Agreement 3/22/51 THIS AGHE:~lIEnT, liade and entered into this 22nd day of MR.l'ch, A. D. 1951, by and beb.rel"m HOSA KAUFHAir/:, joined by her husband, JACOB KAUF~,IAN1, Parties of the First P,-:lrt, here- inafter referred to as the lISelJ_ers" and CITY OF HIlUn m~ACH, a municipal corporation of Florida, P,'3.rty of the Second Part, here- inafter referred to as the Ilpurchaser", JITllES;3ETII For and in consideration of the S1J.m of One (,~l.OO) Dollar heretofore paid to :~he Sellers by the Purchaser, recei Dt of 1:lhich is hereby acknovrledged, and in consideration of the covenants here- inafter set forth, the rarties herein agree as follows: 1. The Sellers will sell and convey and the Purchaser will purchase that certain parcel of land situate, lying and being in Hiami B h D ' C t ~J .~ eac ,. aoe oun....y, l' _orL,a, ,Jescribed as folloiilS, to-\vit: Lot Twenty-three (23) in Block Four (4) of ORCHllilD SUBDIVISION No.4, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Flat Book 25, at page 30, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, together with the buildings and appurtenances thereon; provided, however, that no furnishings or fixtures located therein shall be included in such sale. 2. The Sellers ivill convey t're said land to the Purchaser by good and sufficient >,varranty deed, free and clear of all encum- brances except restrictions and limitations of record common to the neighborhood; zoning ord inances of the City of r\Tiami Beach, Florida; pending City of' Niami Beach improvement liens; taxes for the year 1951 "rhich are to be pro-rated as of the date of closing the trans- action contcITIf'lateO by this agreement. 3. The purchaser agrees to pay to the Sellers as the full purchase price for said land the sum of Thirty-two Thousand and no/100 (332,000.00) Dollars cash at the time of closing the transaction con~ templated hereby. -1- OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA The right to Dossession and occunancy of said property shall remain in the Sellers 'IJithout charge until Thirty (30) days afte delivery by the Purchaser of written notice to the Sellers to deliver possession to the Purchaser: but in no event shall such notice be served prior to the 15th day of June, 1951, and prior to thE time "hen Purchaser notifies the Sellers that it is ready to proceed with the development of the property for automobile parldng lot Tmrposes. 5. This offer shall expire on the 31st day of March, 1951, provided that the offer shall be deemed to have been accepted by the City Council by t:i,e adoption of a Hesolution authorizing the execution of an:~greement to Purchase by the Droper officers of the City. 6. The Sellers vlill, 'Hithin Tvlenty (20) r;ays from the date }lereof, fUJ'nisll to~he Purchaser an abstract of title showing Sellers1 title to be good and marketable. 7. This a~ree~ent shall be binding UDon both parties, the Sellers and the Purchaser, their heirs, successors and assigns. IT'TITImj l'Trj'00,;'JIJT<'R ,:'01:;> .... ." .. ____.__J:J.___, .1.':; _L.J , the Sellers have hereunto set' their hands and seals, and the Purchaser ha s caused these; presents to be signed in its name by its duly authorized officers, its corporate seal to be affixed, attested by the City Clerk of ~iami Beach, Florida, as ...? Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: ,&3t-L~?)d,~ ,a~[/\ .I}~~ "f /111 oJ.. //A'~1. AA h~ ~~~..::-'-::.-_'::. . -~ C ' / Of the day and year first above wr~ ,~ (Seal) 'Iayor Attest: C24!\:~-~' City Clerk }IIAMI~ACll ( L~_ ______ -2- OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA S~rA'TE OF FLORIDA: (1 ("'I 0,:> COUI'T'fY OF DADE: I lIEBi~BY C!:i.:HTIFY that on this day nersonally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take aclmowledgmen ts, HOSA KAUFNA:N14, joined by her husband, JACO~ Kf\..UFHA.J\T}f, to me \'.[811 lmovn1 to be the 'Persons described in and vlho executed the foregoing agreement, and they acknow- ledged before me that they executed the same for the pur:poses therein expressed. INHTNESSJJHmWF, I have hereunto set my hand and offi- ci'11 seal at Miami Beach, Dacle COUl1ty, Florida, this ':;~~day of March, A. D. 1951. ~WJ~ otary Public, State of Florida at Large Ny commission expires: " t<,-,'~e l.i0:;dc C'l.' kl:~:':' M~, <'.\tn:n\'Si'ji "J..:p::' ::':'f"i1- 'j/ 1 ~~"l j Hc'ndcJ Ly A.~er:~:':(:.<'r'; S~..;rp.t; (",0 ~f r,(, ~ ,;". OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA