Opinion of Abst. of Title OPINION on Abstract of' title prepared by IUarni Boach AiJstract and Title Company under Certificate No. 18242 containing entrios 1 to 29, inclusive, and coverine tIle pe riod of time ex- tendinG from April lS, 1930, at [3:00 A.~~., to June 6, 1951, at 8:00 A.II., and Abstract of title prepared ~)y the SaLTIe company under Certificate No. 19365 containing entries 1 to 3, inclusive, and cove1""ing the period of time extending from June 6, 1951, at 8:00 A.H., to April 10, 1952, at 8:00 A.II., purportinc; to delineate the title to the fOllo};ing descri;Jed land 31 tuate in 118],;1i Tkach, Dade County, J/loric1a, -co-I,rit: Lot 211., nlocle 4, of ORCHAED SUBDIVISIOYJ no. ~., accordinG to the pl at the reof, recorded in ?lat Dook 25, page 30, of the J:1.lblic HecoI'ds of Dade County, 1:"10 pi do. . F'I"om an exa:m,ination of the a':Jove-describecl A:lstI'acts and basinG my opinion solely upon the sar:l0, I arn of' the opinion that on April 10, 1952, at c,: 00 A.T1., the fee siYllple title in ana to the a'')ove-doscri:Jod land ",ras vested in HAY l~. KIT/[B AL L subject to: 1. Hoservation of an easement ovel"' a strip five feet wide off the rear of the lal1d for the use of wire lines, pipe lines, sewers and other ':lunicipal public utility facilities, such reser- vation appearing in a V1apranty Deed f1"'o2:1 the TTia."11i 3each Improveyaent Corrpany to ',J. p. Snyder and K. JT. Dunning, dated NOVeiTl.ber 20, 1931:., and recorded in ,)eed Book 1:~9l, pac;e 101, of the Public Hecords of Dade County, Plorida. TIllis same Harl' 8llty deed also contains 1"'es- tr1ctions, concU tions and limi tations affectinG the use of' the lands. 2. A mortgar;e f'rom Hay N. Eimball to Gertrude Lachs, dated December 20, 1950, f'iled December 20, 1950, and recorded in Hortrr,age Dook 2L~21, at par,;e 392, of tlle l'ublic Hecords of Dade County, :8'lorida. 3. A mortgage from I!lay lJ. Eimball and J. C. Kimball, he l' husband, to Edward A. Seidler, dated September 11, 1951, recorded in HOl...tgage Book 2635, at par;e 229, of t110 Public TIecords 01' Dade County, Florida. LI.. Questions of survey; rie;hts of parties in :<)ossess10n; zonine; ordinances of the City of IIi ami Be ach; ta..,"'{es for the year 1952 which, although not yet due or paya"ole, constitute a lien ar~ainst the property. 5. Possible mechanics I liens for labor perfoJ:'l:ned or nater1als furnished on or ahout the premises 'Iv1 thin the past ninety days. OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39. FLORIDA 6. A pendinc; rmmicipal improvement lien for whitc'tVay lighting dated September 5, 1951, in t he sum of .)11l2.50. / J.;zL f'/ J L/f' / ."-~ 0L~~ ExamininG Attorney: For: City of lIiami Beach l:ay 3th, 1952 OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39. FLORIDA ~)