Agreement 7/23/51 ~~ T,IU; i\,(}JC,;>;; ;~:nrr, Larle and ent.e:red into this ~~ (1:1,y of July,:\.. .0. 1951, by and behleen EDrCn , joined by her husband, JIIJLI 1m D~r~10S n~ ~'(lP ..L , .Jet l.l _.. ',.- _... ... t).. ...~ F'ir:::<,t Pnrt .. , herein- after referr(:lcl to rJ,S the "SelleJ'sl' ;:1,1'10. CrCY OIl' L1 11 13~';, 11, a . . 1 t. f' -"1 . OJ P' t .co ~h'" d P ... mUJ.'1.lClpa. corpors, lon 0: l' orlC a, 0.1' Y OJ, l.,e ,:)econ" 0.1'\" hereinafter referred to as ~-hp "1)1.1rC11c'se.rll ~) ~ 1._' . . .i.' _ .:t .' _ , ,~ ~r II : -"-"_."-~--" For in consideration of the SlIm of One (;1. ) Dollar heretofore T)col.id to tile C;elle~'s by the Purchaser, r"ceiTrt of l!hich is hereby acJ\'xIO\vledr:ecl, '1'1(1 in co',sideration of the coven:'\I;ts 11ere- in2ftnr spt .pnr~11 ~}le n~~tJ'ps ,I. ',.. t." "., 'H..., ..", herd.l1 a ee as t' ollovm: 1. The ~)eller8 1Jj,11 sell and CO'lV8'." and th8 'rc};aser \lil1 DurchF\se ti1"T; cert:15.n T'\8.rcel of lJ,nd s-LtllElte, lying and beinp; in 1 r i, ,~,r",,','_1 Bp.,-" ~', (>,h""" " T'\ "'c1 e ,n 0'1"14- 'T ','1 or 'i r'] "1 ('I P co (" r~ ") ee') "<' '1'-' 0 1 '1 0' rco 1___."..~ ... _ ,)->":"'1"..1 -' ".l__~.J:.'" ..I.. _.'_ _ _,_,-",~, _I....,I'U'_' _L\,_ ./.". 'AI,,) '.. J.___. ,',0, to-'I,'rt t: Lot Twenty-five (25) tn 310ck Four (4) of OHC1:L\I\D :;ITBDIVI ;IOH HO. 1.1-, ace ordinp; to the Plat therpof, recorded in Plat '.) 1_ ') -~ '1), ',,'1 ". 0 J f t- "I P '.'), 1 l' T,~ ," '(1 1.J~0~, (,: '" c I, ,:,', ,,) '. C?-- !_,.' 1 U )",lC 1.L',~COI "s Of D'~". e "OU'1.'tv "'} 0-"'1 ('" ,1- 0 (' e.l., 1.1(' I' 1T'1 'tl'l :. ",',' \.J Ji, ,L'" 1 "_')"', iJ ,oS ,_ lJJ ,;, ,'_ buLicHrws ,,:me1 imurovements tLereon. 2. The ;:~el1ers vlill convey the said land toths PU,l'chaser by good :md sufficient 1.la1'1':3,n t:'T deed, free mid cle:)r of all encnm- brances excent restrictions and Jimitations of record common to the neip;hborhood; zonin0' ordinances of the City of Liami ',ch, l"lorida; pendinr: Ci ty of 1113.1'1i JJeach improvemr-mt liens; taxes for the yeJ.r 1951 uhich are to l)e '(n'o-rated as of the date of closinp; the tr3n8- action contempl:'ltec by thls np;reement. 3. rrho Pl1rch88Ar R"'rens to 1)8.V to the :)01101'8 :-1,8 the fpl1 1)urC1,,"tS8 nrice for s...t:i.r1 land t'l,c; SUIn of T\renty-n:i.n,e Thousan(J rr,.'lO lIun- clrAr1 Fifty ,1nr" no/J.c)~ ( ?,), 8'-'-0. OC)) D0118r8 cnsh nt thA th::e of clos- inp the trRrs8ction contemn1ated herehy. ~'. 'The tr:J,ns1.ct:i.on contenmJ'~,i~e(: hernl)Y shall l)e closed vIi thin Forty-five (i~5) davs from the rl.) ,P. of this ,gO'reeri'ent. ...f~ ~ ~<;.:i,.o.t~ ...r~d ...().r:;..n...1 ;l,,:n..~"'\z:. ....['J"l...,.'),..l.,.,l- _TJ-H:.....'...i-n- -H... -i:;.h.A- ':~1-J.,.a..1;:..r'.... -l;,n.:t-,..,i-1- -J4H1,.6- -l.r;:"t{.., ~ -J.;1.Ckb-r -1- OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA 5. The (-')e11ers \'-Ji11, \'lithin t'.lenty (20) d;3.Ys from the oate hereof, furnish to:he Purchaser an Abstract of Title showing Sellers' title to he good and marketable. 6. This agreement shall he binding u~on both narties, the Sellers and the Purchaser, their heirs, successors and assigns. INIITIJE,'3;3 JlIEJLWF, the ,3eller3 have LereUJl.to set their hands and seals, an~ e Purchaser [l.'3.S caDse,] these presents to be signed in its name by its duly authorized officers, its corporate seal to be affixed, attested by the City Clerk of Miami Beach, Florida, as of the day and year first above \vri tten. Signed, sealed and delivered in the preL_\~ ____ ~ ~ (~3 e'll) (Seal) ~~~-- --~=_._-' 1~<Ir"'y" if)' (.~\ - -I "'I /"~(l ,n' /' v "~U Ii it illl ,/'5 ,!./Ji,..d i I' ': i I' By ~L' _0_.1"-.. ,,' t. ..:..-.~__.. ' l-layor ',-~- Attest: /} iJ:::::?, ,. ~ -.~., -6 Ci~y Clerk S'IATE OF FLORID,!'\.: SS com, TY OF DimE: I lIE FUmy C.8HTIFY that on this day i)ersonally appeared before me ,"',n officer c),uly authorized to administer oaths and ta.1ce acknow- 1 ..::J t ':"DI'n"i 'lO"":"PRT .. db' 11 b d ',III LI 1'/: ?"'H'1?"RT t eugmen s, J..:, 11' l.J':'J.t'~'.c.. , JOlne y ner ,..us an , , .J }'Ul,....J:'J..L'lc" , 0 me well lmOl'm to be the nersons described in and "rho executed the fore- going agreement, and they acknovJ'ledged before me that they executed the same for the purposes therein expressed. IN 'IITIJZSS ',JI'IEREOF, I have hereunt.o set my hand and official ti Ju\..i seal at Hiami Berl.ch, DrJ.de Count;T, Florid a, t11 is 'Jvq rl ay of .fo1er~h, " N C~fT ilhlLuea l:.l' ;,.__c. .. _ ..... ." __,c....~'" ~ A. D. 19 "il. -2- OFFiCe: OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA