Dedication 1347-509,510
r;i)f<1347 fAGl509
THIS INDENTURE aade thil 3 /~day of ~ ,A. D., 19.3...r
betw.en THE J. C. DEVIII PROPERTIES, a oorporation under the
lawl of the State of ~- c;~ "'-........ ,parties of the firlt part and
THE CITY OF MIAMI BEAOH, a Munioipal corporation of the County of
Dade and State of Florida, party of the second part.
WITN&SSETH, That the sald partle. of the flrB~ par~, for and
in conlideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00), and other
good and valuable oonsideratione to them in hand paid, receipt
whereof being hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained end
sold to the said party of the seoond part, and hereby dedioate.
to the perpetual use of the public for street purposes, the
following desoribed land, lying and being in the City of Viaai
Bea.cb, Oounty of Dade, and State of Florida, to-wit:
Soutb five feet of Lot 11, Blook 3~ of Ooean Beaoh
Addition No.1, as per Plat reoorded in Plat Book 10. 3,
Page 11, of the Public Reoords of Dade County, Florida.
THE CITY or MIAMI BEACH, in consideration of this dedioation,
bereby relieves the above described property from any aBsessaent
for sidewalk which shall be conetructed on the property herein
dedicated at this time.
The parties of the first part ho,reby reserve unto themselves,
their BucceS80rs and assigns the reversion or reversions thereot,
or any part thereof, whenever duly vacated and abandoned.
IN WITNISS WHEREOr, the sald partles of the first part bave
hereunto set their hands and seals the daJ and year f1rst above
Signed, eealed and delivered in the
presence of uSI
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CtRTIFl, TEa' on this ~I'~ day ~
19~before _e personall, appeared
and rk ~~ 7 ~.Le....
r~epeotlvel, President and Seoretary, of The J. C. DEVINE
PROP~P!IE~, a corooration under the laws of the State of
, to me kno.n to be the perpone described 1n and
who executed th~ for~golng deed of dedic8tion to the CITY or
Y!i\!{.I Bli";~CH, :"LC?I1;A, nnd severally ricknowledged the 6xecution
thereof to be their free aot a.nd deed as such cfflcers, for
the uees md purposes therein mentioned; and that they affixed
thereto the officlal seAl of eaid corporation, Rnd the said
instrument i~ tb~ Bot ?nd deed of 8ald corporation.
~ITNESS my signature and offioial eeal at
~ A!__ e-c..... ,in the County of ~ ~~
and Sta te of ~ _' the day Hnd year
last aforesaid.
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ICy COllm1 s s 1 onl*1iftlW' expires Aug. 26, IG31
MIAMI B1:'P.CH, 1l"'LC1IT"A. TII;::'
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APPRO~~~/ Il]:or ~.~tU1.\ E B. LL':ATHLl?'l'\11. .r'''''~
~ !.:rk; c.!~~!,Court . "
By_... 4... '..:~__D.C.
11 J?-z J'~UI _
A. D.. 19~