned, sealed and. d.elivered in the presence of us: q~/~~ ~J2 / t:>'Y-r<r ~7 f;z ~r (SEAL) ~ .1{~ (:::!~AL) -- 0011!i J 21'''';') ". .. 4).,1 ~ ) 11 tJr . e r'"" ,.; 'it ". :1..::" c C tnI'll OF Dade l ss: STATE OJ;' ll'lorida I Itz1~BY CE.RTIFY That on this day personally appeared before me, an offioer duly authorized to administer oeths e.nd teke tJ:~knowledgmentE, Harry 1:.... liaoe -, 8J.ld l!.'Va .Liaoe, his wife . , to me ~ell known to be the person~ desoribed in and who executed. the foregoing deed, and. aoknowledged before W(:l that they exeouted the Ge.rne freely ~nd. voluntarily' for the l:nlr- poses therein e~'reased. AND I ~TH711 r:~RTIFY, ThAt th~ s~ld ~~ ..u;va Jiaoe ......~- , known to me to be the wife of tbe said. .tw..rry ,J,'\,,, l'W.oe , on a sep~%~te eX8lll1nation taken a.."ld mnde by and before me, ~epe..rqtely and t.tpe.rt from her sald husband, did. aoknowledge that she w.!!.:de herself a party to Gaid deed for the pu.rpo::;e of renou..'loing,. relinquishing and conveying all hel' right, title end interest. whether dower, homestead or of separ2'te property, sta,tutory or equl table, in and to the lands desoribed therein, and that she executed ~~e seid de3d. freely and voluntarily e,nd wi th')ut 3,ny compulsion, oonstraint, apprehension or fear of or from her said husband. wrrmtSS my hand and offiolal ae8~ at .k.iWlli Jjeaoh , County of .l)a d. e , State of l'lovember l:!'lorida I this ..,..\"" i"o' O'(;,~ ~<.... t'\ . ..~"" 11... ...... /"> /'0 ....... '-.,:,..".. ~ \-\ ;'.... "-,, .~- .. <;j ]A "'. . .( ?'. (.I ::.. ~:..;.. ~,' . to... 2 .. f'),' 1,\ .';J ,:. = . : ~... ,:,;.- ' .. ,'it r: ~ = .' (;,~.l ',/"~ V" '- :.. tft~ Ph all \ : t:;:c: .; ..A. U '. ""' .... "'- ;; ? "". (It ~'... "-.t' \/'p..../. 2U l~/"''':- , . 17 '....~'" \. .'FLU\\\'Z;' '" " . 19th day of ,~ . A. D., 1928 . - /) -::t:.Q ~, " .' 1-.-c"Y' ~'_'c~ lroi;ary Pub! 0 " State of l!'lorida . My Oommission Expires: vet 20. 19;31 lO/lO/23-K , " BOOK127;~ OA "E 9-1 '1 IJoi.; ~:J.~J THIS DEDICA'1'IO~! ACOEPTED by tbe CITY COUNCIL O!t' TH~ CITY OF MIAMI BSACH, FLORIDA, thle ;2/J day of 57" ....h:-.4.:- : A. D., 19 ~. . 'ii"J ,5"': +~:1 ,~ "t.*.....~.,..., C-... ,./,. .",..t , .::,,,,......, . ;) . " ;~.....'t'4t lIt'" ~ ~ .... ';'_;# , . It-.,;_'.t '" ~~. I'~ .....fI". .' . ...~" F ,/ .... ( ,:,:. ~"'. '\".""" ~'," '....J"...'.-. '/ -:.. . -..-' .... . ~',{':'\,. {. fr.,'-; ',.. . ,'. : )~ '. z . ,Ai ~... ~". ,( .. ,.' . .. ,,1' I'" ...( .. Q\\'\ \ ~J:< ,: ~\~'\CO~y.\...,r\. 1t?.'..'i~r~ ~ ~. '- ' .. tt' " < .-- ~ 1; ~i -:.'/If""...,. "~i,'i'~' \,; , . y er ,<' I? C ;;"2 \. ~ ~ .. <,..-,. / . / ~ .,--<:::>~' (/ ~....' . /~8~ of ~('JitY oun~lr- ,.~ -..... APPR&ftDI ~/~ . ~ 9 . r. "/ ., I ' '\' Ll. '\ -...", r .,,'!' . ~i I \'1 ,,(II \ . .', t f .1;:1) ~.~<< (,i, ,-~ '..: \':::';\ .\I~(\Vi: ' ,\;:; :F" ." . L"'T ,.. . 'I""'" I' \ F I' ,i I.:', \ 1 I I.. \ J .I.,. I 41,t....: '.: ;~.... II .,1 '"' "1 ' ".~ ,,\. -. '\ ). 'IL' \..'.01 \TY 1,'L',Jl:1Di\. 1 i,,\. J .' J:.. ". ".' ~ _ ", t l0/10/2g...X