Opinion of Abstract of Title OPINION UPON ABS 'J..'R.AG T OF T1Tm PRi;PA.Fum BY DADE ILjf:lTRAC T TI TLE Company dated J.Iarch 16, 1934, containinG entries 1 to 111 inclusive and continuation thereof by National T.i tIe Insurance Company dated January 18, 1944, containing entries 1 to 3 inclusive, and continuation thereof b~r ~he same company dated February 7, 1944, containing entries 1 to 3 inclusive, e~d continuation thereof by the same company dated September 28, 1945, containinc entries 1 to z inc lusi ve, and continuation thereof by the same company dated January 10, 1946, containing entries 1 to 4 inclusive, and continuation thereof by I.!iami Beach Abs trac t and T.i. tIe Compa.ny da. ted September 14, 1946, containing entries 1 to 2 inclusive, purporting to delineate the ti tIe to: Lots 21 and 22 in Block 4, of ORCHARD SUBDIVISION InJHBER 4, accordinG to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 25, at par-e 30 of the Public Hecords of ~ u Dade County, Florida. * * * * * * * * * * * * Examination of the Abstract of Title to the above described property discloses that the fee simple title to sronc is, as of the 14th day of September, 1946, at 8:00 A.M., in DR. EIlIL ALTER and LILI~IAN ALTER, husband and wife, subject to the fo110~dn0: FIRS T: A certain mortgage from DR. EJ'UL AL'IE~ and LILLIAN AL'IER, husband and 'wife, to SAJJUEL "WOLF and ES YrlE,RHOkH', husband and wife, dated January 8, 1946, in the amount of 05,000.00, filed for record under Clerk's File #V-2043 encumbering the above described property. SECOND: The abstract shOVJS a. judgment in the sum of f~3,300.00, and costs, aga.inst EHIL AL'IER and others. As the title allIJears to be held as an estate by the entireties, a purchaser, lacking notice to the contrary, vmuld be justified in assuming that such an ostate exists, in which evont the judement would create no lien on this property. Their deed was filed for record by the present owners on the day the above judgment vms recorded in the Circuit Court Foreign Judc;ment Book. nIL1D: Restrictions and conditions a.nd easement over rear rive feet a.s contained in deed from ~10 subdivider to lmrriet J. Tatman, sot forth in the abstract in extenso. FOURnI: T.axes for the year 1946, while not yet due ~~d paj~ble, constitute liens upon this property. FIFTH: J\!W ma.terialmen's or mechanics' liens which do not appear in the abstract, for labor or materials bcsto1l!ed upon or placed upon the !Jremises wi thin the last three months. -1- ,..." sncm: Rights of parties in possession and questions of survey, if any, and zoninG ordinances of the City of IJiami :3each, }<'lorida.. i> All of which is respectfully submitted this ' t:J day of September, 1946. ~"I r1 j' & ' ,!' , ' ,f ..,..\ " ;: i .' i' I ,c [/~V(j L1,?f3! ~ i ExamininG Counsel \