Satisfaction of Mtg. 878-49 Form 22J,i Florida SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGE. I,'or Photostat Hecordlng ,~ ~; {~~ i\...[\ L:' ~ \..) 1'""';1 '1'.r TUTBLANX REGISTEREO U.S PAT. OFFiCe: Tuttle Law Pnnt,Publl~"3hers,Rut/and. 0: wI:) -'i) llItnll1!thtgt~ . That GEr~TRU1)E LL\CHS, () single woman, the owner Dnc1 holder of a certain mort~a~e ~iven by M.lW N. KIMBALL, ,joj ned by her husband, J. C. KIMBALL, to GERTHUDE LACES, bearin(f/ date the 20th day of Dee ember , .11. D. 19 50 , recorded in .Mort~;'~e Book 211 21 pa~e ~92 in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Dade County, State of Florida; 1!iven to secure the sum of --- Nine Thous;:md Drv'] NO/l00 - - - - - - ($9,000.00) '- - - - Dollars, evidenced by one (1) certain note , upon the followin~ described property, situate, lyin~ and bein~ in Dade County, State of Florida, to wit: Lot Twenty-Four (24) in Block Four (4) of ORCHARD SUBDIVISION NO.4, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 25, at Page 30, of the Public Re- cords of Dade County, Florida. have received full payment of said indebtedness, and do hereby acknowled~e satis- faction of said mort~a~e, and hereby direct the Clerk of the said Circuit Court to cancel the same of record. Witness A. D. 1952. my hand and seal this 1st day of MclY, Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Presence of; l!::z:.r ~~ -~-_._~-----_._--- . ~- ~___ ~~/LL i II II II jl,1 I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this day personally appeared before me, an officer II duly authorized t~E~qdTr;:liJ~~t~J~~~~~s ~n~it~;~ :c:~~~~:d~ments, II to me well known to be !i the per.'wn described in and who executed the fore~oin~ satisfaction piece, and il she acknowled~ed before me that she executed the same for the III purposes therein expressed. I, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affi~d my official ~III.'I seal at t>1:i ami , said County and State, this 1- day"qf · ,1 D 19 .", I " f\''j,gy ,.J:l. '. ,52. ' ....' ',,";, ., ;, (' ...'.""'. II M:if Commis"ion EXPire~.J/J~SS No~-7!tie~:: #tate of florida, County ollla~e. 0 t T,,, rge , .' . .c. '.' ..... " ~his instrument was file:i tor record the___/~~~ ~952 atd~..atM. and duly recorded 10..___ ________________ ~L.%'...zL--on Page____~~-u File No. BB_~~P~ :i E. B. LEATHERMAN ! I Clerk Circuil Court JI By _~~~D.C Gertrude Lachs State of Florida, County of DADE } \ ,~ '\ ,,.A ..., ~ ..... ..,-- =1 ~/l ~ ~1 III!IIIIII /i .~ ~'.~.II ,''...It:I..:1 (~~ Jiooli"ll,ii 3 ~ ~.. I'll I,) ~.,~ ~ Jrii11 IIII1' .... ~ t~ . ~ ,11'1 ~. .~ ~'1J .~II ~ ~ s .:.t~) II ~ ~ II-~~ II"II[ ~ ,lS- 111,j ~"\") r-{", ...... ""~ . '" il,i :1111111.'1..1'1'[1 II, I11I I!.I!I'I!!!I II II, 11II II III!I I' 1111.1'1..: ".1 iilil; Iii 'Ii'~ [I I,ll ' lili'l ill! :111 1IIII11 I III, 11"0 III II ~ I; QI' ) '~ ~., \~ t~ ~ 1 ~ \ \ J ~ ~\ ~tfI~:.~ ~~ he ~ \~ ~~ .ita Ie ?T> . ' U ~ fl. ,(II - \ \ .~, ,""" '~ ~ ,\ ~ z ~ ~~ \ ; .~~ ~ \:.e ~ \ \l;~~~\. .~. 0 oft \"'"' ~ \ ~ ~ '\ " .... w ,oJ ... 1:;>,.J' o >' .~ ~ :a \ -d . ~ ~ .~.g.J 9, (:Q >- ~;J 'fl ~ ~~w CO t8 <d - ~--'- 3:: C> < Z oJ _ N ... 0 I- <( = - :l <( > lr lD 0 > 0 _ W oJ III a: lIldoo 1Il1ll<.J <( ~ ~ Il.. x: 0 <( . u 0 ~ C 0 Z .Jz<- O < d ~ It <( o::~o- <( Z J: ~ 0: 1Il 1: 0 0 ... <I ~ N Ii II I