Satisfaction of Mtg. 878-47, 48 I I I SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGf:. "ORM R. E. 22Jo11 PAPCO PUBLISHING CORPORATION MIAMI 3". FLORIDA ~uti!ifuttinu nf !lnrtgugr I(nllUt ~11 fIIIlrn ill! W4ese 'resents: Th.~D',fAI{D A. ~);~L.\l~,{__________ the ownOr' an<.:t hol.dor ______.._________________________________________.__ of a certain mortJ!;a~e given by _.J:iQ.y...ll..L..f.1..im b a1l._.m::uL.J..J...L......u..i.mhall...-D.D.E,..J.1UL2.and.,. to ~; clvrard A. ;:) 0 i ell 0 l~._____._. _u _______.________________..___.__. .--- Book 26 3 r;pa~e 229 in the office of the <..:Jerk o( the Circuit Court o( Dade ..A. D. 19-5l-, recorded in Mortgage bearing date the 11 th day of__ SerJ~em.ber Connty. State of Florida; given to secure the lIum of r.P'I^wnty-f'i vo In..U1drcd f~ no /l@..oollars, certain note-----. upon the (ollowing described property. situate. lying evidpneed by one County, State of Florida, to-wit: and being in D[)dO Lot Tvrenty-fouI' (2)~), locle )~, OBC"AUD 31F VI on :'T(;. I!.., accoI'dinr~ to the 110. t the~eoof', rocoI'dod in Ilo.t "ook 25, par':e 30, of t)lO public records of Do.de County, Pl()j:,id8; together l'\Tith improvcne:lts t;.loroon, and)ei1lr" more pm"ticulprly described as Honse //L~11.6 ;!ost II.2nd 3treot, in tho City of -Uc:,-,li" ench, County of Dade and state of 1,11orido. gage, and hereby direct the Clerk o( the llaid Circuit Court to cancel the Bame o( record. have received (ull payment o( laid indebtedness, and do hereby acknowledge satisfaction of said mort- WITNESS ny A. D. 19_52- han<L-and eeaLthiI , ;. oS, day of f/ J (f",' Signed, Ilealed and delivered in the presence of: ~ : / L-i/i/Jl';Jv~;l c;iJ d:;~ t L (5_1 ) ~~~ f~. ~~l"hA) zr 1- .~ ,. i .JI!' . i..... /' I ,.,/ (Seal ) ...~- ~~~~~._~.~..-. )~'~ ' t.., ~.~. '.- ~.. ....~-~ ~ ." .~. "..-" ~. ~ - II' ~ ~ ~ I 1"$ ~ "~' \ijj) f~ <<~] ~ I ~ ~. r/n ~!I ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ .~ ,.~ ll~ ~.. @ ~ I K~! I b ~~ ~ ~. ~ ~~ I ~i ~ i~ QJ' ~l ..~~~~ STATE 01<' .ril1~C) 1ft J)}\ DAiJE COUNTY J I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personaHy appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments~c1HaI'U A. ,Seidlor __ to me well known to be the per sOD-described in and who executed the foregoing satisfaction piece, an" he executed the same for the purpose therein expressed. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, That the sai<L- acknowledged before me that he known to me to be the wife of the said on a separate and private examination taken and made by and before me, separately and apart from her said husband, did acknowledge that she made herself a party to said satisfaction for mortgage for the purpose of renouncing, relinquishing and conveyinl!: all her right, title and interest, whether of dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that she executed the said instrument freely and voluntarily, and without any compulsion, constraint, appre- hension or fear of or from her said husband. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at .,.. day of //..l,-i.". ~ ~ A. D. 19 ~~2 , said County and State, this " JI,.>> ~"'~, \. . I' My Notary Public, State of Florid',I3.'''' _r~ commission expires: Notary Public, State of Florida ot large My commiSSion expires May 7, 1954. Bonded by Mass. Bondino & Insurance~ 19_ C:l '<l 'i:l ~ aq CIl ~\ ....'\ " ~\ :.. \ K, ' .{ .., ~ 0 CIl .... ~ ~ - fti ~ 0 CIl .., c:l,.. .,--1 c:l,.. rr"i fa CIl 0- f-" P3 c:l,.. e.. ..... .., <.; .... . .... .., u t= =' CIl PJ !:7'~ ;t' ~ r.n 0 \-' ~ e.. I-' ~ e. '" \-',' ..... -- '" ,. S' ~- ..., 0 f-" 'II ~ =' 0 ~ ~-\-' ~ = :II ~ ~ ... ;. (0 ex' J: "4' : .... 0 f-j ~:l) ~ :- ~- =' CIl I--' Q = !" - t:d ~.~ ~) I--' ...... III t',:' 0 .-' I"" III I..~ 0 [I) t>'. ~ ;;F (;. () ...., fi'l p, b ! ~ I-l p.J Y ~ ~ .... ~ .... 0 fa c:l,.. \0 . ~ II) I '<l ~ ~ Q c:l,.. ..., ~ 'll n o 'll C 1D ,. ii x Z C\ n o ~ ~ .. o '!- I: ): ! II :-a "II S :II ii ~ ~ fI1 aJ I rrt )> J! J'T1 ::u ~ > Z C"'} ,,', ,,-'~ r",\ ~{" {::,~ ~ r'l ~;' .....,. . .~~ " ""'c.,. ~:~ 'l~ ..: ,'" ...,. ...,,,,,.- r ~.... f''': .... v\ -_..~~~~~A~~~~..;,~~~~~ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Z~~ 8 ~ !It\"