Mortgage Deed 1625-498-500
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- I '. ,I . IT' torm'(j Fi .ds MORTGAGE DEED.
Tuttle Law Pnnr.Publlshers,Rurland,1.1:
;hi~lLrt!l. Dna.
Executed the
day of
A. D. 19 ,
hereinafter called the JlIort~a~or S , to
hereinafter called the Morf,~a~ees ,
Witnesseth., That for divers ~ood and valuable considerations, and also
in consideration of the aggregate sum named in the promissory note of even date
herewith, hereinafter described, the 'said Mortga!!or s, grant, bardain,
sell, alien, relnise, release, convey and confirm unto the said Mort!!agee s, their
heirs and assigns, in fee simple, all the certain tract of land, of
which the said .Mortgagor s , are now seized and possessed, and in actual
possession, situate in Dade County, State of Florida,
described as follows:
Lots 2G o.ntl 27 in block 4 of orcho.rd subd:i.vlslon :/14 according to
the pInt thereof, recorded in plat book 25 at; 30 of the pu[)lic
records of Dade County, Fla.
'l'his is a FU1'chase Money Mort(!,age.
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~:;t8.te Document;~u'? [;.tGt:Jpd have bucn ai'fi:wd to the originnl note
8l1d cancelled.
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To Have and to Hold the same, totether with the tenements, here-
ditaments and appurtenances, unto the said Mort.tatee S, and tJbe ir
heirs and assitns, in fee simple.
And said Morttator s, for themselves and their heirs, letal
represpntatives and assitns, covenant with said Morttatees ,
their heirs, letal representatives and assitns " that said M orttator s, indefeasibly seized of said land in fee simple; that the said Morttator s,
have full power and lawful ritht to convey said land in fee simple as aforesaid; t,hat
it shall be lawful for said ,A,forttatee 5, their heirs, letal representatwes
and assitns, at all tim,es pea~eably anfl qUi?tly to enter upon, hoJd, occupy and
enjoy said land; that smd land I,S free from all I,ncumbrances,' that smd Morttator 5,
their heirs and letal representatives, will make such further assurances
to perfect the fee simple title to said land in said Morttajee 5, tha.1r
heirs letal representatives and assitns, as may reasonably be required: and that
said Morttator s, do hereby fully warrant the title to said ~nd\,(J7"li'D.f!I.',
defend the same atainst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. . <- "
Provided Always, that if said .Mort~ator a, their heirs, letal
representatives or assilns shall pay If'nto the, said Morttatee s. ,their lepal
representatives or assitns, the certa~n promzssory note, ' of whwh the lollounnl
i-n 7l1nJ'rlfl n:nn. fidure.q iR A. true cop y , to unt:
- ',,.....
$10,000.00 Miami Beach, Florida, January 15, 1946
FOR VALOE RECEIVED, the underSigned promised to pay to the
order otAARON J. COHEN and SIDNEY BLIDAEN'rHAL , the prinoipal sum
ot($lO,OOO.OO) TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS together with interest thereon trom
date at ,the rate ot six (6%) percent per annum until maturity, said
interest being payable semi-annually on the 15th day ot July and January
of eaoh year, both principal and interest being payable in lawful money
ot the United States~ said principal sum to be payable on the dates and
in the amounts specified below, to-wit;
$1,000.00 on or before July 15, 1946, and an equal
amount on or before each six (6) months
thereafter until .tully paid.
Each ~aker and endorser severally ~aives demand, protest, and
notice of matur~ty, non-payment and protest, and all requirements neoessary
to hold each of them liable as mfikers and endorsers.
Each mak~p and endorser further agrees jointly and severally to
pay all costs of collection including reasonable attorney's fees in case
the prinCipal of this note or any payment on the principal or interest
thereon is not paid at the respective maturity thereof, or in case it
becomes necessary to protest the security hereof" whether suit be brought
or not.
and shall per/onn, comply with and abide by each and every the stipu?ations,
a~reements, conditions and covenants of said promissory note and 0/ tJ~t8 deed,
then this deed and the estate hereby created shall cease and be null and votd.
I And the said MortgatolS for themselves and their
i letal representatives and assitns, hereby covenant and agree :
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1. To pay all and singular the principal and intere.'lt and other SUlns of nwney
payable by tirtue of said promissory note and this deed, or either, promptl1j o~
the day.'] respectively the smne severally COlne due. .
2. To pay all and sz:ngular the taxes, assessm,ents, levies, liabilities, obligations
and encurnbrances of every nature on said de8cribed property each and every, and
if the san~e be Iwt TJ1"07nptly paid the said .Mortgagee s, theIr heir8,
legal representatives or assigns rnay at any time pay the sarne without waiving or
affecting the option to foreclose or any right hereunder, and every pay'nent so rnade
shall bear interest fron~ the date thereof at the rate of GIG per cent. per annUln.
3. To pal! all and singular the (JOS ts, charges and expen.'les, inclnding lawyer's
fee.'!, reasonably incurred or paid at any tirne by said Mort!!agee s, the ir
heir8, legal representatives or assigns, because of the failure on the part of the said
Mortgagor s , the ir heirs, legal representatives or aS8igns, to perform"
cornply with and abide by each and every the stipulation8, agreC1nents, conditions
and covenant8 of said pr01nissory note and this deed, or either, and every snch
payrnent shall bear interest from date at the rate of six per cent. per annUln.
4. To keep the bnilding now or hereafter on said land insured in a sun'b not
les8 tltani tn hiches t insurable valu.e~~ in a company or companie8 to
be approved by said Mortffa!fee ,and the policy or policies held by and payable
to said .JI;Iortgagee s, their heirs, legal representatives or assigns, and in
the event any Sltm of lnoney becomes payable under such policy or policies, the
Mortgagee s, the ir heir8, legal representatives or assigns, shall have the
option to receive and apply the sarne on account of the indebtednes.CJ hereby secured
or to pennit the .Mortgagor s to receive and use it, or any part thereof, for other
purposes, without thereby waiving or ilnpairing any equity lien or right under or
by virtue of this lnortga!!e, and may place and pay for such insurance or any
part thereof without l.oaiving or affecting the option to foreclose or any right here-
under, and each and every such paynLent shall bear interest from date at the rate
of six (G%) per cent. per annlun.
5. To permit, comlnit 01' suffer no waste, ilnpalrment or deterioration of said
property or any part thereof.
6. To perfonn, c01nply with and abide by each and every the stipnlations,
agreernents, conditions and covenants in said prolnissory note and in, this deed
set forth.
II Signed~Sealed and Delivered in Presence of;
II .
\ c/~~~---~~
7. If any of said surns of money herein referred to be not promptly and fully
paid within thirty (30) days ne.-ct after the same severally become due and pay-
able, or if each and every the stipulations, agreements, conditions and covenants of
said promissory note and this deed or either, are not duly performed, c01nplied
with and abided by, the said aggrefJate snln lnentioned in said promissory note
shall becom,e due and payable forthwit!t or thereafter at the option of the Mortga~ees,
the ir heirs, legal representatives or assitns, as fully and cOlnpletely
as if the said atl!regate sum of Ten thous r.nd (~pl0, 000.00) - - - - - - - -
dollars was originally stipulated to be paid on such day, anything in said promissory
note or herein to the contrary notwithstandint.
In Witness Whereof., the said Morttator s, have
the i1' hand s and seals the day and year first above written.
hereunto set
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