Satisfaction of Mtg 820-478,479 8UOi{ SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGIE FORM R. E. 22~ PAPCO PUBLISHING CORPORATION MIAMI 3? FLORIDA ~ati.afartinu nf :!Inrtgage .----,_._'-~~--- . _..._,~~.......t._"'_"4____" J(110W All 18bn 1111 W4tllt 'rtlltl1tll: 'That. I, .-L.-.L..- WA'T'S()N J-..Trus:t.e.a.J----.--- the ho 1 dfl!:r -_._--------_._----"_.~-_.__......_._-_._._._._.._,---._.__.._._-~- of a certain m.ortgage given by. s. Ka!'lh-.S.trather~ S:r., and Laura...M......Btra.the.r.,...his_Jife.". to P. L. WATSON, Trustee__---__________________._________________.___..__.___. bearing date the 2'3rd day of October -A. D. 19~ recorded in Mortgage Book ?)89 page 498 in the oCCice 01 the Clerk. ()f the Circuit Court of Dade County, State of Florida; given to 8eCure the m.m. of F011:rtfl!fI!n Tholll'l.a.nd.-.-_ _Dollars., evidenced hy a certain note___ upon the following descrihed property, situate, lying and being in Dade ----_.. County, State of Florida, to-wit: Lot 20 of Block 4 of ORCHARD SUBDIVISION No.4, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 25, at page 30, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida have received full payment of aaid indebtednel1s, and do hereby acknowledge satisfaction of said mort- gage, and hereby direct the Clerk 01 the aaid Circuit Court to cancel the lame of record. WITNESS my A. D. 19 51 __.hand-.and leaLthU 21st day 01 March UL-4J;:4- Trustee '(SMll '( 5eeJ) -\ ">.'J I I~ k II B I i H [.1) ~~ J r^~ I,,-'.i. ' 1 I I ~ ~I m ~. ~ ::i{iOI. R?O CiAI":' 479 .~~~~<iB>~~~ STATE OF--FTORmA --~~._-_._--_._-~j:-~ _COUNTY,} I HEREBY CERTIFY that on thi. day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgment~ P. L. WATSON, Trustee , to me well known to he the pecsoIL-descrihed ill and who executed the foregoing satisfaction piece, au<L__~acknowledged before me tha1--1la..~_~__ executed the same for the purpose therein expressed. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, That the said.- known to me to be the wife of the sairl on a separate and private examination taken and made by and before me, separately and apart from her said husband, did acknowledge that she made herself a party to said satisfaction for mortgage for the purpose of renouncing, relinquishing and conveying all her right, title and interest, whether of dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that she executed the said instrument freely and voluntarily, and without any compulsion, constraint, appre- hension or fear of or from her said husband. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official sea] at Miami. Rp.a~h A. D. 19 51 2.3.I.rl._dayof M~t'('b ~7~ (SEAL) , said County and State, this -- My commission expires: Notary Public, State of Florida at 1 argf!! . 19_ !:Xl "Q ... ~ 0 f~~ '< III (ll .... III 8 - ~ (Jq (ll PO ~ (ll .., ~~ ~ f11 ~ it ~ (ll 0- 0 . ~ ~ .... ~ .., '. 1'7 -. . OJ Er ... ~ !: (ll ~ . 8 ../1 . *' en % r- III .. ~ i ... ~ .... Q ~ '" ..~u- .... 0 ~"-'" -. ... n III = t:) ~ ...... 0 (') 5 -I ... := ....! .... Go I: :r 0 ~ ;:u ~ 'l",~, = (ll ", 0 t:) !" t:l:l ," 0 I' ::u ~ 0 I ~ I\) .,. r<"1 0 I\) ~ ("") IJJ . :;::: lJ I: 0 N , i > ::::0 ~ \'" 2 CJ ~ I' = II <: ~ i :" G ~ rl -c ... ;::'~:-J ~ 6 -,'., ~ ~ ~ :II ~ ~ r --= ~ ~ rr~ <\ ~ ~;).. CJ ~ ." ~ * 0 =- - .... ~~-- - ,:^:) '. ~, .; .'1 ...- ; ~Y..;: .,.. -r: I ~ -.... c, -. . .;::~:: ~ ---- I"" '. (') . . r-~ '1 0 .......;... -.-", ...--. ~::-; (-.",) ,'q - "' '~ ' C', L..:;:.... '.'i~" -.:..: ~) . rn -,'. - ".~.... \0 '-~ r.~ c> .!',.JiIIo ::.::1 Ul 0 0 .~~~~~~~~~