Opinion of Title
vi ,.,. ,'} Ii
Miami Beach, Florida
April 12, 1951
Opinion of Title of ':JAI..l'SR C. KOVILJH on
Abstract of Title prepared by Dade Abstract
Title Company, under Certificate No. 91,5191
containing 4$ entries and covering that per10d
of time from the beginning until October 19,
1934; and continuation thereof by Southern
Title Company, under Certificate No. 22,045l
containing 4 entries, and covering that per1od'
of time from October 19, 1934 to December 4,
1934; and continuation thereof by Southern
Title Company, under Certificate No. 24,085,
containing 5 entries, and covering trmt period
of time from Deceniller 4, 1934 to July 3, 1935;
and continuation thereof by Guaranty Title &
Abstract Corporation of Miami, under Certificate
No. 1$,712, containing 5 entries, and covering
that period of time from July 3, 1935 to July 12,
1935; and continuation thereof by Florida Title
Company, under Certificate No. 200,355, contain-
ing 5 entries, and covering that period of time
from July 12, 1935 to gay 5, 1938; and continu-
ation thereof by Florida Title Company, under
its Certificate No. 200,4.87, containing 1 entry,
and covering that period of time from nay 5,
193$ to May 20, 1938; and continuation thereof
by r~iami Beach Abstract & Title Company, under
Certificate No. 9,217, containing 8 entries, and
covering that period of time from I'Iay 20, 1938
to June 13, 1941; and continuation thereof by
National Title Insurance Company, under Certif-
icate No. 46,051, containing 10 entries, and
covering that period of time from June 13, 1941
to December 17, 1941; and continuat,ion thereof
by National Title Insurance Company, under Cer-
tificate No. 46,250, containing 4 entries, and
covering that period of time from December 17,
1941 to February 5, 1942; and continuation there-
of by National Title Insurance Company, under
Certificate No. 46,267, containing 3 entries,
and covering that period of time from February 5,
1942 to February 10, 1942; and continuation
thereof by National Title Insurance Company,
under Certificate No. 46,580, containing 3 entries,
and covering that period of time from February 10,
1942 to April 11, 1942; and continuation
thereof by National Title Insurance Company,
under Certificate No. 46,620, containing 3 entries,
and covering that period of time from April 11,
1942 to April 21, 1942; and continuation thereof
by National Title Insurance Comp~ny, under Cer-
tificate No. 53,354, containing 6 entries, and
covering that period of time from April 21, 1942
to June 14, 1944; and continuation thereof by
Niami Title &, Abstract Co., under Certificate
No. 57,339, containing 8 entries, and covering
that period of time from June 14, 1944 to Sept-
ember 8, 1944; and continuation thereof by
Miami Title & Abstract Co., under Certificate
No. 93,172, containing a entries, and covering
that period of time from September 8, 1944 to
August 17, 1949; and continuation thereof by
I<iami Beach Abstract and Title Company, under
Certificate No. 18,025, containing 5 entries, and
covering that period of time from August 17, 1949
to IIarch 28, 1951; covering the land being situ-
ate ~n the City o~ Miami Beach, County of Dade,
and ::; ta te of F' 10r1da, and knovm as be 1ng:
Lot Twenty-three (23) in !31ock Four
according to the Plat thereof, re-
corded in Plat Book 25, at Fage 30,
of the Public Records of Dade County,
City of Miami Beach
City Hall
Hiami Beach, Florida
I have examined the Abstract of 'fi tIe above
mentioned to the property described in the
caption thereof, and from my examination of
said Abstract, it is my opinion that on the
last day of the search, to wit: ~~rch 28, 1951,
at g o'clock A.M., a good and marketable title
to the above described property was vested in
subject, however, to the following exceptions,
liens and encwnbrances:
1. Entry No. 1 of the continuation prepared by
~Iiami Beach Title & Abstract Co., under its
Certificate No. 57,339 recites a warranty deed
from Hattie P. Collins, a wid 0"" , to Rosa Kaufmann.
This deed is dated June 26, 1944 and filed JunE': 27,
1944, recorded in Deed Book 239$, at page 335 of
the Public Records of Dade County. All subsequent
instruments regarding the grantee spell her name
with a single "n". A corrective instrument should
be obtained showing the proper spelling of the
titleholder'S name.
2. Entry No. 1 of the continuation prepared by
Southern Title Company, under its Certificate No.
22,045 recites a warranty deed from the Eiami
3each Improvement Company to'd.F. Snyder and K .H.
Dunning. Said deed is dated November 20, 1934,
and filed December 4, 1934, under Clerk's File
No. 25,187 of the Public Records of Dade County,
Florida. This deed contains conditions, restric-
tions and limitations affectin~ the use of the
subject property.
3. Entry No. 1 of the last continuation of Ab-
stract recites a release of covenant by the
Liami Beach Bay Shore Company and Liami Beach
Improvement Company concerning certain restric-
tions in the aforementioned instrument. Said
release of covenant is dated July 29, 1950, and
filed August 15). 1950, and recorded in Deed Book
3323 at page 16'1 of the Public Hecords of Dade
h. Entry No. 5 of the continuation prepared by
Mia~i Title & Abstract Co., under its Certificate
I~o. 93,172 recites a mortgage from n.osa Kaufman,
joined by her husband, Jacob Kaufman, to l.liami
leach Federal Savings and Loan Association. Said
mortgage is dated August 15, 1949, filed Au~ust 16,
1949, and recorded under Clerk's File No. Y07321,
of the Public i:~ecords of Dade County, 'ii'lorida.
Said mortgage is in the principal sum of ',29750.00
and is payable in monthly installments of .,p97. 50.
~his mortgage has not been satisfied of record.
5. Questions of survey and encroachments
of building on adjoining property, if any
there be.
6. ~oning ordinances, if any, of the City
of hia.mi Beach, ?lorida.
7. Taxes for the current year constitute a
lien upon the captioned property as of the
first day of January, but do not become due
and payable until the first day of November
in the current year and do not become delin-
quent until the first day of April in the
succeeding year.
8. Rights of the parties in possession,
if other than the above named owner.
9. If any building is situated upon the
premises, or any improvements have been made
thereon within the past ninety (90) days,
you should satisfy yourself that all bills
for labor and material used in such buildings
and improvements have been paid in full, since
if they are not so paid, the persons furnish-
ing labor and materials used in constructing
such buildin;:3 and improvements have a rii::;ht,
under the Florida Law, to file a lien aGainst
the property for the payment of such bills
for labor and material and sell the property
to satisfy such lien.
Respectfully submitted,
JJ~,e ~,.~
Examining Attorney