Dedication 1272-460,461,462
Roo~1272 PAGE 460
THIS INDENTURE made this /7 -t"c12Y of A~ A. D. ,192f.i,
between HALLAl:DAL1:I; BEACH ni:PROVEMENT COMPANY, a corporation under
"che laws of the Sta.te of Florida., parties of the first pa.rt and
THE CITY' OF MIAMI B':ACH, a Municipal cor-ooretion of the Oounty of
Dade and State of Florida, party of the second part.
WITNESSETH, That the said pe.rties of the first part, for and
in consider8.tion of the sum of Ten Dollars (;';?lO.OO), and other
good and valuable co.nsiderations to them in hand paid, receipt
whereof bejnG hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained and
sold to the said party of the second part, and hereby dedicates
to the perpetual use of the .publ ic for street purposes, the
following described land; lying and being in the City of Miami
Beech, Oounty of Dade, and State of Florida, to-wit:
North five feet of Lot 1, Block 3, Friedman & Oope's Sub-
division, as per plat recorded in Plat Book No.4, Page S3,
of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida.
TH~ OITY OF MIAMI B rtOH, in consideration of this dedication,
hereby relieves the above described nroperty from any assessment
for sidewalk which sh2.1l be constructed on the propel~ty herein
dedicated at this time.
The p2~rties of the first pa.rt hereby reserve unto themselves,
their successors ane assicns the reversion or reversions thereof,
or any part thereof, whenever duly vD.cated Dno abandoned.
IN WITNESS ~H~~SOF, the said D2xties of the first purt have
Signed, sealed and delivered in the
p';$sJmce ~
;tW/ ~/L5_;_~?
p c (~ .. /J
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The names subsoribeQ below
witnesseth Gustaf ZetterlunQ t s
signa ~u..r.t: uu1'y.
hereunto set their hE'~nds and seals the day and year first aliove
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'\001<12'72 PAGE 4(il
S.,,:~'l1Z C1l-' ?LOfLI.:JA
I H"'-:-:.EBY C-~~.r;::r":;'Y, That on tllis
.q / Ht._
/"'\.. Co day of
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._ C,../vL'{' , A.D., 192_,
me)c):;:'solle,11y aDr)ePTea.
0l8.,f Z,:,tt 81'1 unO., Pres ident of the HAIILAlmALE Br.AC!H BJP?OVEM..J;NT
(~'C1s1:PAlTY, Pi cOI'Do:er'tion under the 18'\".'8 of the State of Florirk,
tOiLe known 'co be t11\~!)('rson dcscri'y;cl L f;nd who executed the
oforegoin. instl'ument to the CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, 8.nd
c~cl-:noY:18dC,pd the czecuuion '~h8Teof to -)e his f::.'28 Bct rm'3. deed
<,s such officer, fO:<.,~IH:. USC)F..: End rmrl)Otlt')8 "Chel~ein ;Llentioned;
mlC~ the..t he affixed 'chcI' to the 0:Cfici81 S 21 of [.2id cOI'por~.tion
2nd '~lv:; F,c'id instrument is the rot Bne:. d.ecd of ,:::;ricJ. co:c:r;or::tion.
'..'ITN;I;SS my :::;iGna'~rre 2.nd official ['8131 t't$~~fl';/fii,.Ae.~
in the CO'lmty of DF.C:e,] Stc.~c of F10rjJ'F', the ,.icy 2116 year
L: tC) t bf oresaid.
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lLIAlCI S~AOH ,'.~LO::U~;A, this
A f"'\ 1(')') ~
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S y of
<._:_~ /,/, c,~~~
- President of City Council
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QOOK 1272 PAGE 462
S:i;i~;'11}~ OF ILLIIJOIS
I H~P~BY aZ2~IFY, Th~t on
~~~ ' A. !;., 1928,
/7\~ day
before me ')cr'sonally
C'PI)c8Ted GusteJ Zetterlund, Secret2.ry of the HALLAITDALE B~~ACH
IMJ?ROVi1M:}~I;T'JO!.\l;l)AI:Y, a corpor'" tior'.. unc1er tD'3 laY:s of ";:;he State
of Floride, to me kno':m'uo ~)e the pe:L'son c'eecI'ibcr) in sncl. '.:~jO
c.xecutsd the forecoin~; im~trl...1.~d8nJ;; to the 0171 CF UIAIH B.:ACH,
2.nd a.cknowled.
.:::~ ;:;
the execution thereof
to be his
free act 8n'~; deed ~.f, i2,1:ci1 J1:':""'; cor, :COT tht:.; uses EmQ )urpos es
therein Lil'Jntioncd; end th,' t he
fixed ther'(~to 'the official
ECC-31 of f>i:1 cOl'})or'ction, 8nd the s~id inctru.y;r;,t i8 ".::l;.e ect
snd de8d of cornor tion.
,';rnmss '"y sic:neture and official S8al;:Y~"'7~
in the County of Cook, end StDte of Illinois, the day and yepr
lE;st 8.foreeaid.
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S'er' ce o:i\, ... ... . C$~.
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M1AIH c~ _'v:JH, FLO".UDA, tIlis
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Pl'("C iClent of City Council
.A '7:'.2' .3 11:
Oi ty Cl'~rk
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