Request 602 - Human Resources RECORDS DISPOSITION DOCUMENT NO. ~CJ~ 1. AGENCY NAME and ADDRESS City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Miami Beach, FL 33139 PAGE I OF I PAGES 2. AGENCY CONTACT (Name and Telephone Number) Mayra D. Buttacavoli Director Human Resources and Risk Management (305) 673 - 7000 Ext. 6481 3. NOTICE OF INTENTION: The scheduled records listed in Item 5 are to be disposed of in the manner checked below (specify only one). 181 a. Destruction 0 b. Microfilming and Destruction 0 c. Other 4. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby certify that the records to be disposed of are correctly represented below, that any audit requirements for the records have been fully justified, and that further retention is not required for any litigation pending or imminent. a. b. Schedule Item No. No. c. Title d. Retention e. Inclusive Dates f. Volume In Cubic Feet g. Disposition Action and Date Completed After Authorization kd 2.4 GSI-L 102 r.; 8(\, ULty\ Revenue Processor Lifeguard II School Guard Data Entry Clerk School Guard Dispatcher Trainee Data Entry Clerk Dispatcher Trainee Code Compliance Officer I Communications Operator Complaint Operator Lifeguard II Public Safety Specialist Lifeguard Lieutenant Clerk Typist Concession Attendant Permit Clerk Enginerring Assistant I Account Clerk II Complaint Operator 12/6/02-2/5/03 5/01/84-5/19/99 4/10/03-4/23/03 12/2/02-2/6/03 12/12/02-1/1/03 6/2/03-6/23/03 - 12/12/02-1/ 1/03 2/24/00-3/28/01 12/15/02-1/15/03 1/30/03-2/26/03 10/31/02-12/5/02 6/24/02-7/31/02 8/29/02-12/15/02 6/24/02-7/31/02 4/1 0/03-4/21/03 4/1 0/03-4/21/03 4/17/03-5/15/03 4/3/03-4/28/03 2/24/03-3/14/03 3/13/03-4/14/03 6. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION: Disposal for the above listed ,.oorn, I, ""~on~ An12~~on?:;::::a~;r;d. /7)..#&, 6-ao~ Custodian/Records Management Liaison Officer Date 7. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE: The above listed records have been disposed of in the manner and on the date shown in column g. Signature Date Name and Title ~- tYJ fNL Witness A-r771C HE 6 t./7/0S- Page 1 of 1 Martinez, Lisa From: Sam, Yarily Sent: Tuesday, June 07,20059:13 AM To: Martinez, Lisa Subject: FW: Destruction of Documents 'Yanly Sam Human r.R!sources ana (j(isk...:Jvta1l4gement (Department 305 673-7000. ~. 6850 I t:P I-----Original Message----- From: Howard, William Sent: Tuesday, June 07,20058:35 AM To: Sam, Yarily Cc: Del Favero, Ed; Otero, Javier Subject: Destruction of Documents Yarily, The Fire Dept. burned all three boxes of documents yesterday afternoon. All files were destroyed, in the future you may want to look into having IDS, our long term storage contractor, destroy your files. They offer this service, and open burning is technically not allowed on the beach. Capt. W Howard City of Miami Beach FD 305-673-7140 06/07/2005